Dangers of Love

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   There was a place. It had transportation. Of course, other places had transportation. But that required cash, and a huge hold up that Nova didn't have time for. The only downside was the people at that place; anybody recognized her as the princess, and she was instantly dead.

  She figured once she got to the palace, whoever this guy was would have no right to be king, especially since they weren't married. Sure, there were a trillion risks. But at this point she didn't really have a choice.


  Nova could barely breath in this outfit. Her face was itchy, and she could barely see with the enormous hood over her head. She was feeling especially hot since she was wearing all black. Other then that, the outfit allowed her to move, and was designed so that she could have her (fully charged) laser gun in worst-case scenarios. 

   She expected this place to be dirty, smelly, and uncomfortable, especially since it was underground. Actually, it was quite interesting. Even thought it was extremely dark, she managed to see the dark figures in the corners and the traders in the middle, selling illegal weapons. She fumed at that but refused to make a scene. It wouldn't help the "incognito" theme she was going for.

   She waited in the corner for the train to pick her up, along with a few other shady characters. She kept feeling her side to make sure the gun was still there. The train appeared out of nowhere (or so it seemed) and Nova reluctantly got on after about ten other people. This train would probably take her right to the border on Moonlight District, her home district, and from there she would have to walk in this place. 

   Nova stood in the train and studied it. It was lacking of seats; only a couple were there. Otherwise, everyone was standing. Occasionally someone would give her a suspicious glance, and she would turn the opposite direction and lower her hood. 

   She started to dose off, standing in the corner of that train, when she felt a cold hand grab her shoulder, forcing her around. A large man glared back at her, making her shiver. She stood completely still. He studied her for a brief moment before someone cleared his throat behind them.

  The guy was approximately her age, with deep brown hair, much deeper than Ethan's. He gave the man a challenging look before the man grunted and went to the other side of the train. Nova exhaled a breath that she didn't even know she had been holding. She looked at the guy who had saved her, struggling because of the dark. He was pretty tall. His eyes were a deep brown, almost seeming pitch black. She continued to stare at him until he cleared his throat.

  "Oh! Right! Um, thanks," Nova mumbled.

  "No problem. I'm guessing you'll want this back," He said as he tossed her the laser gun.

She barely managed to catch it. 


   "Well, he stole it off of you when you weren't looking, so I stole it off of him when he wasn't looking," He explained.

   "The fact that you didn't notice that is worrying enough."

    "Very funny," Nova said to him as he smirked.

He stuck out his hand in front of her.


She hesitantly grabbed his hand. "Nov-"

She caught herself.

    "N-Navy," She said, using the first word that came to her mind.

He shook her hand, very firmly.

The train to a (dangerously fast) stop. Nova cleared her throat awkwardly. 

  "This is my stop," She told him.

   "Well, this is near the end of Moonlight District," He told her.

    "And I'm guessing you're heading towards the "I'm Rich" section. Which means it'll take you twice as much time as it would if you waited to get to the end of Celestial District, then walked from the end of there to the beginning of here," He explained.

   "But that's just me."

Nova tried to keep up with what he was saying.

Yep, that sounds about right.

   "Okay, this isn't my stop," She sighed.


    "What do you mean, 'I can't have it?'" Eris cried.

     "You don't have anything that proves you own this helicopter. Or a pilot's license, for that matter," the man told them as he sipped on his coffee.

    "It's my brother's," Eris said desperately.

    "Is he here?"


     "Then the helicopter stays."

Eris glared at the man as Sam guided her out.

     "Stupid identification," Eris mumbled.

They made their way back to the hotel. They sat in their room sulking, not having the best mood.

    "Girls," Amelia called in the doorway, without knocking.

     "Would you mind watching Liam for a while as I run some errands?"

Sam groaned. "Do we have to, mom?"

Amelia gave her a look that said You know damn well that you do.

And that's how Sam and Eris spent an entire afternoon trying to control the tornado known as Liam.


 Nova was enjoying talking with Chris. Other then the fact that he seemed to know this place much better than she did, he was a great conversationalist. He was funny, and a great listener. 

Suddenly, the train came to a halt again.

They both got down, still continuing to talk. 

"So," Chris said, his hands in his pockets.

"Why are you here, anyways?"

"Oh! I, um, had some errands to run for the, uh, king's dog groomer," Nova lied.


"That, and I'm looking for my..." Nova snapped her fingers, looking for the right word.


"Sure, let's go with that."

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