The Final Hours

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  Afterschool, Nova sat with Eris and Sam in the courtyard. She had been in a good mood all day. She was thinking-what if she didn't complete the mission? What is the worst thing that could possibly happen? Well, a lot of things could possibly happen, but they probably wouldn't. She was pretending to finish her homework with Eris and Sam when a crowd of girls approached their table.

   "We've come up with ship names for you and Elliot," One of the girls said.

Oh God, Nova thought.

   "Well, there's Elliova. Or Noviot, maybe Elova-"

    "Hold up," Sam interrupted.

    "Ship names?"

Another girl nodded.

    "Yeah. Since they are like, dating now..."

    "I'm sorry what?" Eris asked.

    "Don't worry, we'll think of more." the girl giggled as they all walked away.

Nova laughed nervously.

     "Nice day to go out, am I right girls?" She smiled fakely.

     "You guys are dating?" Eris and Sam asked in unison.

      "No, we're not. It's just a rumor," Nova told them.

      "I still ship," Sam said.

      "Definitely," Eris agreed.

      "What?" Nova asked in disbelief.

      "You guys totally like each other. It's a fact," Eris said.

      "No, we don't!" Nova blushed.

      "Sure," Sam told her.

      "Whatever you want to tell yourself." Eris smiled.

Nova sighed and went back to her "homework". She had bigger things to worry about, anyways. She was almost out of time to eliminate Robert Roberts. The fact was, the longer she stayed, the harder it would be to do. Even though she knew she had to do it, she still felt really bad. She didn't want to end up hurting Ethan, but what choice did she have? All of a sudden, her smartpad dinged.

~Unknown User~

Unknown: Are you Nova?

Nova: Yes...who are you?

Unknown: Elliot is hiding something from you.


Unknown: Just ask him about his girlfriend.

Nova: What?

Unknown: His girlfriend, Alex. The one he doesn't want you to know about. The one that always called him Ethan.

Nova: ...I don't believe you.

Unknown: Suit yourself. But if you ask him about Alex and he acts suspicious, don't say I didn't tell you.

  Nova didn't believe them. Not really, anyway. Still, she wanted to ask Ethan. Just to be sure. At the house, Nova smiled and came up to Ethan.

   "Hi, Ethan!" She said brightly.

   "Hey," Ethan said, not looking up.

   "Why don't you like it when I call you Ethan?" She asked randomly.

Ethan sighed.

    "Are we still doing this?"

     "Is it because of Alex?"

Ethan looked up, startled.

     "How do you know about Alex?"

      "Doesn't matter," Nova dismissed the subject.

      "Who's Alex?"

       "No one you need to know about," Ethan told her as he started walking away.

Nova followed him.

        "Why can't I know about Alex?" she asked.

         "Alex doesn't concern you, and I don't know how you found out about Alex."


           "Listen! Don't ask me about Alex, don't mention Alex, don't even talk about Alex, okay?" Ethan said bitterly as he walked away.

This time, Nova didn't follow him.

  So it was true. Whatever that person said, whoever that person was, is true. Nova wasn't really sad. No, that wasn't it. She was angry and hurt. That was it. She was done with this stupid mission. These are the final hours of her living here. Tonight, Robert Roberts will be eliminated.

  Nova figured she would use her laser gun on him, then call the Lunar Counsel to send someone to pick her up, and just leave, no question. A laser gun could be deadly without the right protection, and the right protection was very expensive. Nova decided to shoot him in the basement at night, then leave. The only thing she was thinking was, how would she get him inside the basement?

  "I'm going to clean the basement this evening," Robert called to Elliot.

   "Have fun," Elliot told him.

   "Are you going to help?"

    "Most definitely not. That place is the room of nightmares," Elliot shivered.

     "I could help," Nova volunteered.

      "Why not," Robert shrugged.

Well, that was easy.

Nova decided to pack her things transport her things beforehand, so they don't slow her down.

If only transportation devices could transport humans, Nova thought.

She knew they couldn't, though. If you try to transport a human being, they will definitely die. That's why it says on the transportation device: Keep transportation device away from children.

Soon, it was in the evening. She was finally going to get it over with. Still, she felt scared, guilty, and nauseous, all at the same time. She had her laser gun in her back pocket, hidden by her large jacket. She pretended to sort boxes when, really, she was thinking on when to strike. It was dark; the door was wide open, making it a little chilly. Nova figured she would use that as her escape. She had her back turned, facing an old fashioned shelf they had.

     "There's a lot of things that need cleaning down here," Robert chuckled.

     "Yeah, definitely," Nova said, without turning around.

      "Want to help me clean the spider webs?" Robert asked.

      "Over my cold, dead body," Nova replied.


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