New History

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         "Look what you've done, Roberts."

         "It's the only way to keep humanity safe."

         "Someone could simply unlock it..."

         "Not if they never find each other."

          "They are generations away. How could we possibly know if they would find each other?"

          "One on the moon. One on Earth. "

           "He will still find them. You have created something too powerful to handle."

           "And as long as he is alive, the world is in danger."

           "As long as they are both alive, the world is in danger."

           "Kill one, the other lives. Simple as that."


         "That's it," Mason said.

         "I have to tell them."

         "I thought we've settled this," Jade sighed.

         "We don't know for sure-"

         "Of course we know for sure!" Mason exploded.

         "There they are, the odds lined up, one by one."

        "It's not that easy," Jade explained.

        "How do we know how they'd handle it, or if they'd even believe us, for that matter."

        "It's better than doing nothing."

Jade had a feeling he was right. She got this feeling a lot. And she wanted to trust him. She wanted to trust him with all her heart and depend on him, but she couldn't. She couldn't be sure.

       "Look," Mason said, stepping closer.

       "It's life or death. If something happens, they could be totally helpless."

Jade sighed and looked into his eyes. A piercing and yet soft green.

       "Fine. Don't make me regret this," Jade said seriously.

       "Of course not darling," Mason said in a British accent and hugged her.

       "You are so strange," Jade laughed.

       "Thank you."


       "What are you doing?" Nova sighed.

Elliot was sitting on the couch with one arm resting on the couch head.

     "I'm watching Frenemies," He told her nonchalantly.

    "Seriously? Don't you think we should be doing more important things right now?" Nova shook her head in disapproval.

    "So you're not watching some?"

    "Of course I'm going to watch some," Nova told him as she sat next to him on the couch.

After three (or four...or six) hours of watching Frenemies on the couch, Elliot woke up on the couch. He was guessing he fell asleep. He immediately thought about Nova, wondering where she was. Nova was sound asleep on top of him under his arm.

Crap. I should probably wake her up.

Actually, it's kind of warm this way. Maybe later.

Or never...

    "Ethan..." Nova mumbled.

    "Can I ask you a question?"


    "Do you actually mind if I call you Ethan?" Nova asked him sincerely, looking up.

Ethan looked down at her, surprised at her question.

    "Of course not," Ethan smiled.

    "Only very special people can call me that. That's why you can."

Nova smiled and fell back asleep.

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