Nova and Ethan walked into the room Jade directed them to the room they've been given. The room resembled the room before them, with a blue and purple color palette and glowing items everywhere.

    "Here are your things," Jade said as she walked in, dumping them on the bed.

    "How did you get our stuff?"

   "That's for me to know." Jade winked.

   "That's not weird at all," Ethan mumbled.

    "Well, I got to go," Jade said, grabbing her things.

    "Where are you going?" Nova asked her.

    "Remember? Mabel? The counter girl?"

    "Oh. Right."

Jade left the room and a couple of minutes later she was back in her normal waitress outfit.

   "Bathrooms are over there," She gestured.

   "Oh and one more thing."

   "Don't. Touch. Anything." She instructed them.

She left the room, going upstairs back to the coffee shop.

   "Ugh. Now I want a milkshake," Nova whined, flopping on the bed.

   "At least you know it's milkshakes now," Ethan smiled.

Nova smiled. It reminded her of what happened at the playground, so she didn't say anything more, making it an awkward silence.

    "What are we going to do?" Ethan asked suddenly.

    "What else can we do? I have to unlock the Ultra Weapon."

     "You can't."

     "Well, I can't think of another way."

     "We'll think of another way," Ethan sighed.

Nova nodded, not believing a word that he said. Though she wanted to believe him, though she wanted to trust him, she couldn't. Suddenly, Nova remembered something and sat up.

      "Ethan, did we ever return Eris's helicopter?"

      "Technically it was her brother's..."

      "My God! We stole a helicopter and left it on the coast of California!"

Ethan shrugged.

      "We've got bigger problems than helicopter theft," Ethan considered.

Ethan sat on the couch and switched the HTV on.

     "Really, Ethan? You're going to watch HTV? Now?" Nova scolded him as she stood up.

     "What else are we supposed to do? We can't leave this place, and we can't do anything 'till Jade shows up."

Nova knew he had a point, but she refused to admit it. She was more stubborn than that.

     "Whatever," she said, leaving the room.

She explored the other room, door by door. Jade said not to touch anything, she didn't say anything about looking. At least, that's what Nova thought.

She looked from room to room, gadgets, and computers everywhere. Nova loved this was calming and nice. She leaned against a wall, taking a break, when the wall seemingly magically turned itself into a door, forcing Nova to tumble backward.

When she looked up, lights automatically turned on, displaying a spa-like room, with floral scents misting everywhere. In the middle was a hot tub, with little stairs surrounding in golden rails.

    "Damn," Nova mumbled.

She got up from the tiled floor to examine the room further. False candles lit up the room, with glowing lights in the backdrop. Shelves lined the walls, filled with wax candles and scented soaps.

Nova figured since Jade would be gone for a while, she could just try out the hot tub for a little while. Nova took off her shoes and dipped her feet in, testing the water. It was perfectly warm and comforting. She slowly closed the door and went back into the room.

    "You look happy," Ethan teased her.

    "I just came to grab something," she informed him, looking through her clothes.

She grabbed her swimsuit and a towel and went back into the room, which she had trouble finding.

Nova changed into her swimsuit and slowly dipped herself inside the hot tub. She sighed, satisfied by the warm water. She inhaled; it smelled of lavender. She closed her eyes, sitting on the underwater bench. She stayed like this for a while, not wanting to leave.

     "Nice water, isn't it?" She heard a voice.

Startled, she let out a scream, and sat up, making the water splash everywhere. She saw Ethan in front of her, smirking at her startled expression. She exhaled, calming down her heart.

     "God Ethan! You scared me!" Nova whisper shouted at him.

     "No kidding," Ethan chuckled.

She splashed water at him, making his hair wet.

     "Well, that wasn't very nice, princess," Ethan said jokingly.

Nova rolled her eyes at him.

     "I hate you, Ethan."

     "I know," Ethan smirked.

Nova sighed, leaning back again.

Ethan sighed awkwardly and came closer to Nova.

    "Do you still want to know about Alex?" Ethan asked hesitantly.

Nova sat up, surprised.

      "I mean, yeah, sure."

     "I didn't want to tell you this," Ethan exhaled.

     "But Alex is my brother who-"

     "What?" Nova sputtered.

     "Alex is your brother? I thought she, or he, was your girlfriend or something!"

Ethan stared at her quietly for a minute before he burst out with laughter.

    "What's so damn funny?" Nova demanded.

    "You mistook my brother for my girlfriend?" Ethan laughed, gasping for air.

Nova's cheeks turned red.

    "Nevermind that. What about your brother?"

   "Well, ever since the military has been admitting younger warriors, my brother, Alex, has been one of them," Ethan explained.

   "He was the only person that called me Ethan. Other than you now, of course."

   "And one day, we found out that he'd been killed and taken by the Lunar Army," Ethan informed her quietly.

   "And that...that was it."

For a moment everything was quiet, so quiet you could only hear the movement of the water. Eventually, Nova wrapped her arms around him.

    "I'm so-"

    "What are you doing here?"

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