Guess Who

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Nova was still thinking. One part of her knew that she should do everything in her power to help Alex see his mother again.

And on the other hand...

A whole world of doubt, fear, and the horrible sensation of not knowing what's going to happen next. She hadn't seen William all day, which was a good thing. She didn't know what would happen if she saw him one more time.

She was lost in thought, her arms resting on the head of the sofa. So when she felt warm hands approach her waist, she nearly had a heart attack.

   "Ethan!" She nearly yelled.

He just smiled, looking fairly amused.

   "You scared the crap out of me."

   "Mission accomplished, then," Ethan smirked as Nova gave him a look.

She didn't answer. She just continued looking at the wall as she was in her thoughts.

   "Are you still thinking about what he said?" Ethan asked after he noticed her expression.

   "Well, sort of," She told him.

He gave her a look, telling her to go on.

    "I guess I'm just...lost in thought. That's all."

     "I'm fine."

Ethan looked at her again, trying to figure out if she were hiding something or not. Nova reached on her tip toes and kissed him. He leaned in as his shoulders relaxed.

    "I'm. Fine." She said one last time.

     "Let's, um, let's watch a movie or something."

Actually, she was just looking for an excuse to talk about another subject. She wanted this day to go by as quickly as possible.

Nova literally dragged him to the couch. 

     "What do you want to watch?" Nova asked optimistically.

      "I don't really mind, as long as it's not anything romantic."

      "Oh come on," Nova pouted.

      "I bet you haven't watched anything remotely romantic. Let's watch Roses," Nova said as she sat on the couch.

      "I've already watched that."

Nova gave him a confused look.

    "What happened to 'not anything romantic' Ethan?"

    "My mom loves romance," He explained.

     "So guess who's stuck watching rom-coms with her every weekend?"

     "Okay, what about, Idiot, I Love You and You Know That?"

     "Watched. With an unrealistically long title, I might add."

      "You know what, you choose," Nova told him as she tossed him the remote and headed in the pantry.

She dumped a packet of chips into a bowl. She assumed Ethan would like them better then whatever the hell else they had.

She came back to where Ethan was sitting and set the bowl down on the coffee table. She saw that Ethan had chosen a movie and smiled.

    "What is this?" She asked as she sat close to him on the couch.

    "A murder-mystery I found," Ethan said as she nodded.

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