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         "Well, I just found this room...and...I," Nova stammered.

         "What did I tell you about not touching anything?" Jade scolded.

         "Well if you are going to "protect us" in this random place, shouldn't we be able to look around?" Elliot shouted.

        "Oh, I'm sorry if I don't want people looking through my stuff!" Jade yelled back.

        "We didn't ask to be here! And anyway, you're kind of suspicious," Elliot said matter-of-factly.

       "I'm trying to help you!" Jade said, exasperated.

 They burst into a series of incomprehensible arguments, which lasted for what felt like an hour.

      "That's enough!" Nova yelled at both of them.

      "You both need to stop arguing like toddlers and get yourselves together."

      "The only reason we are here is to stop the Lunar Army from destroying Earth? Remember?"

Jade and Elliot mumbled a response under their breath.

      "Good. Now let's get out," Nova instructed Elliot.


  Nova slept in the bed, as Elliot slept on the couch. Nova had somehow convinced him that he should sleep on the couch and that she should sleep on the bed. Nova laid still on the bed, unable to sleep. She didn't know how they were going to fix this, how they were going to save the world like it was easy.

     "Ethan," Nova whispered.

     "Ethan, you awake?" She asked as she crawled to the edge of the bed.

He groaned and sat up.


     "What are we going to do? About the Ultra Weapon?" Nova asked, making sure to keep quiet.

     "I don't know," Ethan told her, once again.

Nova crawled out of bed and sat on the arm of the couch, uninvited.

     "I'm scared," Nova admitted.

     "You're not ever going to let me sleep, are you?"

Nova glared at him.

     "No. I'm not."


Nova kicked him, which didn't seem to harm him at all, because he remained completely still.

    "Look, we'll figure it all out in the morning. For now, would you please go to sleep?" Ethan said sleepily.

    "I can't go to sleep," Nova pouted in a whiny voice.

    "Well, I guess that means I'm not sleeping," Ethan sighed.

    "I guess so," Nova smiled.

Ethan sighed and smiled and Nova, which sent a tingling sensation down her back.

   Nova had questions in the back of her mind...she knew she and Ethan weren't "just friends" because, well, they've kissed before. So what did that make them? Potentials?

     "What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked, snapping her back to reality.

     "Nothing. Nothing at all," Nova lied.

     "You know you can tell me, right?" Ethan asked, with a serious look on his face.

I really can't, Nova thought to herself.

     "I'm serious, I'm fine!" Nova assured him.

Nova blushed at the fact that Ethan cared to ask- or cared at all.

   "Are you sleepy yet?" Ethan asked impatiently.


   "Why do I feel like I'm babysitting you?"

   "Wonder why," Nova said.

Ethan smiled, trying not to laugh so he didn't make too much noise.

    "Well, let's go," Ethan said.

    "What do you mean? We obviously can't go anywhere."

    "What about that room you found?" Ethan asked.

    "Hell no. Jade will kick us out," Nova told him.

    "Suit yourself," Ethan said, getting up.

Nova sighed and followed him anyway.


    "If we get caught, I'm going to kill you," Nova informed Ethan.

Ethan splashed her with water.

   "I'm serious. If we get caught..."

   "It's fine. I closed the door this time, unlike some people." Ethan teased.

This time, Nova splashed him with water.

   "I think I could stay here forever," Ethan sighed.

   "Don't get too lazy," Nova joked.

   "No promises."

Nova sighed and didn't say anything. She gave up on trying to talk to Ethan. Instead, she just observed him. His brown hair was darkened by the water and the water reflected into his blue eyes.

Ethan came closer but didn't say anything. He looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't. Nova looked at him and smiled. Without thinking, she leaned in and kissed Ethan. Nova manifested the feeling of his lips against hers.

     "Are you guys done yet?" Jade smirked, standing in the doorway.

Nova and Ethan's face turned red.

     "What'd I say? Romance novel," Jade said.

     "Shut up Jade," Nova said, her face flushing even more red.

     "No promises. Anyway, out." Jade said, gesturing to the door.

     "I would be mad if you guys didn't prove me right," Jade smirked.

     "Haha, so funny." Ethan mumbled.

     "For your information, we have to save the world. Stop snogging on the job," Jade told them.

     "Oh, shut up," Nova snapped.


Jade and Nova sat in the main room, eating Chinese food. Jade showed Nova how to used chopsticks, and said she was a natrual.

     "So, are you and Elliot dating?" Jade asked, out of nowhere.

Nova choked on a dumpling.

     "What? No! I mean- not really..." Nova stammered.

     "But you like him, right?" Jade asked before slurping a noodle.

     "Sure...but we're not dating. We'll stay friends," Nova told her.

     "But friends don't kiss in hot tubs," Jade smirked.

     "What the hell, Jade?"

      "Sorry, I had to say it!"

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