Written in the Stars

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  Nova was in the gym that Jade showed her earlier. Apparently, this place was the size of a normal apartment. Gym, and everything. She had forgotten how much fun it was training. Or, how satisfying it was to kick and punch a punching bag until you think you can hear it crying.

        "What did that punching bag ever do to you?" She heard a voice behind her.

She assumed it was Ethan, so she didn't turn around. Her heart was pounding, but she kept going anyway. Because she loved it. After three or five minutes and she didn't hear a single word from Ethan, she started to get a little irritated and turned around.

It wasn't Ethan. It was Mason, leaning on the side of the door watching her.

      "Do you need something?" She asked.

      "Nah. Just came to check on you." He said nonchalantly.

      "You know you're not my older brother," Nova told him as she smacked the bag.

      "How old are you exactly anyways?" Mason asked.

       "Nineteen. Pisces," She informed him as she stopped the bag to take a breath.

       "Twenty-one," He smirked, crossing his arms.


You don't act twenty-one, Nova thought to herself.

      "You must be so proud."

      "Little bit," He said.

All of a sudden, Ethan poked his head through the doorway. Mason nodded at him as a greeting as Nova smiled.

     "What's up?"

     "Murdering punching bags. Birthdays. That sort of thing," Nova told him nonchalantly.

     "Mind if I join you?" Ethan asked.

    "You can't spend five minutes away from her, can you?" Mason smirked.

Ethan just glared as Nova blushed and started punching the bag again.

    "How old are you anyway, Elliot?" Mason asked.

    "Nineteen," Ethan and Nova both said in unison.

     "Scorpio," Nova added.

Mason studied Nova and Ethan for a minute and chuckled.

   "Scorpio is a water element, like Pisces," Nova explained as she stopped the bag.

    "Very mysterious. Can also be pretty sensitive."

    "You know, Scorpio is also very compatible with Pisces," Mason grinned.

     "This bi-" Ethan started to mumble.

Nova glared at him.

      "Bush. This bush," Ethan smiled as Mason laughed.

      "By the way," Nova started.

      "Have you seen Jade anywhere?"

Nova was kind of worried. Mainly because by now Jade would have walked in and made a sarcastic remark. She hadn't seen Jade all day.

       "Nope. I don't think I've seen her all day," Ethan said.

       "I saw her this morning. She wasn't acting herself, though," Mason sighed.

Mason knocked on Jade's door. She answered right away and let him in. Strange. She was standing in the middle of the room, seeming like she wasn't doing anything.

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