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  "Again! Do it again!" Liam giggled.

Liam insisted on going to the park after they had ice cream. And since it was technically active and Nova had nothing else in mind, she agreed.

It took forever to find a park, one that actually had nature in it. But after a while of walking, they were finally getting close.

While they were walking, Liam wanted to stand in the middle of both Ethan and Nova and hold their hands while jumping, like he saw on HTV.

  "Liam, my arm is getting tired," Nova told him.

He was about to protest, but he got distracted by the entrance of the park. He leaped in excitement.

Much to Nova's surprise, the park seemed generally busy, with some kids playing in the grass, moms chasing toddlers, teenagers sitting on the benches on their phones.

  "What are we going to do?" Nova asked.

But she was mainly talking to Ethan because, he's the one who encouraged all this in the first place.

It was like he didn't even see her. She turned her head to see what he was staring at. His gaze landed on a guy, sitting on the bench. She suddenly understood why Ethan was staring at the guy. Mainly because, it was kind of hard not to notice.

The guy was strumming on a guitar. His face wasn't visible because his head was down. Ethan looked interested and, generally impressed. Liam looked a little bored, which was never a good sign.

Ethan walked up to the guy, with Liam holding unto his pinkie behind him. Nova decided to follow.

The guy looked up at them and smiled. His dark hair contrasted with his light blue eyes. They started to have a conversation. Before she could really hear anything, Nova got pulled away.

Nova spun behind her to see who had the audacity to interrupt her while she was eavesdropping on her boyfriend.

 "Hi!" The girl said brightly.

Like she wasn't a complete stranger.

Still, she seemed kind of familiar to Nova. She shook it off.

 "May I help you?" Nova asked impatiently.

The girl nodded, still smiling.

 "I just wanted to say... I love your makeup.

Nova gave her a confused look.

 "I'm not wearing any makeup,"  Nova informed her.

The girl scrunched up her nose.

 "You really should."

She caught herself.

 "To highlight your already amazing features," She smiled with a fake voice.

Nova couldn't help but roll her eyes.

 "So...." The girl bit her lip.

 She gestured towards Ethan, who was currently having a conversation with the three guitar guy, with her eyes.

They seemed to be laughing and having a good time. So basically, she was missing all the good stuff.

  "So...?" Nova asked impatiently.

 "So can I have his number?"

Nova stared at her in disbelief. 

Then suddenly she saw it. She was one of the girls from the library they went to.

 "He's my boyfriend," Nova said in a slightly disgusted tone.


Nova scoffed.

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