Chapter 43 (edited)

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Right after Dekus and Bakugos fight against All Might, the only missing battle was Uraraka, Aoyama and Jeff vs Thirteen.

Basically everyone forgotten about that happening, even Jeff (not that surprising to be honest)

Right when Thirteens hero costume was checked for any other disfunctions and proven alright, they were all called to the same battleground.

This time, it was the member of the Creepypastas who took all the spotlight.

As soon as the siren sounded through the arena, Jeff was gone from the two, ready to defeat the waiting hero.




Thirteen was waiting at the Exit Gate patiently. Not expecting a raging student shoot out of nowhere with a flaming punch.

''THERE YOU ARE, MICHELIN!'' He grinned, punching the ground where Thirteen previously stood.

''For someone in a space suit, you're quicker than I thought. Let's see IF YOU CAN DODGE THIS!'' The student yelled, creating two fire whips and sending them straight towards the hero.

''Not so fast, Wildfire'' They said, one of the lids from their gloves opening, activating their quirk.

It sucked the fire in and immediately closed.

''Not bad....'' Jeff chuckled, excited. Without much thought, he ran in with his fists ablaze, about to punch the shit out of them.

''...but I imagine that quirk of yours isn't the best option when fighting someone you don't wanna seriously hurt, is it?'' He mocked, punching the hero a few times.

They weren't able to dodge, so they were helplessly pushed back with the attacks. With one more powerful hit, he sent them sliding a few feet away. Jeff stood in his place, watching as Thirteen stood back up, slightly panting.

''Oh, don't tell me you're already tired. You're supposed to be a professional in this, not someone who gets easily beaten by a mere student, or am I wrong?'' He laughed, crossing his arms over his chest.

It made the pro slightly ticked off.

''You don't have to worry, Wildfire. I'm completely fine'' Thirteen responded, waiting for the teens next move.

''We'll see after I'm done with you, Astronaut!'' He chuckled, creating those fire whips again and running straight at them. 

''Using this again? You know it won't work on me'' Thirteen raised their arm, ready to use their quirk.

However, his flames didn't go for them. No, they hit the ground on either side of them. It raised dust and small rocks everywhere. Thirteen was looking around, trying to see the student, but he completely disappeared in the smoke veil.


And before they turned around, another burning whip slammed into their side, making the hero slide away, holding the scorched part of their costume. Afterwards, a powerful punch connected with their side, making Thirteen fly into a nearby wall of the battle ground.

The smoke slowly cleared, showing Jeff making his way towards the hero, who layed on the ground, grunting in pain.

'',And here I hoped you'd put up more of a fight after you got back into shape. Oh well...'' He smirked, punching his fists together, small flames coming from them with the impact.

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