Chapter 45

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"Doctor were losing him!..... Doctor can you hear me?..... Doctor!" My attending snaps me out of my concentration.

"Just give me a second, I just need a few more stitches!"

" Get ready to shock!"

" I said give me a second I've almost got it!"

"Pressure dropping! He's bradychardic hand me the paddles!"

" I can see the arrhythmias on the monitor just wait..... Last one..... Done! Just give it a moment before you damage the heart I just fixed." I say looking up at my very angry attending.

We wait and wait and wait until...

"We have normal rhythm back Doctors!" The anesthesiologists announces

"Lets get ready to close." I say with a sigh of relief knowing I'm going to be in big trouble after this

All I have to do is get done with today and I'll be off for a three day weekend. My Chief has been so understanding with everything that's happened to me minus the breakup I left that part out of course, he insisted I take the extra days off. I hate it but I can't do anything about it so I'm just rolling with the punches. We close up and send him off to recovery as we scrub out to fill out the post-op chart.

" What the hell was that newbie? Are you trying to lose your license? He could have died because of your little cowboy stunt!" I get yelled at

"Of course not I was paying close attention to the monitor and the damage wasn't as extensive as we thought. I was in control of the situation, I memorized the chart before hand and I looked at the labs. I did my job in there and he is alive because of it, that is what matters most with all due respect." I defend myself

"We'll see what the Chief has to say about this!If you're lucky you'll get to keep your job!" he raises his voice and walks away

Rushing to the restroom after getting yelled at, I hear 2 people walk in as I'm about to use the restroom.

"I hear she yelled at an attending and went rogue! It's all over the surgical floor she's getting fired."

"Poor girl she seemed so nice."

"Yeah, a little too nice if you know what I mean everyone says its an act to get into surgery. Word is she's flirting with all the male attendings and offering sexual favors to get surgical preference. You didn't hear it from me though."

I peak through the restroom door opening and see it's 2 nurses  I've worked with before.Are they talking about me? They can't be? I have worked my ass of to be where I am for some dumb gossip to mess with my career I need to find out who is spreading these rumors. I want to break down and cry but I cant, I cant give them the satisfaction of seeing me like that. I take a deep breathe and open the stall quickly seeing them tense up as they get a look at me realizing they weren't alone this whole time. They look at each other dumbfounded as I offer them the fakest smile I can give, washing my hands as slowly as I can trying to make them feel uncomfortable I then leave waving goodbye to them. Running into an on call room and letting out the breathe I didn't realize I was holding, I try to cry out but my body is all dried up and instead I just sit with my hands to my face.

"Cassie are you alright?" A voice lightly speaks from outside the room

I walk to open the door and see Reid standing there." Yeah it was a tough surgery is all."

"I herd its the talk of the town. Some rogue resident yelled at an attending during surgery and since you're the only one crazy enough to do that I came to find you and see if you were okay."

"I'm fine I knew what I was doing the attendings don't like me so they never give me a chance to prove I know what I'm doing. How do they expect us to learn if they keep babying us?"

"It wont always be that way one day we'll be in charge and they wont be able to stop us from helping people." he offers me a squeeze on the arm

"I hope you're right in the meantime I have to get back to work thank you Reid you always know what to say." I offer him a soft smile as I go check on my patients

3 Hours Later

"Lily I'm home!" I yell at the empty living room

"Already? I'm up here! I have a surprise for you!" she yells

I head upstairs to her room but find it empty, so I walk to mine and find her zipping up my suitcase in a hurry. "What do you think you're doing?" I scare her playfully

"WE... are leaving for the next 3 days and there is no fighting it or I WILL... have to bring out to the big guns and you know what that means." she tries to seem threatening by squinting her eyes at me

"Not the roommate pact! I knew that was going to come back and bit me in the ass!" I sigh in frustration

"Well hopefully that's not the only thing biting you in the ass this weekend" she winks and I try to swat her but she moves away from my reach

"The car will be here soon so get in the shower while I bring everything down stairs and before you ask no you cant see what I packed for you. Tick Tock!" she rushes out the door with my suitcase in hand

As promised I only get enough time to shower and pack my purse before the car arrives and she's rushing me out the door. I try and try to find out what craziness she has planned for us before getting to the airport but she doesn't budge.

"Vegas? Am I reading this boarding pass correctly Lily? Vegas? What are we college kids again? You can't be serious right now!" I follow Lily angrily across the airport without a peep from her

"Seriously, you must be joking if you think I'm going to Sin City! Lily! Lily!" I stop walking as she ignores me and keeps walking further away from me

"Wait for me geez!" I run after her catching a glance of her laughing at me

I keep complaining the whole time without a word from Lily in return she's really taking this silent treatment seriously.How is she doing it? I have never herd her be this quiet since we met.

"Shut up already!" she finally yells at me just as they are closing the airplane doors

"Ladies and Gentlemen she speaks!" I make fun of her

"You have no idea how hard that was but there is no going back now so HA!" she punches my arm

"OUCH! Someone is excited!" I exaggerate massaging my arm

"Oh shut up! That did not hurt you. Get ready for the best weekend of your life!" she says excitedly

I know what she's doing but I don't think one drunken weekend will help me forget Cole. I owe her that much though she has been my rock throughout all this and if one weekend makes her happy then I'll give it to her. I have 4 and a half hours to come to terms with this before we land.

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