Chapter 4

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           We arrive in downtown Vancouver where my building is located. I am CEO of Davis Enterprises the biggest building there is in the heart of the city. It was designed that way on purpose so everyone knows not to mess with the Davis family. This business has been passed down from generation to generation always going to the oldest, I am the boss the capo dei capo. (Boss of all bosses)

This life is all I know, it's all I've been taught since I can remember. I was groomed to be the one to make all decision, the one who everyone came to and feared. In all honestly I loved that shit.

"Remember son it's them or you, you hesitate you die" my father always said.

I don't feel pain, or fear I feel nothing. You show any emotion and people will use it against you. As I step out of the car my father is waiting for me at the door along with my brothers. My father is the greatest of the great, both respected and feared amongst everyone. I aspired to be like him no one had the guts to even try and cross him. Old school mafia man whose presence alone was enough to scare even the toughest killer out there.

"Is it done" my father whispers as I shake his hand firmly.

"It's done" I assure him

He nods

"We should get going everyone is waiting we can discuss this later" omar whispers.

I nod and we start walking to the elevator.

Omar is one of my brothers. I have two brothers to be exact, twins and a pain in my ass. They weren't like me, Omar and Oscar were the complete opposite of me. They were chill and way to nice, that's how people get killed in the mafia world if you ask me but they don't listen. They were always together they did everything together it was annoying as shit. How can you spend so much time with someone, I like my space which is why i have no girlfriend, no wife , no nothing it's a waste of time.

I have no time to socialize my days start off with meeting, then paperwork, emails, calls, and more emails. They always end the same though... with death. This was my life and I was damn good at it I took pride in it. My brothers could not do what i do they like to party and drink, which is why they opened up a new club called "The Red Dragon." At least they were doing something.

"Hey bro are you going to come down to the opening of the club tonight" Oscar asks

"I can't"

"Stop being a pussy you always say that when we invite you" he says

"Yeah that's because I am to busy running an empire unlike the two of you." I scoff

"You're missing out hot babes by the bunch... everywhere... getting drunk!" Oscar shrieks.

"Not to mention free booze all night" Omar tried to sound enthusiastic.

"Boys he can't he has some business down at the docks leave him be" my father interrupts

They both make faces at me and I punch one of them in the arm right as we are about to head in for the meeting. My father scowls at the three of us and we stop fooling around.

We own most of the Washington trade with only 2 families that compete against us. Aside from them we have hundreds of capos and killers who will risk there lives for the cause. The alliances with these families had been set since the beginning and no one dared to break it.

"Omerta" everyone in that board room said. Which means you say nothing to no one who wasn't part of the family. Never. We all wore a tattoo on our shoulder as a symbol of loyalty. The weak were left behind 5 feet under ground that is. There are no such things as second chances. EVER!

Alright let me know what you guys think! Things will start picking up after this feel free to leave a comment!

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