Chapter 1

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6 months earlier

"Cass!... Cassie!.... come on wake up Cass you're going to be late!"
"5 more minutes!" I yell
"Cass come on its 5am you said wake you up no matter what" she exclaims as she shakes me to wake up. " Your alarm has been going off for the last 30 minutes, I want to go back to bed so wake up"She says smacking my bottom.
"Okay, okay I'm up" I yawn loudly as I get up slowly. "What would you do without me" she yells as she leaves my room. "Sleep" I whisper so she won't hear me but she does and she chuckles sarcastically.
Lily is my best friend, we've been best friends since college. We were roommates our freshman year and became inseparable ever since, now we live together and we do pretty much everything together. At least we try to, I work 16 hour shifts at the hospital sometimes more so my social life is nonexistent. Lily on the other hand has nothing to worry about she studied communications which meant she wouldn't be finding a job anytime soon,She hated when I said that. Lucky for her she had wealthy parents so finding a job was not a priority, instead she did a lot of shopping and partying.
As for me my parents passed away when I was 6 years old, so I went to live with my aunt and uncle. Up until I was 16 they took care of me as much as they could I wasn't their child after all. I went to live on my own working 2 sometimes 3 jobs if I could all while going to school. I knew I had to do something good with my life to make my parents proud so I graduated high school early and went on to college and med school to become a surgeon.
It's been tough with all the sleepless nights, the juggling of jobs all while keeping a 4.0 g.p.a. But I wasn't given an easy life so I had to work my butt off to make something of myself even at my young age.
So here I am now 25 years old and living on my own, well for the most part because Lily's parents pay for our rent and some bills. I'm only a second year resident at the Vancouver Medical Center so I don't get paid what I should be getting paid. I just passed my Intern exams so I have a lot to prove. I'm still considered an Intern to all the attendings but I don't care I'll get there.
         I walk to the restroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair, which usually means just putting it up in a ponytail. I don't have the energy to try and style it besides, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I brush my long blonde hair and put it up, I then decide to put on some mascara. I head back to my room and put my scrubs on taking one last look in the long mirror in my room I head out the door.
By lunch time I'm exhausted but it feels good to help people who can't help themselves. I've been running around getting labs, checking on patients and any other things my attendings need from me. I now have 20 minutes to myself if I'm lucky to be alone in peace to eat. "Hey Cassie" Taylor says as she walks towards my table. Sam and Reid walking next to her towards my direction, like I said if i'm lucky I can be alone. Reid was my ex- boyfriend we were together for 2 years before I broke things off I don't have time for a relationship, I have way to much on my plate. Finishing my residency and getting a permanent position in this hospital was my top priority.
"Hey guys" I try and sound enthusiastic. "Can we join you" Sam asks. I nod and they sit and join me.

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