Chapter 18

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PARIS!!! No way!! We're in PARIS!!!!

"What is going on? Is this really happening? I must be dreaming right?" I keep yelling

"Hey... Hey relax, calm down or we're never going to leave this airplane" Cole tried to calm me down.

"Okay I'm calm I promise. You gotta understand this is my first time out of Vancouver I have a right to be excited" I Yelp

"You can be excited let's just not get crazy." He laughs

"Okay,okay" I raise my arms up in defeat

We make it down the stairs of the jet and into a black limo with dark tinted windows. I gotta ask him what's the deal with all this darkness, maybe later though.

We make our way through the louvre and Notre Dame we pass the Eiffel Tower. It is so much more beautiful in person pictures just don't do it justice. I feel like i'm in a dream that I definitely don't want to wake up from. There is so much I wish I could see so many things I've read about but only saw in my dreams. We make it all the way to the Champs-Elysees and Cole takes me up to the Arc de Triomphe. I definitely should not have brought heels, when we finally make it to the top of the monument I forget how tired I am. The view is to die for you can see all of Paris from here. We stand forever just starring out into the city. I never want to move from this spot, except I start freezing and I don't want to freeze to death. I get a little gift from the gift shop there for Lily and we head out.

 I get a little gift from the gift shop there for Lily and we head out

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"I can't believe we're actually here I feel like I'm in a dream! Thank you Cole this is amazing!" I say

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"I can't believe we're actually here I feel like I'm in a dream! Thank you Cole this is amazing!" I say

"We haven't even had dinner yet" he smiles

"I know but still thank you! I bet this is how you get all the girls huh?" I smirk

" I've never brought anyone here" he says seriously

"Well thank you I wish I could get a chance to see more but this... this is awesome!"

"We can stay here as long as you'd like" he says

" HA! I wish I have a job and responsibilities at home but thanks for the offer" I say

"Alright then, let's go eat I'm hungry!" He says and I nod in agreement with all the excitement going on I hadn't realized how tired and hungry I was.

"Most restaurants are closed already so I made arrangements back at the hotel we will be staying in" he lets me know

"So this was your plan all along, showing me all these beautiful places and having me in awe so you could just take me back to a hotel!" I say

" I can see right through you and it's not going to happen"

He opens his mouth to try and explain but I put my finger over his mouth before he can.

"Just kidding lets go I'm starving!" I laugh

He relaxes his shoulders and gives a small laugh. We get to a huge hotel it looks beautiful, it has an older vibe to it like the rest of the city. Once inside it totally changes it is so fancy and clean I'm scared to walk through. All the hotels I've been to are beat down and old. I can't even sit and wait before they are already offering me champagne and help with my luggage. Wait my luggage I never brought it with all this I totally forgot!! Crap!! What am I going to do I have no clothes! I guess I can buy something tomorrow oh man it's going to be expensive isn't it. Why am I such a dummy that's the first thing he said. Bring some extra clothes, well done Cassie! I've got to think of what to do c'mon Cassie you can do it just play it off!

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