Chapter 29

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"Son this should have been finished last week. What's taking so long?"

"This is the last thing on my mind father, all these people need to suck it up and just show up"

You can send me out to face 20 guys by myself with one gun, or you can even send me unarmed. I'd rather be stranded in the middle of the dessert with only the clothes on my back. I'll do anything except have to deal with a guest list for a party. Knowing who I should invite and who I can't invite depending who I do invite. That shits too complicated for me.

I pick up my office phone and call my secretary.

"Sandra I need you to finish this guest list by the end of today."

"Yes sir any changes from last year I should know about?" She responds

"There shouldn't be, Alexis will help you out if you need anything call her. " I say and hang up the phone

Sandra is a life saver, she knows what needs to be done. When I first hired her she was annoying as hell but she's finally gotten the hang of things in the last couple of years. I thought I was going to kill her after the first couple of weeks but she's proven herself useful so for now she'll remain alive.

Sounds fucked up but I don't have the energy to deal with people who don't have there shit straight. Time is money.

" Call me if you need help with anything son I'm going home to rest" father says as he walks out of my office.

I swear sometimes he forgets he's retired, always micromanaging everything. I wish I could send him to a far away island where I didn't have to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds. Men like my father never really retire though they always have to be doing something.

I start digging through my emails to try and change my mood. After 30 minutes I get and idea, picking up my phone I decide to text Cassie.

Can we meet up for dinner?

After 2 min my phone pings

When? Tonight? Can't sorry I'm working a night shift. Won't be out until about 7am.

Okay breakfast then?

You don't give up do you? Okay fine send me the address and I'll meet you.

I'll pick you up.

I wait for her reply but it never comes, she already agreed so she can't go back now. I get back to my work but I can't concentrate, why didn't she reply? I'm not used to this feeling, I hate it. I'm the one who leaves girls hanging, I'm not the one who gets left hanging.

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