Chapter 13

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     How can this be happening? What are the odds of him being here and I getting assigned to his case? It's too much of a coincidence, did he come looking for me? How does he know where I work?

     I start looking through the rest of my charts just trying to get this guy off my head. I'm supposed to be checking in all night but I don't want to be alone with him. Maybe I can get Taylor to take over for me with him, she'll probably be endlessly flirting though. I have to remove his catheter, that's going to be so awkward like hey we just met we partied you tried to choke me now let me see your penis.

I cringe every time I think about it. I went to check in on my other patients before finally being here standing outside his room.

I knock.

"Hello Mr. Davis I'm here to check your dressings and your urine output." I speak as I enter the room

"Come in." He responds sleepily

I can tell by his face that he hasn't been able to rest. We are very thorough so we always check and check some more to make sure our patients are getting the best care. Which means no sleep for him.

He yawns " Is it time to get this thing off?"

"That's what I'm here to check sir" I reply trying to be as professional as possible. I can't have him getting the wrong ideas.

" If the urine output is sufficient then we can remove it, if not we need to get and ultrasound on the kidneys to make sure there isn't a problem." I continue

" I'm fine, I feel great no need to check just get it out and let me sleep" he says annoyed

"Gosh someone needs his beauty sleep" I chuckle

"I'm tired of all these people coming in and not giving me peace and quiet" he responds

"Well sir the last thing we need is something to happen because we didn't do our jobs" I say starting to get frustrated. Most people like our patient care they like to feel important and herd.

"I'll be quick and out of your way in a minute"

He looks at me realizing he made me mad. He shifts on his bed as I start cleaning his wound and I can feel his gaze on me. I try cleaning it as quickly as possible because I felt his eyes burning in me. I glanced over at him and his eyes looked straight into mine he wasn't shy about me seeing him. He wanted me to know that he was looking at me. The tingling sensation from the other night was back when our eyes met, what is it about this guy that I can't shake off.

Once I'm done I lift his foley bag to check his urine output for the last couple hours. Everything looks good which is bad for me, I've done this before but I know this guy the last time I saw him he was choking me! Now here I am helping him. I guess karma did come around though he did get hit by a car after all. Just be nice Cassie you can do this you made an oath to help. Ugh.

"I'll have them set up the tray for removal, once they finish I'll be back for the extraction" I notify him

I walk out before he can say anything. I sit behind the nurses desk and call in for a set up.
After everything is set up I go back in to the room and a nurse puts my gown and gloves on. I get closer to his bed and he watches me AGAIN. I don't think about it though and I lean over to get visualization of the catheter. The RN has already pulled back his gown and set a paper towel under his penis. I take a look and ask for a syringe to drain the excess fluid from the balloon inside. I had been avoiding looking at it up until this moment when I had to pull out the catheter. When I finally look at it a small gasp escaped my mouth, I'm not sure if anyone herd I hope not.

       I grab his penis pull the shaft back and pull out the catheter and roll it up in the blue sterilized towel.
"Ok sir you are all set just remember every time you need to use the restroom you need to push the nurse call button. They will assist you with all the machines. I will be back to check on you later." I smile and nod at the nurse as I walk out.

Well that wasn't awkward or at least I didn't stay long enough to make it awkward.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted but I hope this chapter made it up!

What do you guys think will she make things awkward? What is he thinking? Let me know!

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