Chapter 17

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We've been sitting in silence for almost an hour. I don't know what to say to him, plus he's been on his phone the whole time I guess he's a busy guy. Lily keeps texting me possible conversation topics but I don't even know how to get his attention he seems really into what he's doing. Just then a stewardess comes to the cabin and she doesn't even acknowledge me just Cole which makes me scoff lightly.

"Are you sure you wouldn't like anything Mr.Davis?" She asks

He nods no and she starts walking away.

"Aren't you going to ask my guest if she would like anything?" Cole barks at her before she can leave.

"Sorry, would you like anything miss?"

"Can I have an ice water please, thank you." I reply

She rolls her eyes and walks away. What's her problem?

" I don't think your staff likes me very much" I say out loud to Cole

" They aren't used to me having company is all." He replies

"Yeah sure that's why!" I say sarcastically

He looks at me and raises an eyebrow confused by my statement.

"Excuse me what was that?" he asks

"You herd me, it doesn't take a genius to know why they are treating me like that." I say and roll my eyes. It doesn't bug me that they are treating me like I'm not here I mean look at him he's hot. I get why they are possessive but have some manners people. Just then the girls returns with my cup of water.

"Thank you" I say and get a forced smile back, she starts walking away but Cole stops her again!

" Wait! Just real quick do you want to fuck me?" He says nonchalantly

I choke on some of the water I was drinking.

"I'm sorry sir?" She asks surprised

"My friend here seems to think you want to fuck me, is it true?"

"No sir, of course not I apologize if it seemed that way." She lies

"You can go now!"

She scurries out not looking back, but I saw her red cheeks she isn't fooling anyone. Cole is giving me the I told you so look.

"You are crazy!" I mouth at him

" I don't like rumors is all so I get right to it." He says

" Ha! You know she was lying right? Us women are very skilled in the art of lying." I say

" That I do know all to well! But my employees get paid enough to not lie.. Ever!"

"So you've been with a lot of women then?" Crap why would I ask him it's none of my business. He raises his eye brow once more and gives me a little smirk.

"I'm not falling into that trap, like I said I know women well." He half laughs

I stay quiet I'm not sure what to say to him I've already gone to far why would I care how many women he's been with this is just a dinner. It's just two friends having dinner and that's it nothing more, after this I will never have to see him again.

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