Chapter 50

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Bang! Bang! Bang!
"Cassie open the door!"
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"Come on open up, it's me!" Lily yells
Panic sets in and I jump out of bed and start putting my clothes on.

Shit, Shit, Shit

"What are you doing? Hurry up get changed! Oh my gosh this can't be happening. Cole get up!" I try to move him with no prevail! Grabbing my pajamas I hop out of the room trying to put my bottoms on, then I pick up the clothes we threw everywhere. I run back in the room and toss them at Cole.
"Get changed! Cole please I can't do this right now!" I keep trying to rush him but he just smirks at me and lays back down pretending to go to sleep.
I walk out and make my way towards the front door closing the room door behind me.
Unlocking the front door I'm face to face with my best friend who is wearing the same dress as last night, her heels in hand and a big smile on her face.

"Wow this is new." I tell her with one eyebrow up and my arms crossed in front of me.

"Where have you been missy?" I huff at her as she walks past me with her giddy expression still plastered on her face.

Just as she is about to answer me Cole walks out of the room with no shirt on causing us to both look his way.

"Lily,  Good morning I trust you had a good night?" he says with a sly smirk

"I could say the same!" she quickly says as she whips around to smack my arm  

Awkward silence quickly fills the room 

"I'm going to go freshen up, I will see you later Cole" she says and disappears into the room making sure I see her exaggerated eye roll before going in fully.

When she disappears I take advantage of the privacy we have to try and kick him out.

"It's time for you to go." I say quietly hoping Lily can't hear us

"We still haven't finished our conversation and I won't go away until we talk."

"Cole please I can't do this. Last night was a mistake,  I was drunk and vulnerable you were there and things just happened but we both know nothing has changed. We can't keep lying to ourselves lets just end things here and go our separate ways before we can't go back."

"Just come to dinner with me tonight, I have a meeting in an hour but say you'll be there for dinner?" he says inching so close to me I can feel his hot breathe.

Neither one of us daring to make the first move, even though every fiber inside me is telling me to fight him and refuse I simply say "fine, but only to get closure". Next thing I know his lips are on mine and he's lifting me into him, my body instantly comes to life when I feel his arms around me. Too soon though his lips leave mine as he sets me down and slips his shirt on to head out the door, my body missing his embrace as soon as the door slams shut. 

"WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS CASSIE?" I hear behind me snapping me away from my daydream 

"No, no you first! What the heck? You left me when I was drunk? What if something would have happened to me?" I Yell back at her

"OH yes I can see you suffered so much last night. Tell me how many times did you suffer Cass?" she winks and I can't help but smile at her, because I know she would never put me in any danger.

" I can't remember anything after that last shot. Then I woke up in bed with Cole, I can't believe I don't remember anything I screwed up so bad Lily and now he wants me to meet him for dinner. Why is he even here this was supposed to be our weekend to forget the drama. What do I do Lily?" I move to sit on the couch.

"First of all, you need to breathe in and out and then count to ten. You don't even know what he wants or what he's planning to say so all you can do is go and hear him out." she says sitting next to me

" He told me he loved me." I whisper catching Lily off guard

"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! Are you telling me that big bad Cole said the L word?! What did you say? Did you kiss and make up?"

"I didn't get a chance to respond because someone was banging on the door like she was getting murdered." I say playfully

"Cass this is big have you thought about what this means? I don't want you getting hurt again, please think about if he's worth it. You shouldn't feel pressured to say it back or do anything you aren't ready for."

" I know. I have no idea what I feel or want with him, every way I play it out in my head it never ends well. There doesn't seem to be any world where we would possibly work out." I bring my hands to my face

" Let's get out of here and clear your mind with some frivolous spending. We're outta here in 15 so hurry up and get ready" she winks at me and pushes me to get off the couch.

We end up on the strip walking for what seems like thirty-five hours, going from store to store. Who knew there were so many stores to choose from, when all I need is one dress for dinner. Of course Lily doesn't see it that way because "you can't pick the first dress you see because blah blah blah". I tend to zone her out once she starts rambling on, I do as I'm told and try on dress after dress after dress until they start looking the same.

"This is it, this is the one, and I'm not just saying that because I'm tired and done with this" I tell her as I stand there with an elegant dress on. 

"Ok if this is the one you like then that's all that matters, now lets get you out of here and get you dolled up" she shoves me back into the dressing room. Grabbing my thing I exit the dressing room and we go to the checkout counter where I set my things down and let the girl behind the counter scan my items.

"Your total is $547.35 will that be cash or card?" the young girl behind the counter tells me

"Card, here put it all on this one" Lily responds giving her a credit card before I can even process the insane total 

"No here use this card" I try and give the girl my card earning a slap from Lily

"Sorry Friend I was instructed not to let you pay and we all know how Cole gets when you don't do what he says." she offers me an apologetic smile earning her an eye roll. Getting the bags we exit the store and head back to our room to get me ready.

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