Chapter 26

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"Alright Cassie lets go the cars waiting out front for us!" Lily yells

"Car? What car?" I yell back

"Oscar sent a car for us c'mon" she says as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen.

Ugh I hate the rich.

"Let's go then" I huff

20 minutes later

We pull up to The Red Dragon and flashbacks of my birthday come crashing in to my mind. Lily drags me out the car and inside so fast that I don't get a chance to look and see where I'm going causing me to almost fall. We get placed in the back where only special guests are allowed, and before I know it we each have 2 shots in our hands.

Security guards are at the entrance of the red rope to make sure no one comes in unless they are allowed. Lily and I dance until our feet can't dance anymore. We must've taken like 8 or 9 shots already, and we're both starting to feel the alcohol creeping up on us. I'm not much of a drinker so I start feeling the dizziness way before Lily does, now that girl can drink she's been drinking for years now.

I don't really mind the way this alcohol is making me feel. I've always been so worried about my image, school and getting my career, I have that now so its time to enjoy my life. I have made a mental promise to myself to start having more fun. Just then a guy approaches me and asks me to dance. I look at Lily freaking out not knowing what to say or do, she gives me a small push as if saying go for it so I do. It's okay Cassie this is the new you that you promised yourself you would be.

I dance with this guy for about 3 songs swaying my hips with his as he keeps his hands on my waist. Half the time I'm not even sure if I'm doing it right, usually I dance alone not caring what people think but having someone else is different. Suddenly I start feeling his hands move down towards my bottom and I instantly stop them and pull them back up. Again he starts sliding his hands down, this guy doesn't give up.

"C'mon I know you like me just go with it" he yells in my ear so I can hear him.

"No I don't. Bye!" I wave him off and walk back to Lily.

The nerve of this guy, why do they have to be pigs? We were having a nice time, am I just destined to be forever alone? I let Lily know I was going to go outside for a bit and she tried coming with but I knew she was having fun with Oscar so I told her to stay behind.

As I'm standing next to the club in a dark alley and I cant help but feel like I might be the problem. Why can't guys like me? Am I too complicated? Not pretty enough? Was is it that makes me attract only crazy guys?

"Hey sweetheart everything okay? What is a pretty lady like yourself doing out here all alone?" A dark figure coming towards me asks

"I was catching some fresh air but I'm fine now so I'm going to head back inside" I try to walk off but I'm stopped by the mysterious man.

" A pretty lady like you shouldn't be left alone in the dark, there are lots of band people out here." He says as he tightens his grip on me.

"I'll make sure to take that advice thanks" I say as I push his hand off me.

But he doesn't budge instead he slams me into the wall of the club and I hit my head from his shove. I feel his breathe on my cheek from how close he has gotten to me. Then I feel his free hand start sliding up and down my thigh. I try to wiggle away from him but he's to strong for me, I even try kicking him but he's able to block my kicks.

"If you struggle or scream this will only be worse for you." He whispers in my ear

I feel him kiss my neck and I instantly gag. I'm trying so hard get free from this guy but nothing is working I'm just not strong enough. All I can do is close my eyes.

I suddenly hear a loud thud and a scream of pain. I quickly open my eyes to see my attacker on the floor getting hit by a bunch of big blurry dark figures.

"Cassie are you okay?" I hear Cole say which causes me to shiver. I'm not sure if I'm happy or mad to see him, I haven't decided yet.

"I....I don't know" I say almost instantly sobbing

"Hey.. Hey it's okay I have you now nothing is going to happen." He assures me

"W..what about him?" I cry

"Don't worry Ron will handle this dirt bag" he says seriously.

"Where is Lily?" I ask

"She's inside with Oscar she doesn't know anything. I've been watching you all night and when you took long I came to check on you out here. We don't have to tell Lily if you don't want to just say the word." He explains

"Wait? You were watching me? When?" I say shocked

"I came to get Oscar for a meeting he was supposed to be present for, but he never showed. When I got here I saw you dancing with your friend so I decided to stay seeing that it was only you two." He says

"We aren't alone Oscar is here with us too!"

"Ha! Don't make laugh. You really think Oscar can take care of you girls, please he can't even take care of himself." He says starting to get annoyed.

"Well thank you for saving me now I have to get back inside." I say walking away

"Cassie! Wait please let me at least take you home and let me make sure you get home safe." He stops me

" Lily will take me home I can't just leave her here." I tell him

" Ron will let them know they haven't even noticed you've been gone." He says and he's right Lily hasn't even text me or called to see if I'm alive.

"Fine! But no funny business!" I shake my finger at him which causes a small chuckle from him.

We get into his black SUV and drive off.

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