Chapter 42

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"Keep rotating the fluids she was extremely dehydrated the boss needs her alive so let's keep her that way." I hear an unknown voice speak before drifting away


"Stats are going up. Her body is responding to the liquids and medication Doctor." A different unknown voice speaks as I try to open my eyes with no success.


Ok Cassie you can do this just open your eyes. You probably had a concussion from the crash along with the dehydration is causing a delayed pupillary response. I need to open my eyes now to get the hell out of here.

I had a nightmare that my father was alive and he was one of the people who kidnapped me. Meaning he lied to me this whole time!

Let's start with wiggling your fingers and toes. All right I think it's working, come on Cassie how are you supposed to know it's working duh! You're brain is telling you one thing but it might not be reality! Now is not the time to fight with myself, right now I need to open my eyes.

After some time of pushing myself I manage to slightly open my eyes, I just need to move them side to side and up and down. I am slowly able to do it, okay Cassie now let's wiggle your fingers and toes. Looks good. I try to sit up with no luck but I keep trying until finally it works and I am able to sit up.  I realize I'm out of breathe trying to do all this. Now I see why my patients get mad that we push them to do these simple things.

As soon as I sit up the door swings open and a short skinny man comes in wearing burgundy scrubs. He wasn't expecting me to be awake so he is taken back when I am sitting upright looking at him.

" You're awake? Don't move I'll get the doctor." He says shakily before running out

Oh great! My hopes of getting out of here before they realize I'm awake is gone! I mentally kick myself for not pretending to be asleep or dead! A few seconds later there are about 5 people in the room with me. I recognize 2 of them and the rest are strangers.

"Miss Harris, my name is Dr. Singer and I've been taking care of you do you know where you are? Can you tell me how old you are?" He speaks as he shines his light on my eyes

"If I knew where I was I would have left a long time ago idiot!" I say aggravated

"I think she's fine, now everyone out!" Valentin says sternly as everyone exits quickly and without a word.Only my so called father and Valentin are left inside with me.

"Cassie sweetheart I think it's time we talk I'm sure you have many questions and concerns." My father says

"I thought you were dead! After all this time how could you not contact me or let me know you were alive!" I yell trying to hold back my tears and instantly getting a headache. I try to calm my self knowing I suffered a brain injury and any elevated heart rate could be catastrophic for my health.

"I'm sorry but it wasn't safe for you to know I was alive many people wanted me dead including your little boyfriends family!" He says angrily

"What are you talking about? He's a financial advisor! How could he possibly want you dead that's a little extreme!" I reply this time reaching for my head because I get a sharp pain.

"Maybe we should come back when she is feeling a little better." My father says to Valentin

"No there is no time she needs to know the truth. We need her help and we need it now." Valentin says facing me with a serious demeanor.

"Will someone just tell me what is going on? All of you are really starting to piss me off!!" I yell

"Ok Cassie I'll tell you why I had to do what I did. As you know we didn't have much money when you were growing up, and since I wasn't able to finish college I couldn't get a good paying job. When I found out your mother was pregnant with you I knew I had to step up and find a better paying job than the one I had. I knew that once you were born I would work my ass off to make sure you would never want for anything." He pauses

"Get to the point old man!" Valentin interrupts just as my father is going to start speaking again

"She deserves to know the truth so calm down! Anyways as I was saying, I began searching for a new job and I met a man who offered me a job driving him around, he was a client of one of the warehouses we used to clean. There were always small conversations between myself and him and his men when they came in late at night. As it turns out that man was Valentin's father, I drove for him for 3 years after that and he paid me really well, by that time you were already walking and I was able to buy you and your mother a house. We had many conversations in between drives and I became someone he trusted as I would come to find out. One day he offered me an opportunity to be more than a driver and make even more money. I figured that would help with saving up for your college so I took his offer without knowing what it was. Soon I came to find out that he was in the trafficking of illegal weapons and substances. At that point I was far to deep in to walk away, my only thoughts we're making sure you two were taken care of for the rest of your lives. For the next 2 years he taught me everything there was to learn and I helped him with the cooking of the Coke. We helped each other out until one day he was shot and killed while on a drop.  Valentin was only a boy and as the only son he could not take over so his fathers last request was that I was to be in charge until he came of age and I could teach him the family business. A year after his fathers death we began losing men during our operations and drops. We were very cautious but still we were losing numbers so we went into hiding but they knew who I was and they knew about you two. We came up with a plan to fake our deaths so that they would leave us alone but it went horribly wrong and we lost your mother. I was severely injured and was airlifted to a safe house where eventually I got better but was never allowed to get back to you. I could not even attend the funeral for your mother and I will always have that in my conscience. So you see sweetheart I never wanted to leave you but I had to for your safety." He finally takes a breathe and looks at me to try and get any sense of my reaction.

"What does all this have to do with Cole? And me?" I say still not understanding how all this is connected

"Well we found out who the family was that killed Valentin's father and almost wiped us out. It was the Davis family they are a powerful and wealthy family they own all trade routes and vendors. No one can do anything without the approval of that family or the other members of that society. They don't remember us after all these years so they don't suspect we are a threat. We need your help getting into the heart of that family so we can destroy them like they tried to do us." My father finishes waiting for my response but I don't know what to say or do or think. This means Cole has been lying to me the whole time. AGAIN!

*** Hey lovelies this was a long chapter so I decided to split into two. I'll be dropping the second part of the chapter tomorrow. I just need to make some corrections!! Thanks!

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