Chapter 39

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It's been about a month since Cole set me up with his "mandatory" private security. Let me just say that this has been the worst month of my life, and that says a lot coming from someone who lost both parents on the same day. Whenever I want to do something I have to run it by them first. We debrief in the AM and if I even try to stray from the schedule then all hell breaks loose.

Lily had invited me for lunch out of the blue one day, that was also the last time she tried to take me out. We got into so much trouble with Cole but to be honest it was actually kinda fun to piss him off. The only free time I have is inside the walls of the hospital where they can't follow me.

My aunt never called be back after that day with Cole, I've tried calling her back and she never answered but then again she's never been the tech type of person.  Lily promised to help me find out what my aunt needed since I've been busy at work. Remember that doctor who said he was going to make my life a living hell, well yeah he's been making sure I work twice as hard and long as everyone else. It's been a great experience getting to be around different procedures though. I am starting to get kind of exhausted, I actually fell asleep in my car after work one day.

Tomorrow I have another long day ahead of me so I decided to sleep in my bed instead of with Cole. Its been really tense over at the Davis estate, everyone is on edge because of the situation even Oscar and Omar have been cautious. What still doesn't add up is why all this is necessary in the first place.

Pulling out my laptop I enter Cole Davis in the search engine and start to scroll down for any clue into his life. There is nothing he can hide from the paparazzi.

3 Hours Later

I guess he can hide his life, I've found nothing at all what kind of bull crap is that? The only things on here are the things I already knew about him. Like, his mother dying, his brothers the party boys, his father stepping down and him becoming the youngest CEO in Vancouver. Also, he's among the top 10 hottest young billionaire bachelors.

"Wait what? Bachelor?" I accidentally say out loud

Who in the heck! You know its fine actually the last thing I need is some sleezy tabloid getting pictures of me at work. It does bug me a little though because girls are going to think they have a shot with him and lets be real they don't. Before I know it I'm out cold without any luck on finding anything about Cole.

The Next Morning

Beep! Beep! Beep!
Beep! Beep! Beep!

"For the love of all things Holy turn off that contraption of death!" Lily yells from across the hall

"I'm trying!" I yell back half asleep

Beep!Beep! Beep!

"I'll give you five thousand dollars to break that thing into a million pieces right now!" she yells again

"I expect cash on my bed by the time I get back from work." I say finally getting my alarm to shut off.

"You should have told me you needed money Mi Bella" an unknown voice speaks from inside my room

Throwing my body off the bed I quickly try (and fail miserably) to get off the bed and into a fighting stance. Which thinking back was pointless its not like there is a fighting bone in my body. Rubbing my eyes I try and follow the sound of the voice in my room.

"Cole? Is that you? W-what? How?" I struggle to find my words as I rub my eyes trying to wake up

"For a Doctor your vocabulary is not very diverse." Cole chuckles as he stands up from my desk chair and moves in close to me

"How did you get in?"

"You should know by now that nothing is off limits to me." He says in a low growl

"You cant just break into my house, especially without letting me know. You almost gave me a heart attack before work." I say angrily as Cole approaches me slowly.

"I wanted to surprise you and take you to work we've both been extremely busy and I needed to see you." He says as he caresses my cheek

"Normal people don't break into houses they usually text or call in advance. I'm not happy about this, there will be consequences but right now I'm late and I still have to get ready so if you don't mind you can wait for me downstairs." I snap at him taking him by surprise

I run into the restroom before he can say anything and lock the door behind me. Quickly taking a shower and getting ready for work I run downstairs where Cole is waiting for me with a cup of coffee and what looks like breakfast.

"The car is ready whenever you want to go I'll see you outside." Cole says as he walks out my door

Getting in the car I notice he's driving, which makes me a little nervous I have never seen him drive. Someone is always driving him, so I make sure to buckle up tightly.

"Don't be nervous Mi Bella. I just wanted some alone time with you the guys are already in the hospital waiting for us to arrive."he says trying and failing to calm me down.

Cole is actually not a bad driver, he obeys all the street laws and if I'm honest he drives like a grandma as we make our way to the hospital.

"You know I'm going to be late with you going five miles an hour" I say jokingly

"I am not going five miles an hour you are exaggerating." He turns my way making me nervous

"Keep your eyes on the......."

Bang!!........ Crash!!!!......

Darkness takes over me as I think I hit my head on the glass. All I hear are voices.

"Hurry up take her!! Let's go!" A deep voice yells and soon after I'm out cold with no hope or knowledge of what is to come.

Hey guys sorry it took forever to upload I accidentally erased the whole chapter so I had to retype it all. Hope you enjoy!
Don't forget to keep voting and commenting I'll be giving some shoutouts on the next chapter!!

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