Chapter 37

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"I'll have the turkey sandwich and a glass of iced water. Thank you"

"I'll have the same please" I say to the waiter.

"So... Cassie where have you been? I haven't gotten a look at you all week! I'm living alone and I don't like it!" Lily asks trying to get the dirt on Cole and I.

"Oh you liar! I know you haven't been alone at all!" I smirk at Lily

"Okay fine, but still don't you think you've been spending to much time with Cole I mean is it serious with him? Are you guys going out? I need details girl!" Lily tries interrogating me

"Things are good... I guess. Cole is really reserved, I know we don't have the best history but when we're alone he's actually sweet and different. The wannabe bad boy act disappears and he actually tells me things about himself. I just wish he was like that all the time. Maybe he would have more friends if he opened up to people." I say

"Oscar says he's always been reserved, and that your lucky to still be around apparently he's always been a dick. You're the only one that's been around for longer than a week." Lily warms me

"That doesn't make me feel better you know!" I smack her arm playfully

"Listen just don't get hung up on this one guy! Especially when he hasn't exactly treated you well or did you forget how he's been a jerk to you! You've only really had one other boyfriend and you've lived your life in a hospital so please don't get hung up on the first guy that smiles at you. I know it's not what you want to hear but your my other half and I only want what's best for you." She reaches to hold my hand.

"I know Lily but when I'm with him it just feels right. I know I'm not the most experienced and you can even call me naive or stupid but it's just feels as if we're two old souls that have been together for years." I grin at her

"Just be careful okay, there are a lot of yummy guys out there!" she smiles as the server brings our sandwiches.

I eat quickly because I have to be at work, but I can't help but think about what Lily said. I know I have to be cautious and I'm going to get Cole to open up to me. Our relationship won't work if he doesn't trust me I've already given him a second chance I won't give him another.


"Cassie! Cassie! Wait up" Taylor yells at me from across the parking lot

"Hey sorry I'm in a hurry I'm running late." I tell Taylor as we speed-walk to the lockers to change.

15 minutes later

"Ms.Harris! Let's not make a habit of tardiness you are here to learn, you have been given a chance many people only dream of." Dr. Mavis yells at me as I join the rest of the team.

"Yes Doctor I apologize it will never happen again."

"I've got my eye on you Ms. Harris." he smirks

Great I'm screwed, as if I didn't already have enough pressure now I have eyes watching me. Crap! It's okay Cassie just make sure you don't mess up and you double check your work. I mentally root for myself before getting my charts and going to check on my patients for the day.

My first patient is a 10 year old female, she's been in my care for the last 4 days. Very sweet little girl, came in for open heart surgery she was born with a heart defect. We waited as long as possible to do the surgery but we couldn't wait any longer her body wouldn't let us.

"Good afternoon Lucy. How are we feeling today? Any pain?" I ask her

"No pain Doctor. Can I go home?" She asks with excitement

"Let's take a look first okay. No promises." I smile at her

I take off my stethoscope from my neck and listen to her heart. I look at the monitor to see her B.P and heart rhythm. Everything looks normal so I check her catheter and I check her incision to make sure there are no signs of infection.

"Everything looks good but first I'm going to order another set of labs to make sure everything is really okay." I say as her face completely changes from happy to hating me.

Her parents give me a tired nod, they have been here all day everyday since she's been here. I can't discharge her without being absolutely sure she is okay though. I take my leave and move on to my next patients while I wait for the labs.

A few broken bones, bloody noses and sutures later I hear my pager go off. CODE BLUE.. I run to Lucy's room as fast as my body can go. (Please be okay! I'm almost there!) I run up 3 flights of stairs not realizing I bumped into people. When I get near her room her mother is on the floor screaming in pain. I run inside and all I hear is...

"Time of death 14:37"


I move close to her bed and hold her hand as everyone is leaving the room. Her mom still screaming outside in pain her baby is dead, and I had just told her everything was fine.

"I'm so sorry" I whisper to her

"This is all your fault! You said she was fine! How could you? My baby... she's gone and it's all your fault!" Her mother yells at me

She comes closer to me and grabs my coat

" I hope you never have to feel this pain I'm feeling. You are the worst human being I've ever met"

"Come on sweetie calm down let's get you some water." Her husband says trying to get her away

"I'm sorry for your loss I will find out what happened to Lucy." I say trying to give her peace of mind

"Don't you dare say her name! Don't even think about her! How are you a doctor? Just get away from her, get away from my baby!" She yells

I leave to avoid making a scene they need to be alone right now nothing I say will ever make them feel better.

"Dr. Harris I expect a full report on your patient you better hope you did everything you could." Dr.Mavis scares me as he comes out of a corner.

As I go back to the nurses station to go over my chart I feel my phone vibrate.

From: Cole

Hey we need to talk. I'll send a car to pick you up when you're out.

Great as if my day wasn't stressful enough.

Hey guys sorry it took so long to update I have been crazy busy. I appreciate you guys asking for updates I love that you guys want to know what's next. I promise I'll update more often! If you guys have any covers send them my way and I'll post them. Thank you

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