Chapter 41

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"What the fuck happened back there!?" Cole yelled at his team

"Who the fuck crashed us? You need to find her NOW! I don't care what it takes I need her found yesterday am I understood?" He kept yelling as everyone starred at him with fear

"Sir, we have our guys working on it we'll find her by the end of the day. The guys are on the traffic cameras following the truck that took her they cant hide from us." Ron notifies me

"Sir Dr. Mavis is here to make sure you're alright if we find anything we will notify you ASAP." Elijah moves me out the door

"You better Elijah and for your own good she better not have a scratch on her or else!" I warned as I limped out of the control center.

10 minutes later

"You are an extremely lucky man Cole. I see no signs of a concussion or any broken bones. Aside from the obvious scratches and bruises you will be fine. If you experience any dizziness or headaches call me immediately, and I mean immediately Cole." Dr. Mavis warns me

"Yes, yes I herd you! Now leave I have important measures to attend to!" Cole says dismissively

Once the Doctor has left he walks back to the control center, but he is cut off by a punch to his back and a shove. Turning around he is instantly angered by the sight of Lily, what the fuck is she doing in MY SECRET warehouse. Oh I'm going to kill my brother for sure, just as soon as I find him that little shit!

"WHERE IS SHE?" She yells giving me a slight headache

"If I knew I wouldn't be here would I? Now calm down and go home you are wasting my time!" I say before turning and walking away

"You better find her Cole or else!" She warns me as I turn and move towards her direction

"Listen to me, just because you're her friend I am going to forgive you but don't EVER threaten me again. You got that?" I say as I back her into the wall so she gets my memo

" Just find her!" She growls at me and walks away before I can reply to her.

What does she think we're doing here? If anyone wants to find her its me. I'm sure this was that fucker who is messing with my shipments! I swear to God if its him he's going to pay.

"Tell me everything you know!" I demand from my team

"We followed the truck all the way out of the city Sir these guys are smart they went somewhere away from security cameras and traffic lights. We're working on satellite footage of that entire area but, it seems to be a pretty deserted area. We can narrow down our search by a lot because there isn't many properties in the area. We will have her location within the next hour." Ron debriefs me

"Get the teams ready for extraction I want this done quick and swift. Get my vest and my gun I expect to be on the road sooner rather than later." I say preparing myself mentally for the rescue mission.

Don't worry Cassie we're on our way Mi Amor!

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