Chapter 48

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I'm suddenly woken up by a piercing bright light hitting my face, I turn around as fast as I can to avoid waking up!
"The light! It burns! Shut the blinds!!" I yell to Lily hoping she will get up and close the curtains.
My prayers are answered when I feel the room go dark and my body can relax. It takes my mind a second to adjust to my surroundings, which helps me realize Lily is not close enough to hear me let alone close the blinds that fast. Horror invades my thoughts and I start panicking, a massive flood of adrenaline shoots through me as my hands start to run down my body to feel for clothes.
Bra check, underwear check, but where is my dress from last night and more importantly who undressed me? Oh my God! Oh my God! Please tell me Lily got me to bed, yes that's what happened she was a good friend and brought me here took care of me and that's why I'm half naked. It's fine, you're fine Cassie, you're going to turn around and find an empty room because your best friend came in closed the blinds and left. I do a quick prayer in my head, please let it not be a weirdo or a creep lord, before slowly shifting around.
I wish I could say my prayers were answered but the reality is so much worse.
¨YOU!!!¨ I shout in shock
¨What are you doing here Cole? Get the hell out!" I yell some more now seeing red.
¨Calm down, I didn't exactly want to be here!¨he says as he sits down on the bed.
¨No No No get up, get your clothes and go!¨I try and push him off the bed
¨Relax its way too early for the craziness. I ordered some room service lets eat come on I've set everything up in the dining room." He stands and gestures for me to go first.
¨This changes nothing,  I hope you know that the only reason I am going is because of this massive headache so no funny business you hear.¨I say getting off the bed awkwardly because I know I have no clothes on.

Cole just stares at me with one raised eyebrow as I struggle with the sheets. I grab my silky emerald green pajama set and go into the bathroom to change. Quickly exiting the room with Cole right behind me I head to the dining room where I find that he indeed did set everything up. The table is set up with food to feed at least 8 people maybe more, and the variety of food all looks delicious I don't know where to start.
¨I didn't know what you wanted so I ordered everything on the breakfast menu. Eat. It'll help with the hangover.¨he demands instantly causing me to feel a rush of emotion. No Cassie don't even think about it he hurt you.
I hesitate before finally grabbing my plate and serving myself some oatmeal and topping it with strawberries and bananas. I sit and eat as I watch Cole get 2 cups of coffee and handing me one. The whole time he pours the coffee without breaking eye contact with me.
We sit in awkward silence as we eat neither of us wanting to be the one to break and start the uncomfortable conversation.
¨Why cant I remember last night?" I finally say as he stands and shifts to the couch
¨Because you got shit faced drunk! Do you know how dangerous that was? Especially when there was no one there to take care of you.¨he rubs his forehead in frustration
¨I am a grown woman I don't need YOU to tell me what I can and cant do. Who do you think you are? After everything you've done to me what makes you think you can have any opinion on me and my life. Screw you!¨ I yell and I start walking away needing to get out of that room but Cole catches me and blocks my way. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but all the emotions of the last couple of weeks come to the surface.
¨Look I'll admit I wasn't planning on being here. I was done with chasing you, I had made my peace with never seeing you like you wanted. But then I got a call from Oscar that he was going to surprise Lily in Vegas. I knew you'd be here so I made calls to get you girls into a more comfortable room and flight.¨he admits and I'm speechless because I thought Oscar did all this.
¨My security informed me that he was meeting you in a club so my feelings got the better of me and I dropped everything and came to take care of you.¨ he says getting off the couch
¨I don't need you to take care of me I told you already. Last night was a one time thing for me I have had a tough time at work, I just needed to decompress and have a weekend of fun.¨I sigh walking towards a pillar in the living room
¨Fine? When I showed up you were so drunk you didn't even recognize me. Thats how fine you were! I got you out of there and back here into your room without any trouble.¨he says jokingly but also noticeably irritated
¨I'm all for having fun but last night you were irresponsible. a beautiful young lady like you drunk and vulnerable who knows what could have happened.¨ he suddenly walks to me and I feel the electricity shoot down my legs when he reaches and grabs me by the waist.
¨Just because you hate me doesn't mean I wont take care of you when you need it.¨ he says with his nose to mine now and I don't know what to do. I want to push him away, yell at him to get the hell out and leave me forever but my hands don't do what I tell them and my hands cant do anything but grab hold of his arms. Instead I close my eyes and take in his scent, the scent I have been longing for and didn't realize I needed.
Cole moves his hands up to my cheeks and when I open my eyes again I meet his gaze. We stay like this for what seems like forever silently searching for answers to questions we both have and waiting for the other to answer the unspoken questions until finally his lips crash into mine.

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