Chapter 24

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My days were finally going back to normal ever since I came back to work. I used to complain about my coworkers but now I would take them over everything else. I started hanging out a little more with all of them during lunch breaks. Mostly, because I needed the distraction but I wasn't going to tell them that of course. Instead I listened to them and got to know them more.

Taylor apparently lived with her mom because she didn't want to leave her alone. She told us how her mom had advanced Alzheimer's and she couldn't bare leaving her mom in a home. She had a boyfriend but he couldn't handle the pressure that came with her sick mother. It's his loss is what I told Taylor, she's a surgeon and independent what else could a guy ask for. Not to mention she was so beautiful. Taylor had the most mesmerizing honey colored eyes and light brown hair, she was thin and she knew how to take care of herself.

She also told us about when her dad left her mom and how she became a doctor to be able to take care of her mom. I had a new found respect for Taylor she was a fighter.

Sam on the other hand didn't really talk much. I guess it's normal with guys because even Reid never really opened up that much. He did tell us about his ex girlfriend and how she cheated on him because he wasn't attentive enough. I mean we're surgeons people it comes with the territory that's why most of us are single because we're always working and don't have time for our significant others. Sam told us how he walked in on her having sex in his apartment with another guy, gross. At least rent a motel room or something that's just shady. He said that ever since then he doesn't believe women or anything that they say, because we're liars and are only after one thing. That earned him a slap from Taylor and myself before he excluded the two of us.

"You know Sam not all women are that way just like we don't say all men are the same when one messes up." I scold him

"I guess, they are yet to prove otherwise though. Right Reid?" He turns toward Reid

" Oh no! I am not falling for that one! No way!" Reid raises his hands in defeat

He's a smart man this is one conversation he knows he'll end up losing.

"So what about you Reid? What's your secret life about?" Taylor asks

"I don't really have anything to hide everyone knows me I'm an open book" he replies

I don't say anything only because if he's not ready to open up I'm definitely not going to be the one to make him talk about his life. Sam and Taylor give him the we know you're lying look but he plays it off as if he didn't see there disappointment. Reid had lost his older brother a couple years ago in the army and he's never really been able to deal with it. He figures if he doesn't think about it or hear about it he won't have to deal with the pain. But most people that know him know his brother was his other half. They did everything together and he was always getting Reid out of trouble when they were young. He was the one that convinced Reid to finish school and better himself. I was sworn to secrecy so I couldn't mention anything but I wish he would tell them or anyone that way he could have closure.

"What about you Cassie?" Reid deflects


"Well I mean where should I start?" I say

Just as I'm going to start we get paged to go back to work.

"I guess we're going to have to save it for another day sorry guys" I shrug as we all run to the ER. We all rush over there and when we see all the people we immediately know we're in for a long night.

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