Chapter 27

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Not just any silence though, awkward silence between us.

We're sitting here in the back of the SUV not even the sound of crickets can be herd there's just tension between us. We're parked outside my place and we both have no idea what to say or do. So many unresolved feelings and so many things left unsaid, I won't be the first one to talk though that's for sure, for now I'll just sit here and if he says nothing I'll just go home.

Seconds feel like hours and eventually I give up and reach for the handle on the door and jump out of the car. I practically run to my door step praying for this night to end. As I reach for my keys I hear it, his voice, the only voice that can cause the goose bumps that form all over my body.

"Cassie wait please, I'm sorry I just don't know what to say I'm not sure what happened between us." He says as he runs his hand through his hair.

I stay silent not knowing how to react to his words. Does he not know that I herd him that day? I mean why else would I leave he must know I herd him. I open my door and step inside but I stop, I signal him to come in he owes me an explanation after all. I need the closure, I need him to tell me the truth once and for all so I can move on. Hesitating at first he slowly walks in fighting the emotions within telling him otherwise.

I put my stuff down on the kitchen table and I walk to the living room as Cole follows me closely behind, his eyes burning a hole on the back of my head. I quickly sit and Cole finds a spot on the other side of the couch removing his jacket before sitting down.

"So now what?" I ask

"I need to know what happened Cassie, you just left without a word. My security was under the impression you were coming back but you never did. I thought we hit it off after we, you know..... slept together." He pauses

"Next thing I herd you were on a plane back here and not a single word from you after you got back. Was it something I did?" He asks as I study him, seeing how he lies so well and so calmly.

"Wow you're good!" I say as I clap

"Let's stop with the pretending Cole. I know you don't give a crap about me or my feelings. So just stop! I herd you that day on the phone. I was coming out to look for you and I herd what you said from outside the door. You don't care about me and you never did. I was stupid enough to think you actually felt something towards me but you didn't! Tell me what it is I did to deserve you treating me this way?" I say with tears forming in my eyes

"Was all this just part of a game to see if you could bed the random girl at the club?" I ask watching Cole shift uncomfortably

"No Cassie it's not like that, I never meant to hurt you."

"Just stop Cole stop lying! I need you to be honest so I can understand why you did this and move on! I just want this to be over and to never see you again!" I say with tears coming out

"Look Cassie I'll admit at first it was just about seeing if you were hired to get information about me. I have a lot of enemies and I thought you were sent to spy on me ever since I found you lurking around my house. I had my team run a background check on you and it all checked out so I wanted to apologize which is why I went looking for you at the hospital when I got hit by the car. As I got to know you at the hospital I just couldn't get enough of our little chats and I had to know more about you. Which is why I made the excuse to take you out to dinner." He stares at me and I don't know what to say so I just stare back at him.

"What you herd in the hotel room was me just getting my father off my back. He worries that I'll make a mistake or that I'll get caught up. Which of course I won't, but I want you to know that what happened between us was something I've never experienced before. I want you to give me a second chance to make it up to you because when we are together it feels right and I know you feel it too Cassie." He says reaching for my hands

My mouth drops open with this confession because up til now I thought I was the only one that felt our connection.

I stay silent not knowing what to say. Can I trust him?

"I don't know Cole. How can I believe anything you say when you've been lying to me since the day we met?" I manage to say pulling my hands away from his

"I know you can't believe me but let me show you the real me. Please Cassie just give me one more chance I promise you won't regret it. We can start off as friends and go from there with no expectations and no pressure." He suggests

I'm so confused I don't know if I can trust him. Part of me wants to agree to be friends but the other part is warning me that he's probably lying again.

I can tell he's unsure of what I'm going to say because he keeps studying my face. I see the nervousness radiating from his body, he's patiently waiting for an answer from me.

I open my mouth to speak but close it instantly because the truth is I know I want him in my life even as a friend but I can't trust him. If we have no trust then we have nothing.

"Look Cole I can't say I believe you because I'm not stupid, but I can say that we'll take this slow as friends." I reply seeing his expression soften as he hears my words.

"I promise you won't regret this Cassie."

"I have a lot to think about so I need to be alone now."

"Of course I'll be on my way." he says getting up and putting his coat on. He closes the space between us and pulls me in for a hug.

" I promise you won't regret it" he whispers in my ear

"I hope not."

I watch him walk to the door as he opens it and closes it behind him I'm finally able to let out the breathe of air I was holding in. What's going to happen between us? There is still so many things left unsaid, like why does he have enemies spying on him and why does a financial advisor need all this security. I know there is more to Cole than he is telling me and I'm going to find out all of his secrets if it's the last thing I do.

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