Chapter 35

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It's been a few days since the party and Cole had to apologize to everyone for me because I had fallen asleep after we had sex, he said everyone was okay with it even Lily. According to him, she said to have lots of fun but, he forgets I know Lily like the back of my hand and she wouldn't say that. I've been hanging out with Cole more often now at his office and at my house but I'm still not sure what we are. Just as I'm daydreaming about our night at the party my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Are we still on for dinner at my house tonight?

I don't know I'm feeling really tired. I think we need to rain check.

You promised!

I did no such thing!

Yes you did!

No I didn't but just because I'm such a nice person I will go.

Oh yeah such a nice person!...NOT!!

You take that back mister!

Why don't you make me.

Oh trust me I will! You'll see.

I look forward to it. I will be there to pick you up at 7.

Can't wait.

Now I have to try and get back to this board meeting with my dick hard. See how you're not a nice person all you do is get me horny. Now what am I supposed to do?

If you're in a meeting then why are you texting me? This is not my fault in any way. However since I'm such a nice person I am willing to help you out with your little problem.

Because I can! I'm the boss babe! And for your information there is nothing little about it! You should know its anything but little and it satisfies you extra well. Those screams are from pleasure!!

Cassie:Did I bruise the big mans ego? You can remind me later about that pleasure you speak of I might have forgotten.

Oh trust me I will.

I put my phone down and get back to work with a huge smile on my face. Things are finally good with Cole hopefully it stays that way.

All day at work I haven't been able to concentrate I feel like a high school girl drooling over the hot football jock. I guess since I never got to actually experience it in high school I can now.

"Earth to Cassie! Are you there?" Taylor breaks my daydream

"Yeah sorry I was mentally playing back the surgery from today" I lie

"It was pretty intense I didn't think he was going to make it. I'm in charge of post-op so I have to go see you later?" Taylor asks

"Yeah see you" I smile at her as I start walking away

By 7 as promised the car is waiting for me outside to take me to Cole's house. We're hardly there for some reason it's always his office or my house, but tonight he said he was cooking for me so I'm a little scared. I have never seen him even attempt to pick up a plate, I know I'm in for a long night. I should have eaten at work dammit.


"Cassie can you pass the salt please?" Cole asks me while turning on the stove

"Are you sure you don't need my help?" I ask nervously

"You don't trust me?" he raises an eyebrow

"I do but not with anything that involves manual labor." I smirk

"You just wait and see I'm about to blow your mind and hopefully your panties!" He says grabbing the pots and setting them on the stove causing me to feel a wetness in between my legs. There's nothing more attractive than seeing a man cook for you after a long day at work.

1 hour and a million dirty dishes later Cole finally finishes with his masterpiece. He wouldn't let me see what he was making, insisting that I stay away ruining all the fantasies I was playing in my head. So here I am sitting at the dinner table waiting for him to come in and feed me because I'm starving.

"Alright dinner is served" he says with a big smile on his face and a sense of pride.

As I look at the plate in front of me I'm impressed it actually smells and looks good! He looks even better with his light blue shirt buttoned only half way up and the towel over his shoulder, man I could just jump on him right here and now. Cassie you've got it bad! Cole made some chicken alfredo pasta and garlic bread. I know he's waiting for my opinion before he takes a bite so I take my sweet time taking a bite, and even longer giving him a thumbs up.

"This is really good Cole. I admit I was wrong, you did a really good job." I say stuffing my face with more food

"Thank you." He pauses as if he was remembering something

"My mother taught me how to make this dish, it's my favorite. We would both be here at least once a month making it together." He says

"Where is she now?" I ask

"She died 3 years ago."

"I'm so sorry. I bet she would be proud really proud of you. Now if only you knew how to cook more than one thing we would be set." I say trying to lighten up the mood

"Hey I don't need to learn I have people who do it for me!" he smiles

"Well thank you for making this for me. Can I ask you something?" I ask nervously


"What exactly is this? What are we?" I ask not wanting to know the answer, and completely changing the mood.

"I thought it was obvious? You're with me now Cassie. At least I hope you are because you promised to suck me off earlier." He smiles

I know I have a stupid grin on my face but I don't care because just hearing him say it is music to my ears. I'll have to come back to his comment but for now I got caught up with the first part.  Cassie Harris you have a boyfriend! Oh God!I have a boyfriend! This is a bad idea I have my boards coming up soon and I have residency coming right after that. I'm so stupid this is exactly what I was trying to avoid!

"Everything okay Cassie? Its been 5 minutes and you haven't said anything." His voice interrupts me

I nod and keep eating, when I'm done I try and clean up but Cole quickly reminds me that he has people to do that. So we head upstairs to his room where we end up cuddling on his bed watching movies.

"You know for acting like a hard ass you're actually a big softy." I say snuggling on to Cole

"She Speaks!" He yells scaring me
"Just when it comes to you I am this is all new to me Cassie." He says burying his face in my hair calming me

"I'm going to take you out tomorrow." I hear him say before I fall asleep in his arms. After a long day of work there is no place I would rather be.

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