Chapter 7

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Morning came way to soon as I was forced to open my eyes with the bright sun shining straight on my eyes. A few seconds later my alarm clock goes off so I reach for it to turn it off and I fall to the ground.

"Ouch! Crap!" I cry

"What's going on in there?" lily yells from her room

A few seconds later she comes running into my room as I'm getting up from the floor.

"Is everything okay?" She asks before taking in the sight before her.

"Yeah I was just trying to turn off this stupid alarm and I fell off the bed." I reply

She starts laughing so hard I swear I herd her snort at one point. After a few minutes she doesn't stop laughing so I chase her out of my room, down the hall, and into her room. My attempt is a failed one because I end up slipping with my socks and landing on my butt.

"Damn it!" I curse again trying to get up

" I forgot I had these stupid socks on!" I say angrily.

Lily laughs AGAIN

"Okay, Okay you had your laugh can we get ready now?" I ask annoyed that she's been laughing for a while now.

"Yeah,yeah okay let's get ready." She replies playfully

She starts walking away from me but before she goes into her room she says "I'll be ready in 20 minutes so don't have me waiting."

I laugh at her because I know damn well she takes at least an hour to get showered and changed plus another 45 minutes on her make up. I turn and go back to my room, sitting on my bed I pull out my favorite book and start reading.

An hour has gone by so I finally decide to start getting ready, I get in the shower and 20 minutes later I'm ready to go so I go downstairs to get a snack while I wait for lily.

I hear her come down stairs. FINALLY!!

"Okay I'm ready let's go" she says

"Let's go" I say

After what felt like 100 stores and endless walking, I still couldn't find the perfect dress I was starting to get frustrated. Everything lily picked was either to really short or super revealing.

"We are going to find it Cass, I'm not going to give up until we find the perfect dress!" She assures me

" I gave up like 5 stores ago" I sigh with exhaustion

"NO! I don't want to hear that, look let's just go into one more store and if we don't find anything we can go and sit and give up!" She says

"Fine! But just one more!" I exclaim

We walk into the small boutique that was playing music way to loud. We wondered along the racks and each picked out some choices we liked. Of course lily wanted something more revealing and I wanted something not to crazy.

We decide on a dress that was in between what both of us liked. I was so happy to get it over with my feet were killing me I just wanted to sit. Boy was I wrong to think we were done, we proceeded to buy make up, jewelry and a new crossbody purse. Which according to lily was needed for my phone, ID and lipgloss.

Once we were done we head home... Finally!

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