Chapter 12

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          We arrive outside of a hospital and I soon realize it's going to be way harder than I thought to find her. This place is huge there is no chance I'll find her tonight I'm sure of it. I tell my driver to drop me off in the front and circle around for me in 10 minutes. If I don't find her in those 10 minutes I'll have to look for her another day.

           I go inside and I immediately lose hope in finding her this place is huge. I walk around four or five different halls almost getting lost twice, finally giving up and just deciding to go back outside. I'm going to have to figure out another way to find her if not I will show up at her house.

            Now here I am in the freezing cold because Vancouver is cold as shit during these times. Where the hell is my driver? Didn't I say circle back in 10 minutes? He better have a good explanation for leaving me out here freezing to death.

            I spot him parked across the small road between the parking lot and the entrance to the hospital. I start to walk towards him and I see he is on the phone! I don't pay him to be on the phone when he is supposed to be on my service, he's going to hear it from me.

          As I'm walking in that direction I am suddenly thrown to the floor and I feel my head hit the concrete floor. What just happened? I turn to see a car speeding away and I hear my driver yelling from outside the car. "Boss! Boss! Stay with me! Someone get help!"

         I'm trying to get up but I can't move my body I don't know if it's from the shock or the car hitting me. I try to stay alert but my eyes do other wise and I fall into darkness. I can't seem to open my eyes but I can still here things going on around me. It's so frustrating not being able to get up or talk on my own. I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going on!
        I hear a big commotion and I feel air hitting my face so I must be moving inside the hospital. I keep trying to move or at least open my eyes so they can see I'm fine but I can't. I start hearing multiple voices around me so I start paying attention to what they are saying maybe they know what happened.

"Male approximately 30 years old hit and run, was hit on the right side possible rib fracture and head injury." A male voice says

" I feel tenderness in the lower abdomen and we also have a possible femur fracture and thigh bruising. We need to get him to CT as soon as possible" a familiar female voice speaks. Where have I herd this voice I can't quite put my finger on it.

"Alright let's move him up to CT to get a better picture of what's going on internally." A third voice speaks

I feel air so I must be moving again. I must have blacked out because next thing I hear are loud thumps, which I'm guessing is this CT thing they keep talking about. I hear the thumps for about two minutes and then silence. I go in and out of consciousness before I black out completely.

7 hours later

I don't know how long has gone by before I regain consciousness again, but I am finally able to open my eyes. I scan the room and try to get up but I am finally hit by the extent of my injuries. The pain is so bad I lay back down and I don't even want to move. What happened to me? Does my family know I'm here? Do they know I'm alive?  I have so many questions and not one answer what the hell! At least I can finally move my arms and legs so that must be a good sign right? I am hooked up to so many machines but I don't know what any of them do.

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