Chapter 23

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"So, what do you think Cole should we go ahead with this or not?"


"Cole are you listening son?"

"Earth to loser? Helllooo!" Omar waves his hands

"I'm sorry father what did you need?" I finally reply

"And the only loser I see here is you." I growl at Omar

"We can go ahead with the meeting. Set it up and keep me updated." I say and Omar walks out of my office leaving my father behind.

" Son you haven't spoken about what happened to anyone. Are we good?" Father asks

"Yes father she was never going to speak with anyone" I reply

"Very well just make sure you don't lose focus we have important clients coming in this week and we have 3 shipments coming in on the weekend." He says

"Yes father I know. I'm fine " I assure him

Walking out of my office he doesn't seem convinced, because I've been distracted lately. I need to snap out of it but as I pick up my things I notice my phone hasn't rang all day. Why hasn't she tried to contact me she has my info. I need to explain things to her I can't just let things go.

I'll just give her a couple days I'm not going to give in and chase her around like a lost puppy. I have more important things to worry about right now. I need to get my hands bloody I need to shoot something or someone and quick. What is wrong with me?

I quickly sit at my desk and start going through emails to distract myself. The emails end up giving me a bigger headache than I already had. I respond to as many as I can before I can't anymore. I know eventually I have to respond to all but they can wait for now.

I pick up my phone and call Elijah who is also part of my security. Whenever Ron is busy I make sure to go to Elijah.


"Elijah I need you to gather up everyone to set up a game plan for this week. All shipments need to be received no exceptions or excuses." I say into the phone

"Right away I'll set it up for tonight and text you the information" he says

I hang up the phone and get ready to head out. This weekend is important because my last 4 shipments were either intercepted or blown up and I need to figure out why. Whoever is messing with me is going to be sorry. No one messes with my money.

Plus I have the annual leaders ball next month that I need to prepare for. All the mafia leaders and family show up to keep the peace and make sure our alliances are still in tact. This year was my year to host so I had to make sure my team was prepared. You can only have so many leaders in one building before they started to challenge each other and it becomes a whose got more power match.

I let Sandra know that I'm leaving for the day and I meet Ron downstairs where he's already brought the car to the front. I get in and we drive off to the warehouse. Planning all of this is going to take a lot of meticulous work I cannot have any distractions.

"Ron I need all my calls and messages filtered for the rest of the week. I only want certain things getting to me."

"Yes Sir"

Now only if Cassie would respond to me I could stop thinking about her.

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