Chapter 8

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My birthday was finally here and I was getting ready for the club. Lily was true to her word and had taken me out all day to celebrate. We went to the spa, then mani pedis, and then she convinced me to cut off a little of my hair and get it styled.

I'm standing in front of my mirror staring at myself and the longer I stare the less I recognize myself. We ended up deciding on a spaghetti strap blue suede dress. I got a full curl blow out at the salon so my hair was down along my back and shoulders.

Lily let me borrow her silver strap heels and she did my make up because God knows I can't do it on my own

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Lily let me borrow her silver strap heels and she did my make up because God knows I can't do it on my own. Lily had contoured my face and had added setting spray so my face wouldn't "melt". She also said we had to be subtle because the last thing I needed was "flashback". I have a bachelors, masters and PhD and I still have no idea what the heck any of these words mean. I trusted her though if there is one thing she knew it was make up.

I stare at myself for a couple more minutes before leaving my room.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be" I sigh

I knock at the door for Lily's room

"Hey I'm ready" I say

"Same let's go! She says eagerly

"Sam, Taylor and Reid are on their way they are going to meet us there." I let her know

"A couple of my friends are meeting us over there to." she hurries me out the door

15 minutes later and we're outside the club, it's called The Red Dragon kinda weird but whatever.. We get inside and everyone is already waiting for us in the VIP area. My friends got me a VIP table away from the crowded dance floor and bar. They got me bottle service for the entire night so I can drink til I dropped.

There are about 4 other VIP tables and 1 whole section that's blocked off by red ropes. Blocking the entrance to it are 2 security guards, I wonder who is that important that they get a whole section. It's kind of hard to see but there are 5 or 6 guys and a bunch of girls dancing in front of them.

"I wonder who is in there!" I yell tapping Lily's shoulder

She shrugs

"Let's try and get in" she yells back

I nod no

We drink and dance for who knows how long before I realize that I'm actually having a good time. After some time I turn to lily and shout

"I have to pee"

"Whaaat?" She yells back

"I.... HAVE.... TO.... PEE!!!" I exaggerate

She waves at me to hold her hand and I do as we navigate our way to the restroom. I don't know how many people we bump into before we get to the restroom. We touch ourselves up before finally getting out of the restroom, but as we're walking out 2 big security guards stop us.

"You have been invited to the owners section." the mysterious security guard says

"Who? Us?" Lily asks trying to get confirmation

"Yes let's go" they demand

We follow them to the red rope area looking at eat other in confusion as we follow these strangers. They escort us through and immediately we are offered drinks by two guys. They are identical twins and we take one to share. The guys tell us to bring our friends over so we can be more comfortable I imagine.

As our friends are brought over I notice these dark eyes starring at me, it's to dark to see his face but those eyes are intense. I try and ignore him and I dance with lily and Reid. He is trying to be to close to me and it's a little uncomfortable because we aren't together I just want to be free. I glance over to this man who doesn't stop watching me and I start watching him. Two can play at this game.

I start dancing sensually with lily causing him to shift nervously. I am glad I can affect him like his gaze is affecting me. At one point we are starring straight at each other as I'm grinding on lily.

After a little while I can't take this heat and I have to walk out. I'm practically running out the door of this club as I try to escape mystery mans gaze. Once I'm outside I tilt my head up to the sky and take deep breathes. My skin is burning and my arms and legs are tingling. I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach why is this guy affecting me? I can't even see his face why do I feel this? I feel an unfamiliar tingle in between my legs as well that I can't explain.

Just as I start to calm down I see a beautiful brown haired man walking towards me. He has impecable style, he's wearing a light gray tuxedo and white shirt with a light pink handkerchief hanging off his chest pocket. Just as he's walking towards me I see it... those beautiful green eyes I've been starring at all night are coming towards me. My body instantly freezes and I can't move or breathe.

"Are you Okay?" Mystery man asks me


"I saw you run out is everything okay?" He asks again

No words come out

He stares at me waiting for my answer

I open my mouth to answer but nothing comes out. Why can't I say anything I must look so stupid right now.

"I..I'm okay thanks" I finally reply

"I'm sorry I have to get back to my friend" I cut him off before he can say anything else

I start walking away when I feel his hand grab me and I turn.

"Wait.... what's your name" he asks

"I'm sorry but I don't tell strangers my
name" I playfully say before pulling away from his grab.

I hear him chuckle

I walk away and as soon as I'm about to walk in I turn to him and say with a smile "I'm Cassie".

He screams to me " Nice to meet you, I'm

And just like that I walk back inside.

~Don't forget to comment and vote guys thank you! XoXO~

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