Chapter 36

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"Yeah that's the one... Beautiful!"


"Yes, yes that's the one."



"Are you even paying attention? I've asked for your opinion on the last 3 outfits and you've said the exact same thing without even looking at them!" Cassie yells at me

"It's because you look perfect in anything you wear."

"Nice try Romeo! I'll just take this shirt I hate shopping either way it's annoying! Cassie says letting out a sigh and causing a small wrinkle on her forehead

"What? You a woman! Hates shopping? I don't believe it! It's programmed into your DNA to love shopping and to take forever doing it!" I say sarcastically

I instantly regret it because for the next hour I have to hear about how not every woman is the same. For some reason I don't feel like kicking her to the curb like all the other annoying women I've slept with. Once they start ranting I instantly shut off my hearing, I mean come on they never stop talking. Cassie is different I actually want to listen to her, she isn't like the other airhead girls.

"Okay you win Cassie you are the superior sex, now can you just please shut your pretty little mouth for 5 minutes and pick somewhere to eat!" I joke

AGAIN, instant regret and damnation, why Cole why must you fucking do this to yourself. Here we go another 30 minute lecture on how I shouldn't speak to her that way. Ron just gives me the I feel sorry for you boss look. I'm considering just playing dead to see if she'll stop.

Buzz buzz buzz

Thank you whoever is calling me!

"Sir we have a situation that requires your presence immediately"

"What is it Elijah?"

"Not here, in person"

"Give me 30 minutes I'll be there"

I hang up and Cassie looks worried

"I have to deal with some things at work we'll drop you off at the estate."I say

"Is everything okay? I can come with you."

"I don't want you to be bored" I lie

"Okay but don't be to long I hate being alone in your house it gives me the creeps." She pouts

I hate it when she does that it makes me want to fuck in that moment. She knows it too because she starts giggling right after she pouts.

Buzz Buzz

From Cassie:
I bet your thinking of fucking me right now aren't you?

To Cassie:
Don't play with me because you know I'll do it.

She smiles as she reads my message and she scoots to the seat right next to me. Very carefully placing her hand on my thing as she raises an eyebrow challenging me to break. Slowly she starts squeezing my thigh as she reaches over to my zipper. The whole time I'm watching Ron to make sure his eyes are on the road, this fucker isn't getting a free show from my girl.

She unzips me and reaches through my boxers until she's grasping my cock in her hand. At this point she knows I'm all hers. Slowly she starts stroking me and quickly picks up the pace. Knowing we're almost at my place she wants to finish me off quick because, soon her mouth is taking me fully and now I am really hoping Ron doesn't look our way. I feel her picking up the pace sucking and stroking me like a pro causing me to grab the back of her head with one hand and covering my face with the other as if I was thinking.

I feel it coming and she feels me tense up so she goes harder and harder, soon I find my release as I fill her mouth and she takes it all. Putting her head up I grab a Kleenex from the back row and clean myself up, she directs me to throw them inside one of her shopping bags. I knew they would be useful for something, she wipes her mouth and just in time as we pull into the estate.

"Don't be too long now, you owe me." She whispers in my ear before getting out of the car.

I smirk at her and drive off knowing when I get back she'll be screaming my name over and over all night.

30 minutes later

We pull up to the warehouse and Elijah is outside waiting as I get out of the car.

"Sir we have information on who keeps messing with our shipments." Elijah informs me


"Sir they are the Moretti's, they have only been small time until recently when the father died and there son took over, Valentin Moretti. Word is he got greedy and wanted to be big time."

"Obviously he doesn't know who he's messing with, he picked the wrong family to fuck with.
Find me everything on them now! Who they socialize with who are there contacts. Where they live, what they do when they wake up, when they go to sleep, when they eat. I mean everything ASAP!" I yell at Elijah

"Yes Sir right away." Elijah says as he runs back to the office

"Ron! Take me back home now! My girls waiting for me there is nothing else for me to do!" I say frustrated

I need to have security around Cassie, if Elijah is right then it's only a matter of time before they look into me and my family.

"Ron make sure we get someone with Cassie at all times."

She is not going to be happy at all and how am I going to explain to her why she needs security. Fuck!

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