Chapter 15

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Shoutout @KristinGodard thanks for the comment this chapter is for you!


"You are free to go." I tell Cole

" I'll be waiting for our date."

"It's not a date it's just a dinner!" I say sharply I don't need him getting the wrong idea. Just because my best friend is dating his brother doesn't mean I'm going to be drooling over him. I don't care how hot he is I am not falling for that nice guy act.

A few minutes later he leaves with his father and brothers. He even has security waiting for him in the lobby what does he do? Why does he need security? 

I don't have time to think about it because just as he's leaving I get a page to go down to the ER. Just another day at the office, we never have slow days and just when you think you're having a slow day something happens.

After a few hours I finally get a moment to sit in the locker room to rest and take a second for myself. I check my phone to see if lily text me because we had dinner plans but find a text from an unknown number instead and I open it.

Tomorrow night I'm taking you out, be ready by 6pm my driver will pick you up.

I immediately know who it is and reply

How do you know I don't work tomorrow night? And how do you know my number? Stalker much?

Because I know and I'm not stalking you. Your friend gave me your number remember! Just be ready.


Who does this guy think he is talking to me like that! Ugh I'm starting not to like this guy he's so rude.

I'm finally out of work and I call lily and tell her what's going on, I immediately regret it because she started blabbering about how she's going to fix me up and get me dolled up. I told her it wasn't like I was looking to impress this guy. She isn't having it though she keeps insisting on me getting fixed up, I know this is a battle I'm going to lose eventually.

I get home and lily is already waiting for me in her room with outfit choices all with matching shoes and purses.

"Okay we're going to go one by one until we get the perfect one!" Lily jumps with glee

"Do we have to?"

"Yes if you don't try them on we'll never know which one fits best." She narrows her eyes

"Fine let's just get this over with I guess"

"You are no fun." Lily crosses her arms

After 3 hours I'm done I can't and won't try on anything else! We finally decide on an outfit and I run to my room before lily can come up with anything else. I get in the shower and stand under the hot water for a while, just letting the hot water relax me. I can't help but wonder what the plans are for tomorrow I hate not knowing I'm the person who has everything planned to the hour and not knowing bugs the crap out of me.

After 20 minutes I'm done showering so I dry myself off put my pjs on and lay down in bed.
Maybe I should text him and ask what I should wear? Is it to late? Would he even respond? I decide to text him.

So just wondering what we are doing tomorrow so I can know what to wear?

I hit send.

Oh what did I do I sound like a high school girl! I mentally kick myself for doing that. I put my phone under my pillow and throw my face on the pillow.

Ping!... Ping!...

2 messages come in to my phone. What the hell? I get my phone and see it's Cole! Oh crap!! Oh crap!! I don't want to look!

It doesn't matter either way you'll look beautiful.

Bring an extra change of clothes too.

Why would I need an extra change of clothes? You are crazy if you think I'm going to spend the night with you!

You need to learn to let loose and not be so uptight. No one said we were going to sleep together.

Ugh! I am not uptight he's crazy if he thinks after one dinner I'm going to sleep with him! I silence my phone and put it on my night stand. I am pissed at this point but I know if I don't fall asleep I will give in and text him back. So I roll over and force myself to sleep.

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