Chapter 33

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"Stop moving! I said STOP MOVING!!"

"I can't your going to poke my eye!"

"Stop being a baby, beauty is pain. Now open your eye and stop moving!"

"Gosh I should've known asking for your help meant you would try something crazy!"

"Once you see yourself you'll be thanking me."

"I doubt it" I whisper

"I heard that!" Lily frowns

"Okay just one more eye! Open wide!" She says sticking a contact lens inside my eye

"Okay now blink a couple of times so your eyes get used to the contacts." Lily demands

It's so hard trying not to rub my eyes, but it's my own fault for letting Lily be in charge of the party outfits. She literally went all out, I mean just look at me now letting her touch my eyeball just to wear these gray contacts because "it'll make the look more dramatic" whatever that means.

I know, I know I asked her for the help so why am I complaining right? I never thought she would go this far.

"Okay we're done are you ready to see yourself now?" Lily asks eyeing me up and down

"Yeah, I guess" I say unenthusiastically causing an eye roll to come from Lily

Turning around I don't even recognize myself, I look.... hot!

"Ok I can admit when I'm wrong and you're right I look good! I don't know how you do it but thank you!" I admit to Lily

"Girl you're lucky you're pretty if not I would really need to work miracles!" she says jokingly rushing out of the room to finish getting ready herself.

I can't help but stand and look at the girl in front of me in the mirror. Who is not me by the way. A couple of months ago I would never have gotten so worked up about having to look good for a party. I wouldn't even have gone to a party to begin with. Now here I am trying to impress a boy who has expressed many times that he is not interested in me. Who is this Cassie and what have you done to the old Cassie?

The dress Lily picked out for me is actually nice although if I would have gone with her I definitely wouldn't have picked this out. This gown is beautiful and I already told Lily not to even dare mention how much she spent on it. The dress is all white and the front is simple but once you see that back it is see through lace which cuts very low. Like I said I would never have picked it but Lily didn't let me see it until today for a reason.


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Taking one last look at myself I grab my coat and walk downstairs. Of course Cole sent us a car I expected nothing less. I put my coat on and walk out the door and into the car.

"Are you nervous?" Lily asks as she sees me start to bite my nails once we've driven off

"Just a little bit. Aren't you?" I respond

"No why would I be? Free food and drinks what more can we ask for?" She giggles

"Hey I'll be with you the whole time, we'll keep each other company all night and when you're ready to come home we'll leave. I promise" she says raising her left hand

"Aren't you supposed to raise your right hand?" I ask suspiciously

"Oh yeah right right." She laughs but doesn't switch hands

Pulling up to the Davis estate we're instantly let inside the gate because we're in one of Cole's cars. We're stuck behind a long line of cars who are all waiting to get to the front of the house.

"How many people do you suppose were invited?" I ask Lily

"Well Oscar said it's the biggest event of the year for them but only important people are invited so I'm not sure." Lily answers me

"So you and Oscar huh?" I shrug her gently

"No.. I mean yeah.. I mean I don't know it's complicated I guess"

"Complicated?" I ask raising one eyebrow.

Lily just turns away and ignores me, so rude!

We start getting closer and closer until it's our turn to get off the car. As soon as we drive up Cole and Oscar are waiting outside our door to escort us inside.

"Ready girl?"

I nod and Lily exits first and then I get out with the help of Cole. We walk on the red carpet that's laid out for everyone walking in. Once inside the main entrance we are directed to a gentleman who is taking everyone's coats and personal effects. Cole removes his coat and turns to help me, as soon as I take my coat off Cole's jaw drops. Up until now he only saw the front which seemed like a normal plain white dress. I instantly make a reminder to thank Lily later for the great choice. For now I'll just mentally jump for joy like a little girl.

"You look stunning Cassie, looks like I'm going to have to keep you close tonight I don't want anyone getting any ideas." He whispers in my ear as he puts a hand on my lower back

"Let's get to our seats now before any of these guys get a look at you." He pulls my lower back with the arm that's wrapped around me so I can be right next to him

I feel the butterflies again but this time it feels different, it feels like a hunger for him. My body longs for his touch, my skin feels him close and it burns for him. Feeling brave I decide to play with him a little bit, I mean two can play at that game right?

"You don't look so bad yourself you know, who knows I might be the one getting in a fight if one of these girls gets to close to you" I whisper as close as I can to his ear. Causing him to grunt and turn to look me straight in the eyes, and I see it the same burning that I have. As we walk towards the event I feel him squeeze my hip and I know he's trying to calm his emotions down.

I want to thank everyone for continuing to vote and comment means the world to me. I hope everyone is staying safe during these times and I hope my book can help you escape even for just a little while. XOXO

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You guys rock!

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