Chapter 6

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The rest of the night was pretty hectic I lost a total of 3 patients throughout the shift, one of them being a 13 year old boy. He overdosed....

His mom didn't even know he was here she found out when we made the call now here she is crying over his body. It's not our job to judge because I don't know how they live or what's going on in her life but how can you not know your child is on drugs? This little boy has bruises and injection marks everywhere it doesn't take a medical professional to see that he was on something. Regardless I was called up to see the chief which is somewhere you NEVER want to be.

After a 30 minute conversation the chief decided it was best for me to take a couple days off. Which I hated because I need to be here to learn, what am I supposed to do at home? I have no choice however, when the chief says to be off your off he decides whether I keep my job or not. So I'll take these days off to study and regroup and I'll be back better than ever.

I get my things, get in my car and I drive off in the crack of dawn through the empty streets of Vancouver. As I get into the condo and close the door behind me I suddenly get a rush of emotions I didn't know I was holding on to. I'm not one to cry I mean I work with death all the time it's my job but here I am on the floor crying my eyes out against the door. Lily comes down the stairs worried.

"Cass?.... Hey Cassie its okay... what's wrong why are you crying?" She sleepily asks

I sob into her neck

"Hey, Hey..... it's okay tell me what happened maybe I can help you." She says sounding worried

I pull back from her hug and try to explain everything that happened throughout the night without sounding pathetic.

"Oh Cassie you let it out girl... after what you went through tonight just let it out it's just me here" she hugs me

"I know I should be used to it because it's my job but tonight just got to me....this little boy.. that could have been me I had no one taking care of me and I could have gone through that path and ended up like him!" I say trying to not stutter

"Maybe I could have done something different to save them."

"I feel like a failure, like I failed THEM, I took an oath to do no harm" I cry

"No, no, no, no, no you always do this Cass you always blame yourself" she interrupts me

"You are an excellent doctor and I know you did everything you could to save them, so don't doubt yourself!"

I know she's right but it still hurts knowing you lost people on your shift. I finally calm down after we sit on the floor for who knows how long. I let her know I'm going to take a nap and she waves me off after giving me one last big hug. I get to my room and I'm so exhausted I plump down on the bed without changing, instantly drifting off to sleep.

I feel hot... to hot... so I slowly open one eye and realize lily had put a blanket over me. I open my other eye and realize it's night time already. How long was I asleep for? I still have my uniform on so I lazily slip off my uniform and put on my pajamas and went down stairs. My stomach was grumbling so I went into the kitchen and realized lily had cooked and she had put the leftovers in a plate for me to heat up. Bless her soul. What would I do without her? Probably starve.

I warm up the food and head into the living room where lily is watching a movie, so I sit next to her and start eating.

"Hey good morning sleepy head" she jokes

"Ha.. ha" I say sarcastically

"So now that your here I want to talk about your birthday" she says worrying a little about my reaction.

I roll my eyes.

"Okay, I will take that as a yes!" She ignores me

"So I'm thinking starting the day off with a spa massage, then mani pedís, then hair salón and to finish a night of dancing" she can't contain her smile

"Okay sounds good to me I guess I just have one condition..... no waxing of anything that's not eyebrows!" I say firmly standing my ground.

"Wack!" She yells

"The point is to get you laid so all hair is going to come off!"

"He's going to look at you and see an irresistible chick! She tell me

"He can fall in love with your brains later" she laughs and I roll my eyes again.

The truth is I am a virgin and she has been trying to get me to sleep with a guy for a while now. At first I thought it would happen with Reid but it never did so here I still am and lily is the only other person who knows this secret. I made her swear on her grave she wouldn't say anything and I trust her to keep her mouth shut.

After some talking we decide to go shopping tomorrow morning for anything I might need on the birthday. I need to mentally prepare myself for this long ass day tomorrow so we clean up the kitchen and living room and say our good byes before heading into our rooms for the night. I set my alarm for 7am tomorrow and I disappear in my own thoughts about the night I just had, before I know it I'm out cold.

~ Leave a comment let me know how you like it so far.! Xx

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