Chapter 10

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It's hot... too hot... The sun is hitting my face and I feel heavy. I slowly open my eyes and realization hits me, I'm not in my bed. Where am I? What happened? What time is it?

I sit up and look around and suddenly everything comes back in. I remember everything from last night, why am I still here? Where is lily I suddenly freak out thinking something happened to her. I begin to panic, I jump off the bed grab my clothes and my shoes and run out of the room. Without even thinking I run down the halls making sure I don't make any noise. I pray that no one sees me or hears me as I'm running down the stairs. I realize I don't remember my way around this huge house. Crap! After circling around 3 times I finally find the entrance and I grab the doorknob. As I am about to turn it I'm scared by a yelling voice

"Hey where do you think you're going?" Cole yells

"Please don't hurt me I just want to go home." I plead

"Woah relax no one is going to hurt you. Let's just go to my office so I can explain and apologize for last night" he says shocking me

"Where is my friend? What did you do to her?" I ask

"Follow me I'll explain everything" he says and walks away. I start to follow him and once we get to his office he directs me to a small couch where I sit and he pulls up a chair so he's directly in front of me.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions so I'm going to try and answer all of them" he says

"First of all I want to apologize for last night I didn't know you were invited to the after party, I mean who goes snooping around a strangers house?" He tries to explain himself

"Who goes around choking women?" I snap back who the hell is he to try and justify that.

"Well maybe next time don't go walking around and there won't be a problem!" He says angrily. I didn't realize I was looking at the floor the whole time until he gets me mad with his stupid comment that causes me to look up at him.

"We're getting off topic now, like I was saying I tried calling you out of the restroom but you weren't answering I figured you wouldn't because of what I had just done. But a few minutes later your friend came up yelling and cursing at me." He continues

"She said you text her and she wanted to see you, she throws a pretty mean left hook." He chuckles

"I knocked down the door and we found you passed out, so we put you in a guest room." Cole continues

"What happened to Lily?" I ask

"She went home, Oscar took her home he never came back though" he smiles

"Oh!" I say exaggerating

Suddenly he puts his hand on my shoulder causing my body to shiver.

"I really am sorry" he says as he scoots closer to me. He runs his hand up and down my arm and I start to feel light headed so I sit forward to try and regain my balance. When I rest my hand on my thigh I realize it's not my thigh I'm grabbing. I look at him for a second and I forget about the world happening around me.

He closes the space between us our foreheads touching and our eyes never looking away. I can smell his fragrance and I can finally look deep into those captivating eyes. I accidentally squeeze his thigh thinking it's mine, earning a groan from him which is something I have never experienced. It's actually pretty hot, so hot that I need to hear it again. He grabs my hair and pulls me to him so that our lips crush together and I feel as if my body has finally been ignited. I kiss him back as his tongue enters my mouth, our kiss quickly turns into lust for one another and it deepens his tongue entering my mouth with every chance he gets.

"Sir your father is on the phone for you." Says his housekeeper as she knocks on the door. Just like that our kiss is interrupted and I suddenly feel shy.

"I should go I'm sorry" I say flustered. I run out of the house before he gets a chance to say anything.

I get driven home by one of Cole's employees and the whole time I can't stop thinking about our kiss. The more I think about it the more I blush this isn't me I don't just go around kissing guys I don't know. What's wrong with me?

30 minutes later

I'm finally at home, it feels good being in my own space. I walk in to the house to find Lily and Oscar sitting in the living room watching tv.

"Hey Cassie finally you're home!" Lily squeals

"Don't hey me! I could have died and you left me! What the hell we're supposed to be friends and you left me behind!" I yell almost crying

"Woah woah calm down dude I stayed with you until like 3am and I made sure you were fine!" She explains

"So not cool Lily I can't believe this you owe me big time!" I warn

"Okay I'm sorry geez!" She sounds annoyed

"I'm sorry I was the one who insisted she come back she looked exhausted and my brother has doctors and housekeepers to help" Oscar interrupts

I roll my eyes

"I'm going to my room to rest." I say annoyed

"Hey Cassie? My brother means well he doesn't just trust people, we haven't had an easy life. He's had to take care of us his whole life so just go easy on him.The fact that he let you stay there instead of putting you in a hotel is huge for him! I'm not trying to excuse his behavior in any way just keep and open mind." Oscar tries to defend his brother.

"Okay I'll think about it" I say and I walk away

"Cool because we gave him your number so he'll probably be texting you soon!" Lily screams as she pulls Oscar and runs out the door.

Great just what I need this guy bugging me, but my stomach is fluttering with the hope that he might do as they say.

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