Chapter 45

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Hey I know it's been a while since I updated this story, I got a bit stuck with writers block so that's why I haven't updated in so long, I also kept getting distracted by my other stories. Anyway enjoy.

2 months later....

No one's pov

Two months had passed by and not a lot has happened. A few of of Klaus's hybrids found Kol but were quickly killed by Kol before they could report their finding to Klaus who was still in Mystic Falls wrecking havoc on Elena and her friends and just being an overall asshole because things weren't going his way. Klaus was angry because he couldn't get hold of Kol or Elijah and he didn't like not knowing what they were doing.

Rebekah had been back and forth between Mystic Falls and Chicago to see Kol, Davina and Mira but she never stayed too long as she didn't want Klaus getting suspicious of her whereabouts and she didn't want him following her and finding out where Kol was knowing Kol didn't want to be found by Klaus. Plus Klaus still didn't know about Davina being alive and he didn't know about Kol and Davina's secret daughter or that Kol and Davina were expecting a baby in one month.

Elijah was trying to locate Davina's whereabouts through Rebekah for Katherine who was desperate to find her daughter but Elijah wasn't getting any luck as Rebekah was careful not to say too much to Elijah. Rebekah was paranoid when it came to her adopted daughter, she didn't want Katherine finding her after she had abandoned her all those centuries ago when she was just a baby. Rebekah hated Katherine and was afraid of her taking her daughter away from her. 

The Mikaelson's long lost sister Freya was trying to locate and track down Mira but wasn't having any luck as Mira put a very strong cloaking spell on herself and her parents. Kol also had witch friends who were loyal to him put extra cloaking spells on Mira just as a precaution. Kol and Davina didn't want to leave any chances of Freya or Dahlia finding their daughter.

Dahlia was also trying to find Mira but constantly failed which made her all the more furious. She was furious that Mira got away from them and that she had lost access to her power. Dahlia was furious with Freya for not getting anywhere so she took her anger and frustrations out on anyone that crossed her path.

With Kol and Davina....

Davina's pov

I was sat on the couch with a blanket pulled over my lap as I watch TV while Mira is upstairs. I look up as I hear Kol come down the stairs and he appears in the doorway pulling on his coat "where are you going?" I ask as he walks over.

"I'm nipping out" he explains "I gathered that but where are you going exactly?" I ask "I'm going out for a drink and to get some more blood bags from the hospital" he replies "okay don't drink too much" I respond as Mira comes downstairs and enters the room.

"Dad you going somewhere?" she asks as she comes over to the couch and sits down "yes, I'm going for a drink and to pick up some blood bags from the hospital but I won't be long" he explains making her nod "okay just be careful dad" she says "I will love" he responds leaning down and planting a kiss on her forehead. "Love you dad" she says making him smile "I love you too princess" he responds before turning to me "I love you" he says giving me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too" I respond smiling as he kneels down "and I love you" he says rubbing my baby bump giving it a kiss.

Davina's baby bump (8 months)

I giggle as the baby kicks "the baby loves you too" I respond rubbing my baby bump "be good for mummy and you too Mira" he says looking at Mira who smiles "of course dad" she replies playfully rolling her eyes

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I giggle as the baby kicks "the baby loves you too" I respond rubbing my baby bump "be good for mummy and you too Mira" he says looking at Mira who smiles "of course dad" she replies playfully rolling her eyes. Kol smirks but says nothing as he gives us both a kiss on the forehead before leaving. 

1 hour later...

Kol's pov

I've just left the bar after having two drinks of bourbon. I barely drink now that Davina's pregnant and of course Mira but Davina says it's okay for me to have a drink every now and then so I decided to treat myself to a drink before the baby arrives.

Now I'm on my way to the hospital to get some blood bags as we've run out at home.
I arrive at the hospital and walk straight up to the reception desk where a lady is sat.

"Hello love" I say making her look up "how may I help you?" she asks so I lean forward looking straight into her eyes "I want you to take this bag and put some blood bags inside for me then bring the bag back to me" I compel her "is that understood?" I ask "yes, I'll get them for you now sir" she replies taking the bag from me and walking away to get my blood bags.

She comes back five minutes later with the bag "here you go sir" she says as she hands me the bag "thank you love, now forget any of this happened, you didn't see me and you'll forget about the blood bags, forget everything that just happened" I compel her making her nod.

I pull back as she shakes her head "sorry did you need something?" she asks "no, I just stopped by to visit someone but I'm leaving" I respond as I turn and walk out the hospital to head home.


I'm nearing my car when I suddenly sense that I'm being followed so I stop and turn a corner leading down an alley to divert them and confront whoever is following me. I quickly hide behind a wall and wait, listening out for the person to get closer.

Once I hear them get nearer, I come out from my hiding spot and grab the person, slamming them up against the wall and I see the person is a man. "Why are you following me?" I ask wrapping my hand around their throat. "I-I was sent by your brother" he sputters as I tighten my grip on his throat "which brother?" I ask pressing him harder against the wall. "K-Klaus" he gasps making my hand twitch as I feel my blood boil "why has he sent you?" I ask "h-he's looking for you" he says making me scoff "well I don't really care now what to do with you?" I ask with a menacing smile making him tremble in fear and oh how stupid is my brother to send some weak human after me. 

"P-Please d-don't kill me" he stammers "and why shouldn't I? You were following me and I don't want to be found" I say "please, I'll do anything I'll lie to your brother" he pleads I just roll my eyes. "I don't believe you and even if I did, I can't take any chances" I respond as I let my vampire face emerge. "Please don't kill me" he pleads squirming against my hold "you shouldn't have followed me mate. Now be quiet because I'm quite famished" I respond before biting into his neck, drinking his blood making him scream so I cover his mouth so his screams become muffled.

He squirms so I pull away and snap his neck "good riddance" I mutter as I let him drop to the floor. I wipe my mouth before dragging his body round the corner where I had been hiding and I chuck his body into the garbage bin before vamp speeding away.

I head to my car and get in, I put my seat belt on as I start up the car. I hear my phone buzzing so I pull it out and see Davina's texting me 'are you nearly home? xx' the text reads. I quickly send her a text back 'yes, I'm on my way home love xx' before I start driving away from where I was parked onto the road.

End of chapter

What did you think? Davina's 8 months pregnant so she hasn't got long til the baby arrives. Klaus is sending people looking for Kol. Freya is trying to find Mira. Elijah's trying to find information about Davina's whereabouts for Katherine. What will happen next?

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