Chapter 11

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Here's a new chapter. I hope you like it.

Davina's pov

All is silent between me and Kol as we walk down the street heading towards his apartment. "Do you want to discuss what you said as we walk?" Kol suddenly asks breaking the silence "I'd rather wait until we get to your apartment" I respond "okay do you know why the armory are sending hunters after you?" he asks "Kol I don't even know what the armory is so how could I possibly know why they sent a hunter after me?" I retort "my bad it's just the armory are bad news and I don't want them getting their hands on you" he responds. "I can take care of myself" I retort causing him to stop walking and he moves in front of me "that doesn't mean I can't care or worry about you" he says seriously "I wish I could believe you that you care about me" I respond moving away and continuing to walk again. "I do care about you Davina and I know I haven't exactly proven it to you but I'm going too, I swear" he replies I don't say anything else after that, I just keeping looking ahead and walk in silence.
15 minutes later....

We arrive at his apartment and he opens the door, stepping aside to let me enter first. I hesitantly enter the apartment and glance around as Kol enters and shuts the door behind him. "Make yourself comfortable" he says as he takes off his jacket. I head into the living room and take a seat on the couch.

I glance around the room as Kol does god knows what. I soon find out though when he enters the room with a glass of blood in his hand. He hands it to me as he sits down "figured it would calm your nerves a bit" he said when I just stared at the red substance in the glass. "Thanks" I respond before taking a sip. "So do you want to tell me what you said back at the club and why you said it?" he questions "I uh it's hard to explain" I respond "just tell me Davina" he said in a bit of annoyance making me sigh. "I had your baby" I say without even glancing at him because I don't want to see the look of anger and disappointment on his face. "W-what?" he asks with a slight stutter "a few weeks after I left, I found out I was with child" I respond "mine?" he asks in slight disbelief making me scoff. "Of course it was yours what kind of person do you take me for?" I ask hurt and offended that he would ask that question. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like that" he responds making me sigh and shake my head. "How? I can't reproduce" he says "it's to do with what I am. Remember how I use to have those problems with my eyes?" I ask "yes I remember why?" he asks "it turns out I was going blind because my other side was trying to break out but my witch side along with the vampire blood seemed to keep it at bay" I explain "what other side?" he asks "right of course. You don't know" I say "know what?" he asks "that I'm a rare supernatural creature. Have you ever heard of a seer?" I ask "only tales why?" he asks "well it turns out the women from my fathers side of the family have a very specific gift. They're born seers, they're born blind and they can see the past and predict the future. I am one too that's why I was going blind all the time but my witch side seemed to keep it at bay and of course when I drank vampire blood it restored my vision" I explain "so you were a seer?" he asks "I am a seer Kol and it's the reason how you got me pregnant. For some reason Seers can breed with any supernatural creature of their desire. Of course I wasn't aware of that at the time as I didn't know I was a seer until I became a vampire" I explain running a hand through my hair. "Why didn't you come back and tell me you were pregnant?" he asks making me tear up "you broke my heart Kol and I didn't think you would care. I couldn't bare to see you again only to have my heart shattered even more by your rejection plus I thought it would only make you hate me even more" I explain "does Rebekah know?" he asks "no, I never once told her about the pregnancy or the baby. I couldn't bare to tell her, I just felt so guilty" I respond sniffling slightly. "So you had my child. That's how the Petrova bloodline continued didn't it?" he asks making me scoff "of course that's the only part you care about and no our child did not continue the Petrova bloodline!" I snap getting off the couch on the intent to just walk out but Kol quickly grabs me by the arm and pulls me back down. "Davina I didn't mean it like that and of course I care. What do you mean our child didn't continue the bloodline?" he asks "because our baby never got to see the light of day" I respond "what?" he asks "our baby was stillborn" I explain "what does that mean?" he asks "it means the baby was born dead" I say with tears streaming down my face. Kol's face softens and I see the slight tears forming in his eyes. "You know it's funny. I never planned on having kids because of my bloodline, I've always thought of my bloodline as a curse and I didn't want to pass that on to any child. My heart was broken and then I found out I was pregnant and suddenly there was hope in my life. I thought since you didn't love me, at least I'd have a part of you that did. As the pregnancy went on I just fell more and more in love with our baby, the first time I felt the baby kick it was the most amazing feeling in the world and I never wanted it to go away. I felt my heart healing, our baby was piecing me back together and I longed for the day the baby would come into the world and be with me. I longed for the pain, I longed to hear the baby's first cry and I longed for those sleepless nights. The day I went into labour she hadn't stopped kicking" I explain "she?" Kol says I nod "yes our baby was a girl" I respond wiping away a few tears on my face. "I went into labour sometime after noon and the pain was unbearable but I pushed through it because all I wanted was to have my baby in my arms. So I pushed and screamed with all my might, waiting for the baby come out, waiting to hear that first cry but it never came. Everything was silent and I was confused, I didn't know what was happening except I couldn't hear my baby. The women who helped me give birth kept giving me these sympathetic looks and I didn't understand why until they placed her in my arms. Instead of seeing a healthy lively baby in my arms, there was a beautiful silent baby girl. Her skin was pale as snow, there was no warmth to her body, there was no movement, her chest was still and her eyes were closed. She looked like she was sleeping but I knew she wasn't and in that instant my heart broke all over again" I cry more tears stream down my face. I feel Kol move closer and wrap an arm around my back but I don't even bother to push him away. "I don't understand why it happened. I was so confused as not even an hour before I went into labour, she was kicking with all her might. At some point her heart simply stopped and I didn't even know" I sniffle breaking down into sobs. "I am so sorry Davina" he says in a strained voice "I grew angry after that, I blamed everything Katherine, you, your family, the world and myself. I just don't why the world was so cruel to me. Perhaps it was selfish of me to relie on our baby to fix me but I just yearned to be happy. I wanted her love, I wanted to be her mother" I respond placing my head on his shoulder as he pulls me closer to him. "It wasn't your fault Davina, these things happen all the time" he replies "why are you comforting me? Why are you not screaming at me and kicking me out of your apartment?" I ask pulling away from him "because I care about you and I hate seeing you like this. You went through this loss alone and you didn't need too. I should've been there, I wished I had been. I should've never broken up with you" he sniffles "it doesn't matter because either way the baby would've still been stillborn and you would've had to endure that loss and pain" I respond "we would've endured it together. I know it was painful for you okay and for that I'm sorry. God I am so sorry that I allowed you to slip away. I shouldn't have let Klaus get into my head" he replies "yet you did. You know if you had doubts about us because of him. Why didn't you just come talk to me and see how I felt?" I ask "I was a coward and I was afraid. A mistake I wish I could take back" he responds "you know Klaus did that on purpose you know. He didn't do it because he cares about our happiness. Klaus never was going to accept our relationship simply because it posed a threat to his dream" I respond "what do you mean?" he asks "you know as well as I do that back then the one thing he wanted more than anything was to break his curse and become a hybrid. The only way he could do that was by sacrificing a Petrova doppelganger and my bitch of a biological mother screwed that up for him. He slaughtered the rest of her family but he knew if he needed to one day lift his curse then the Petrova bloodline must continue and as luck would have it, I was the last Petrova" I explain "Klaus was obsessed with marrying me off to any man he came across. He was desperate for me to breed and have children so I would continue the Petrova bloodline. That's why he pressured me so much back then, it's why he put those thoughts in your head and it's the main reason why he let your sister keep me. He never really cared about me Kol, he only kept me around because of what bloodline I came from. I was nothing but a pawn for him" I add "that can't be true. He loved you as any uncle should" Kol replies making me scoff. "Of course you would defend him. He always gets his own way. Tell me Kol if I came back when I was pregnant, do you honestly think he would've been happy about it? No he wouldn't because the baby was tainted with Mikaelson blood that meant the Petrova bloodline would forever be changed and that could've caused problems for him" I respond "he deliberately tore us apart didn't he?" he questions "he did and you let him" I respond "Davina I'm sorry. I truly am, I regret everything that happened that day. I wish I could take it all back" he replied "well you can't what's done is done and you can't change that. You let Klaus get his own way and broke my heart to pieces, I could never trust any man after that" I retort Kol frowns and closes his eyes, a few tears roll down his face. "You know when I heard you were dead. My heart broke, I went in denial for a little bit. I refused to believe you were gone. When I came to realize it was true, I didn't want to accept it and the pain was unbearable so I switched off my humanity. Nik daggered me and they had to flea after the damage I caused. I wasn't undaggered until quite a long time after that and when I was, my humanity still wasn't properly in check" he explains looking down for a moment before looking up at me. "Your death that I heard about, that was when you became a vampire isn't it?" he questioned "yes" I respond "how did you become a vampire? How did you die?" he asks "you don't want to know" I reply "I do though, please tell me" he replies "it was never my intention to become a vampire. The day I died I was suppose to stay dead" I respond "what do you mean?" he asks confused "I killed myself" I reply his eyes widen "w-what? Why would you do that?" he asks "because I lost my baby! My heart was broken beyond repair! I was in so much pain and I just wanted it to end. I wanted to be free, I wanted to be with my baby so a week and a half later after crying myself to sleep day in and day out and feeling constant pain in my heart. I just grabbed a knife and slit my throat and for that moment I felt free, I felt the pain leave me. I felt the warmth of death embrace me and take me away from this shit hole of a world and I was happy but then I woke up and all the pain came rushing back to me!" I explain sobs racking my body as I feel the pain and the memories come flooding back. Kol pulls me into his arm to comfort me "shh I am so sorry. I know I've said it so many times already but I truly do mean it. I was awful to you, I really wish I could take it all back. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you" he sobs against me and we just kind of cling onto one another as we cry. He suddenly pulls back and looks me in the eye "I'm going to make it up to you somehow I swear. I can't stand you being mad at me or the fact I've caused you so much pain, I'll make it go away. I love you" he says making me instantly pull back "you can't love me!" I exclaim standing up from the couch "why not?! Give me one good reason why I can't love you!?" he yells standing up right after I do "because I'm broken!" I yell making his face soften "and you can't love something that's broken, nobody can" I respond with a slight crack in my voice. "What if the other person is broken too?" he asks "what?" I say "what if the person who loves you is broken too? They say if you put two broken pieces together, they can fix each other and you know broken things can be fixed" he says walking towards me "what are you saying?" I ask "I'm saying I'm broken too, so let's be broken together. We can fix one another" he says taking my hands in his and pressing his forehead against mine. "I don't know Kol, I want too I do. I just don't know if I can trust you" I respond making him sigh "I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust" he replies "okay but Kol you should know I'm not the same girl I was 500 years ago. I've changed, I'm a completely different person and I don't know if you'll be able to accept that or not" I respond "Davina I don't care, all I want is you and I happen to kind of like the new you. Please let me in to your life, let me get to know the new you" he replies "I don't think I'm ready to jump right into a relationship with you though" I say he nods "I understand that and I'm willing to wait until you are ready. I love you Davina I foolishly let you walk out of my life once, I'm not going to do that again. I want to be your side, I want to be in your life. I can't ever walk away and pretend you're not alive" he responds and I feel tears form in my eyes. "God I've missed you" I sniffle "I've missed you too love and please don't cry" he says as he pulls me into his arms, rubbing my back. "Can't help it, I'm an emotional wreck" I respond making him chuckle slightly. We stay like that for a good while "you can be in my life Kol. We can start over as but just friends for the time being but please drop whatever it is Klaus is making you do with Jeremy" I say making him pull away. "Davina..." he starts but I cut him off "Kol it doesn't take a genius to know you're here on Klaus's orders. I know Jeremy is the brother/cousin of the doppelganger that Klaus had used to break his curse. Whatever he's making you do with Jeremy, please drop it. He's a good kid and he doesn't deserve to suffer because of who he's related too" I say making him sigh "I was sent here to spy on him that's all" he replies "it wasn't just to spy on him, it was so your brother would have leverage against the doppelganger" I point out "you know us so well" he replies "that's because I was raised by you guys" I respond "I'll drop it with Jeremy. Klaus can shove it" Kol says suddenly "thank you" I reply "oh and is there any chance that Rebekah came to see you recently?" he asks "yeah she turned up at the club a couple of weeks ago why?" I ask "Klaus knew she had gone to meet up with someone in secret he just didn't know who" he explains "I see. She knows about us you know" I say making him frown "she knows what?" he asks "Rebekah. I came clean to her about it a few centuries ago, I couldn't hide the truth from her so I just told her but I told her not to say anything to any of you. I didn't want her to take things out on you" I explain "how did she take it?" he asks "rather well actually. She had suspected we had been in a relationship but she never said anything for our sake" I respond "I didn't know that" he responds before looking at his watch. "You know it's getting kind of late. Do you want to crash here tonight?" he asks "um sure. I'll sleep on the couch" I respond he nods "I'll get you a blanket and a pillow" he says vamp speeding out of the room. I kick my shoes off and sit on the couch as Kol returns with a blanket and pillow. He hands the pillow to me and I place it down before lying down and Kol places the blanket over me making my stomach flutter slightly as he gives me a warm smile. "Sleep tight" he says looking into my eyes "sleep tight" I reply he reaches out to stroke my cheek but stops himself "I'll see you in the morning" he says before vamp speeding away, leaving me alone in the living room as I wait for sleep to take over which it soon does since it's been a long day.

End of chapter, what did you think? Any good? Davina told Kol about the baby. Kol comforted her and cried. They cried in each others arms, ohh the feels. They partially worked through their issues. Davina insists Kol can't love her because she's broken. Kol thinks he's broken too and that they can fix each other. Will Kol get Davina's trust back? What will happen? Stay tuned for more

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