Chapter 10

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it.

Four days later....

Kol's pov

I was currently hanging out with Jeremy at his apartment. We were playing on his Xbox. "So mate have you got any plans tonight?" I ask whilst keeping my eyes on the screen so my character doesn't die in the game. "Yeah I'm thinking of heading to the club tonight. Roxie's doing her palm reading tonight" he explains catching my interest since it's to do with Davina. "Palm reading?" I ask in question "yeah she apparently has this gift of predicting the future or so she says. She does it by reading your palms and tells you your past and future" he explains "oh really?" I ask intrigued "yeah she did it on me once, it was quite creepy since she was spot on about my past and for my future apparently I'd come face to face with death and would have to be careful of who I trust" he replies "that's pretty cool if she can do that" I say "I actually think she can you know no matter what people say" he replies making me frown "people who go to her to have their palm read so they can know their future call her names" he replies making me a little angry at those who have called her names. "Why would they call her names?" I ask curiously "because she always seems to be spot on about their past. Customers will walk in thinking it's all a bit of fun they probably presume she's a fraud but go along with it anyway but the moment she says something referring to their past they instantly freak out because she always seems to get it right and they accuse her of being a stalker and call her a freak and a pathetic bitch and all that. She doesn't react to any of it, she just keeps her cool and sends them away" he explains giving me the sudden urge to hunt down and kill all those that spoke rudely towards her. Nobody calls my girl horrible names and gets away with it.

"Anyway would you like to tag along? Maybe she'll give you a palm reading if you want" he suggests "sure I'll come. I need a bit of fun" I respond it's true I need a bit of fun since I've just remained in doors and boring myself to no end. I haven't seen Davina since four days ago when I went to the club to try and talk to her. After she told me to leave I figured I should leave her for a few days and give her some space but now I'm desperate to talk to her and sort things out between us. "Who knows maybe you'll get laid tonight" Jeremy responds "I doubt it" I respond "why don't you like girls?" he asks making me chuckle slightly "of course I like girls" I respond "then why do you think you won't get laid?" he asks "I'm just not interested" I respond "why do you have a girlfriend or something?" he asks "no but there is a girl" I respond thinking of Davina. "Oh tell me about her? Is she fit?" he asks making me clench my fists "oh yeah she's the fittest girl I've ever laid eyes on" I respond truthfully "nice. Do you plan to ask her out?" he asks "at some point but things are a little tense right now" I respond "oh why is that?" he asks "we dated a while back but I screwed up and broke her heart, she disappeared from my life for a long while, I never thought I'd see her again and she just recently reappeared in my life" I explain "well I hope you sort it out. If she knows you're sorry and have regrets about whatever it is you did. There's no way she won't take you back" he responds "I hope so" I respond with a sigh. "Who knows maybe if you let Roxie read your palms. She'll be able to see whether you and this girl work things out" he says making me chuckle slightly as I know if what he says is true and that Davina can really predict the future and if she sees anything about us working things out she might freak and run away. "Maybe" I respond "perhaps Roxie will give you some advice. Roxie might be very guarded and secretive but she gives out good advice especially relationship advice which is a little odd I guess seeing as she's only been in one proper relationship" he explains making me frown "really? Did she tell you anything regarding this relationship of hers?" I ask curiously "she actually never told me anything. I accidentally overheard her talking to Trixie and Vixie about this guy she was involved with a long time ago and he's the only guy she's apparently ever loved and whatever happened between them changed her. It's had an affect on her entire life. She doesn't do relationships because of him and she doesn't let anyone guy get too close to her which is why one of her nicknames is ghost" he explains I frown at his words. I'm the only guy Davina has ever loved but what I did had an impact on her life and now she basically doesn't trust any males. "What other nicknames does she have?" I ask curiously "babe and foxy" he replies "why foxy?" I ask "for many reasons actually. She's a little cunning and can be a right tease but people deem her as a trickster due to the whole accurate fortune telling she does but the main reason they call her foxy is because of her tattoo" he explains taking me back slightly. "She has a tattoo?" I ask "yes, she actually has six tattoos but her most famous one is the one of a fox on her back. Nobody knows the reason why she has a tattoo of a fox on her back but there's definitely a story behind it and it's how guys sometimes identify her" he explains "why would guys need to identify her?" I ask "well she has the occasional solo hook up every now and then and she never tells them her name and just sneaks out right after once they're asleep leaving the guy to wake up the next day wondering just who they had hooked up with but they don't remember her face nor do they know her name but they always seem to remember the fox tattoo on her back" he explains I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on the game controller slightly. "I see" I respond trying to keep myself calm and preventing the sudden urge I have to track down every guy Davina has hooked up with and kill them for sleeping with her. "Do you happen to know how many guys she's hooked up with?" I ask curiously "dude are you seriously asking me that?" he asks "what? I'm just curious" I respond making him sigh "I'm not sure how many guys she's hooked up with since I've never outright asked her but I know it's a low number. It's rather rare for her to hook up with anyone unless it's with Vixie and some random guy" he explains "she slept with you though" I point out "yes she did but Vixie was there too and it was only once" he replies "alright so what time are you thinking of going to the club tonight?" I ask changing the subject "8 O'clock" he replies "okay I'll meet you downstairs outside the apartment block" I respond standing up as the game ends. "Alright mate" he replies as he turns off the game and puts something else on. I leave right after that and head straight to my apartment to relax and have a bit of blood before I get ready for the club tonight.

The one who got away (Kolvina) (slow Updates) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin