Chapter 29

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Here's another chapter, enjoy.

Continuous from previous chapter...

No one's pov

Mira had explained everything to Kol from how she was never dead, how Davina had been tricked to think so and how she was taken by Dahlia and Freya. Kol didn't say anything throughout, he stayed quiet and showed no emotion on his face but he was feeling all sorts of emotions on the inside. "Y-you're my daughter" Kol stuttered his eyes flickered to Davina for confirmation. "Show him what you showed me" Davina said looking at Mira who nodded "give me your hand" Mira said to her father who didn't look convinced even though Mira looked sincere and Davina believed it but Kol was more skeptical so he had to be sure. He didn't want this to turn out to be some sick trick on him and Davina. Kol hesitantly gave Mira his hand and she began to chant. Mira and Kol's eyes closed and they suddenly looked like they were in a trance when really they were in a dream. Mira was showing Kol the scene of Davina burying her as a baby which sent daggers in Kol's heart at seeing his lover in so much pain. Mira also showed him Dahlia and Freya taking her out of the grave and Freya removing the spell off her that she used to trick Davina into believing she was born dead. Kol tightened his grip on Mira's hand as he saw the scenes play out in the dream spell Mira put them in. "Your long lost sister Freya found out mother was pregnant with me before you broke up. She plotted and aided Dahlia in taking me away" Mira spoke as she stopped chanting therefore ending the spell. Kol pulled his hand back and blinked as he tried to process the information. He ran a hand through his hair "Kol...."Davina started but was cut off by Kol standing up and suddenly flipping the coffee table over in anger startling Davina and Mira. Kol stood up and angrily paced around the room. "Tell me this isn't some sick joke!? Did my brother send you!?" he asked looking at Mira who was looking very upset "I swear down this isn't a joke. I'm your daughter and I was stolen by your aunt and older sister" Mira replied standing up from the couch with her bottom lip trembling as she sniffled. Kol rubbed a hand down his face "Kol, she just showed you the truth. I know it might be hard to process trust me I know. I'm still processing it myself but she is our daughter. She's our baby girl, I mean just look at her" Davina said grabbing Mira's hand and rubbing her back with her other hand to comfort her. Kol looked pained as he looked at Mira, his eyes flickered between her and Davina, seeing that they looked very alike but those eyes, Mira's eyes they were his eyes. "C-Can we do this at home? I need to think" he said shaking his head. "That's probably a good idea" Davina replied "do you want me to come back here tomorrow?" Mira asked "no, you're coming with us" Davina replied "I don't want to cause any trouble" Mira said shaking her head. "You're not causing any trouble love. I'm just very shocked and I would much prefer to have this conversation in the comfort of our own home" Kol said looking a bit calmer than he did minutes ago. Davina wrapped an arm around Mira "come on, let's go. We can continue talking at home" she said Mira nodded. Davina slowly led Mira out the room, making brief eye contact with Kol on the way and she saw the pain and devastation in his eyes but she also saw anger and disbelief and she didn't know whether it was at her, himself or Dahlia and Freya but she knew Kol would most likely have another outburst.
They soon arrived home and Davina guided Mira to the living room with Kol trailing behind them. "No bourbon" Davina warmed as Kol began to head off to the kitchen where she knew he'd pour himself a bourbon to help himself cope with this startling revelation about their daughter.

Kol stopped and sighed as he turned round and walked back to the living room where they were. Kol sat down on the couch opposite Davina and Mira. "So my aunt and my not so dead older sister abducted you?" Kol asked "yes" Mira replied "why?" Kol asked Mira hadn't told him of the curse placed on the first born children from Esther's bloodline. "Because of a curse that's placed on the family because of Esther.... My grandmother" Mira said it felt weird calling Esther grandmother considering she never met her. "Of course there's a curse on my family because of her. That honestly doesn't surprise me" Kol responds sarcastically "Kol" Davina spoke shooting him a glare. Kol cleared his throat and avoided her gaze not wanting to anger her or be insensitive towards Mira. "So what is this curse?" Kol asked "long before Esther married Mikael. Before she was due to marry him, she found out she was baron and she really wanted to have a family with Mikael so she went to her sister Dahlia for help" Mira said as she fiddled with her fingers. "Dahlia warned her that there'd be a price for it and Esther accepted it. You see Dahlia practiced dark magic and that's what she used to help Esther have children" she spoke stopping to take a deep breath to try and keep herself calm. "The price Esther paid for Dahlia's help to have children was her first born child which was Freya" Mira explained Kol paid full attention to her. "The thing was the price wasn't just Esther's first born but every first born from Esther's bloodline which is why Dahlia and Freya took me" Mira explained "you were taken all because of Esther's actions? That doesn't surprise me. No matter if she's dead or live, she's somehow always at fault for everything that happens" Kol responds feeling very angry at Esther, Dahlia not to mention his so called long lost sister. His daughter was taken indirectly because of something Esther did and Dahlia and Freya took her. Kol hated that Mira was snatched away because of someone in his family. He would expect it from Klaus or Esther but never did he think there'd be another family member who would. "Mira, I am so sorry" Kol spoke not knowing what else to say, he was still in shock and he wasn't exactly the best at expressing his feelings apart from expressing his love for Davina. That was the one thing he was good at expressing. "It's okay" Mira replied making Kol shake his "no, it's not alright. You should've never been snatched away. What happened to you wasn't fair and it was bloody rotten of Freya to do what she did to your mother" he replied glancing at Davina who he could tell was beating herself up about the whole thing and he didn't want her to do that when it was none of her fault. Mira looked up at her father "I swear down. I will hunt Dahlia and Freya down and I will make them pay for what they did" Kol promised clenching his fists "no, I don't want you to go after them. Dahlia is too strong and she'll hurt you" Mira replied "they can't go unpunished Mira. They need to suffer for what they did" Kol replied "I know and they will but just not now. I just want to be with you and mom" Mira replied making Kol's eyes softening. "Alright" he replied not wanting to argue with her. "Kol you said you recognized her before. How do you recognize her?" Davina asked Kol glanced at Mira who looked down shyly. "I crossed paths with her a few centuries ago. It was only a few years after you supposedly died" Kol started to explain "Nik had undaggered me and I came to this village. I still wasn't right in the head because my humanity wasn't quite fully turned back on. One day I was walking through the markets and I bumped into her" he explained nodding at Mira. "You couldn't have been any older than 8. Is that right?" Kol asked "yes, I was 8" Mira replied "you may have been only 8 back then but I remember your face. I was in a bad place and bumping into you, I don't know I felt this feeling inside me. It wasn't rage because someone bumped into me or disgust. It was concern amongst other things and I had this feeling in my chest that I knew you but I never mentioned it" Kol explained "I remember you giggled at me because of my accent. You found it funny and that little giggle sent warmth through my heart" he added Mira smiled slightly at the memory. Davina smiled also "you said my laugh sounded like someone you used to know" Mira replied "it did because it's your mother's laugh. That laugh of yours is the exact same as hers and hearing it made my day" Kol replied sneaking a wink at Davina who blushed "we parted ways after that" Mira said "yeah, you hugged me and ran off" Kol replied "did you know who I was?" he asked curiously "not at first I didn't. I found out when I hugged you. When I hugged you I saw an image of you and mom hugging,  kissing and laughing together. I only knew it was mom because I recognized her voice and I basically connected the dots" Mira explained glancing at her mother who flashed her a smile. "Why didn't you tell me?" Kol asked "I didn't know how to. I was scared of how you'd react and I didn't want to risk you getting hurt by Dahlia if she found out you knew about me" Mira explained shaking her head. "I would've dealt with her. I would've gotten you away from her and Freya" Kol responded "I know but you would've gotten yourself hurt or killed in the process and I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if that happened" Mira replied Kol's face softened "sweetheart, you may have thought you had to keep me safe from her but you should've told me. Regardless of what would've happened, I would've saved you from them. Putting yourself at risk for the sake of your child is what a parent does" Kol replied "I'm sorry. I was too afraid and a complete coward" Mira cried "oh sweetheart you weren't a coward. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" Kol apologized "you were only 8 Mira, you were afraid that's normal for a child to feel that way especially in those sort of situations but a coward you certainly weren't" Davina spoke rubbing Mira's back as she sniffled.

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