Chapter 34

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Here's a new chapter, I hope you like it. Enjoy.

One week later....

Kol's pov

I wake up with Davina in my arms, one of my hands rest on her stomach. I stroke her stomach with my thumb, smiling because I know our child's growing in there.

I lean my head up on her shoulder and pepper kisses on her cheek making her shift and a little smile appears on her face. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I chirp as she snuggles further into my arms. "Good morning handsome" she responds as she slowly turns around in my arms to face me. I smile and give her a kiss on the nose making her blush before the colour suddenly drains from her face and she springs out of bed and vamp speeds to the bathroom. I instantly get out of bed and follow after her "Davina?" I call out rubbing my eyes as I enter the bathroom and find her hunched over the toilet on her knees, puking.

I walk over and kneel down behind her and gently hold her hair back as she pukes. I rub her back "there, there love" I say "this is gross" she groans as she lifts her head up. "I know baby but it's part of being pregnant" I respond kissing the shell of her ear. "This part sucks the most, I remember when I had it when I was pregnant with Mira" she says as she flushes the toilet before slumping back against me so I wrap my arms around her. "Come on, I'll make you some tea" I say helping her up off the floor. I guide her out the room and help her get back in bed. "I'll be right back with that tea" I say "okay and could you bring up some maple bacon?" she asks "of course, would you like anything else?" I ask "no, just the tea and maple bacon will do" she replies I nod and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Okay, I'll bring up your vitamins too" I say making her nod "okay" she replies before lying her head back against the pillow.

I quickly put on a shirt and jeans before leaving the room and head downstairs to the kitchen and find Mira sat at the counter table eating cereal. "Good morning" I say "morning dad" she replies getting up from her seat. "Is mom okay?" she asks "yeah, it's just the morning sickness again" I respond walking over to the fridge and pulling out a bag of specially made maple bacon and a blood bag. "How long does morning sickness usually last?" she asks "I honestly don't know, your mom would be the best person to ask" I respond as I tear into my blood bag and start drinking from it while I start making the maple bacon.

"I'll make the tea" Mira says "it needs to be the herbal one I used yesterday. That one's better for her and it helps ease her morning sickness and nausea" I respond "okay, it's the lemon and ginger one isn't it?" she asks as she roots through the cabinet. "Yes" I respond she pulls out the box and a mug. "Did you add milk to it?" she asks "no, that tea you have without milk" I respond as she pops a tea bag in the mug and puts the box back in the cabinet. "Could you prepare her vitamins for me?" I ask "sure" she replies flicking the kettle on before moving to the medical cabinet.

She pulls out the bag that contains Davina's folic acid and vitamin D tablets and sets it aside. She grabs a tiny little plastic cup and sets it on a little tray before taking out the tablet boxes from the box. I hear her open the boxes and take out the foil bit as I turn my attention back to making the maple bacon.

I hear Mira walk to the glass cabinet and pull out a glass. She then fills it with water and places it on the tray.
10 minutes later....

The maple bacon is done and I've put it on a plate and set it on the tray Mira prepared. "I'll clean up if you like?" Mira offers but I shake my head "no, I'll do it. You just finish your cereal and chill" I respond making her nod "okay" she replies as I pick up the tray and leave.

I head upstairs and walk into mine and Davina's bedroom. She sits up as she sees me "okay one tea, maple bacon and vitamins for Miss Davina Claire" I say making her giggle. It's weird calling her by the name Claire when it's not her actual name. She's a Mikaelson, not by blood but she is a Mikaelson, not a Claire. I'll make her a Mikaelson again one way or another.

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