Chapter 41

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Here's a new chapter, sorry it's been a while but I hope you like it.

Continues from previous chapter.....

Kol's pov

"Why is she calling you mom and dad?" Rebekah asks placing her hands on her hips indicating she's getting impatient. "Mira sweetheart, why don't you go in the living room or something while we talk to Rebekah" Davina says to Mira "okay" Mira replies slowly nodding her head before leaving the kitchen.

"Well?" Rebekah asks impatiently tapping her foot "it's a long story" I say "well I've got plenty of time so talk" she replies "when I fled all those years ago, I later found out that I was pregnant with Kol's child" Davina says nervously as she fiddles with her fingers. "You what?" Rebekah  asks with shock clear on her face "I was pregnant with Kol's baby" Davina repeats "why didn't you tell me? Why am I only just learning about her?" Rebekah asks looking upset and a little angry "because I was afraid of how you might react and the only reason you're only just learning about her is because when she was born I believed she was still born" Davina explains "what does that mean?" Rebekah asks "she was born with a still heart, there was no signs of life in her and so I believed her to be dead but that was only a trick" Davina explains "a trick by who?" Rebekah asks "a trick by your aunt Dahlia and your long lost sister Freya who you all believed to have died long ago before you were born but the trust is she's still alive and conducted a plan to steal mine and Kol's daughter by casting a spell to make her appear as if she were dead in order to fool me" Davina explains looking down at the ground as she explains the last part.

I wrap my arm around her back and gently rub up and down her back "seriously?" Rebekah asks "I wish I wasn't but it's the truth. I didn't know about her being alive until recently when she found us" Davina replies Rebekah sighs and sits down at the counter, rubbing her forehead. "Why didn't you ever tell me about you being pregnant or that you lost a child?" Rebekah asks "because I was angry at myself and afraid of how you'd react if you knew I carried your niece only for her to have been born dead. I didn't want to disappoint you and I wanted to tell you when I found out I was pregnant but I was afraid" Davina replies "you don't ever need to be afraid love. I'm your mother and I wish you had told me so I could've been there for you" Rebekah says reaching her hand out to Davina which she takes.

"I'm sorry" Davina says "it's okay, now why didn't you tell me about her when you learned she was alive?" she asks "because Kol only just learned about her plus we wanted to give ourselves time to adjust and get use to her being around before telling you" Davina explains "does anyone else know?" Rebekah asks "you mean do Nik and Elijah know? They don't even know she's alive and even if they did I wouldn't tell them about Mira especially Nik you know what he's like" I respond "I know, I'm just asking. So they don't know about her except for me and who else knows?" she asks "the girls and Josh but that's all" Davina replies "okay well this is very interesting but I don't understand how it was possible?" Rebekah ponders "well you know how I'm a seer right?" Davina asks apparently Rebekah knew about her being a seer well only because Davina had told her. "Yes" Rebekah replied "well apparently seers can produce with any supernatural creature and that's how I got pregnant" Davina explains "I see. So if she's around 400 years old then why does she look like a 14 year old?" Rebekah asks making us sigh.

"You know how we told you about Dahlia and Freya?" Davina asks "yeah, what about them?" Rebekah asks "well apparently Mira made several attempts to get away from them and one time when Mira was 14 Dahlia decided to punish her by spelling her and locking her in some tower during a terrible winter and the room she was in froze from the cold and she somehow stayed looking like a 14 year old" Davina explained "gosh that's terrible. So she's not a vampire?" Rebekah asks "no, Dahlia spelled her and Freya into a hundred year slumber to keep their youth and power. She told us she attempted to kill herself but Dahlia prevented it so if she ever died she would only come back but not as a vampire Dahlia made sure that wouldn't happen" I explain "that poor girl, I can't believe she went through that or that our sister took her from you. I can't believe that she was so cruel to her. Mira shouldn't have gone through that" Rebekah replies "we know and we can't change it but what we can do is give her a better life now. We're her parents and we want her to be happy and have the life she should've had in the first place" I say "well I'll help" Rebekah replies "really?" Davina asks "of course, she's family and she needs to be protected. I'll help in anyway I can and I promise I won't speak a word to Nik or Elijah" Rebekah promises "thank you" I respond she nods and gives me a small smile.

"Now why don't you call Mira back in here so I can get to know her?" Rebekah suggests "of course but first before we do, there's something else we need to tell you" Davina says as I take her hand in mine. "What is it?" Rebekah asks "well you know I told you I can produce with any supernatural creature?" Davina asks "yeah, you told me that already" Rebekah replies "well I'm pregnant" Davina says causing Rebekah's eyes to widen. 

"What?" she asks "I'm pregnant" Davina repeats "who?" she asks making me scoff "who do you think? Me I got her pregnant, I'm the father of the baby" I respond "wow, that's some news to take in" she says before slapping me across the face. "What the hell Rebekah?" I ask holding my cheek "that's for getting my daughter pregnant" she says "mother it was a mutual decision we made" Davina says "wait, you're telling me this baby was planned?" Rebekah asks "yes, me and Davina were talking, it was before we found out Mira was alive. I knew Davina wanted to be a mother and I wanted to be a father, we wanted to be a family so we decided to try for a baby" I explain "well I'm happy for you. How far along are you?" Rebekah asks "7 weeks" Davina replies "are you staying relaxed? You're not getting stressed?" Rebekah asks instantly going into mother mode. "Mother I've been fine, I've been taking it easy I promise" Davina replies "I make sure she doesn't get stressed or overwhelmed" I say "good, now call in Mira I want to see her" Rebekah replies making us nod.

"Mira sweetheart you can come in now!" Davina calls out and twenty seconds later Mira enters the room. "Hi" she says with a shy wave "you don't need to be shy love" I say as she walks over to us. "Don't be afraid, I don't bite" Rebekah says "I know but this is very new and a little awkward for me" Mira replies "why's that?" Rebekah asks "I just haven't interacted with family a lot. My experiences haven't been great except for mom and dad they've been great but I trust them and I know they love me" Mira replies "well you can trust me, I'm not like Dahlia or Freya" Rebekah assures her.

"So what am I supposed to call you aunt or grandma?" Mira asks "call me aunt, grandma makes me sound old" Rebekah retorts making me scoff "you are old Bekah" I respond making her glare at me. "Shut up" she retorts making me smirk "so what now?" Mira asks "well I'd love to get to know you so why don't me and you go shopping and give your mom and dad some alone time?" Rebekah suggests "Bekah it's night time" I say "yeah I know that. I'm talking about tomorrow" she replies waving me off "I'd love too" Mira says "great, I'll pick you up at 12 and we'll have a girly day out" Rebekah says "why don't you stay here?" Davina suggests "I don't want to intrude" she replies "you won't be intruding. Please stay the night, I'd be happy if you did" Davina responds "we have spare rooms so you can sleep in whichever one you want" I say "awesome, I'll get myself settled down. I'm tired" Rebekah replies "we're all a little tired so let's all go to bed" Davina says "sounds like a plan. Well I'll see you all in the morning, sweet dreams" Rebekah says before leaving the kitchen.

"That's our que, come on. I'm shattered" Davina says "you don't want to continue what we were doing earlier?" I ask "we'll continue that tomorrow when we're alone" Davina replies "ew gross, my innocent ears don't need to hear that" Mira groans making me chuckle. "We were discussing something else, not what you think" I respond "yeah and I wasn't born yesterday dad. I'm not stupid" she retorts before leaving the kitchen. "Why that sassy child" I say making Davina laugh and she wraps her arms around my neck "like I said, she's your child" she says giving me a kiss on the cheek before beginning to pull away but I instantly wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her back against me. "Hey, not so fast" I say before kissing her on the lips making her giggle.

I pull back and bring my hand to the side of her face, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I can't wait for us to be alone tomorrow" I say looking into her eyes "oh I bet you can't" she giggles "what? It's been awhile since I had you" I say "we had that shower together remember" she says "yeah but we didn't do any sexy stuff. We only had a very steamy make out session" I respond making her shrug. "Then we shall see what happens tomorrow" she says trailing her hands up my chest before pressing her lips against mine.

She pulls back and walks away, leaving the kitchen. I put the bottle of wine away that Rebekah didn't bother putting away and I turn off the light before heading upstairs to bed.

End of chapter

What did you think? Rebekah knows the truth and she knows Davina's pregnant. Rebekah and Mira are going out shopping, giving Davina and Kol some alone time. What will happen?

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