Chapter 28

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New chapter, enjoy.

Continues from previous chapter...

No one's pov

Silence filled the room as Davina tried to process the words that came out of the girls mouth. Davina just sat there staring at her trying to read her but she couldn't focus, her head was all over the place. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out so she closed her mouth. Mira grew nervous and began to fiddle with her fingers "I-I don't understand" Davina stuttered at the start of her sentence as she finally found her words. Mira looked at her "I'm your daughter and I know how it sounds but I swear I'm not lying. I'm Mira, you gave birth to me 502 years ago" she replied "s-sorry I'm still trying to process this" Davina stuttered not once taking her eyes off her and she couldn't help but notice that she did look a bit like Kol. Mira had her father's eyes, ears and lips but she had her mother's skin tone, face and hair. Davina could see more of Kol in Mira but she didn't want to voice this in case this was some cruel trick someone was playing on her.

"I understand" Mira said with a smile, despite how scared and nervous she felt, she was being very patient with Davina. She knew this wasn't exactly easy to process. "My Mira, she was born dead" Davina spoke "that was what you were made to believe. A witch cast a spell on me without you knowing. The spell made me appear that I was dead in order to trick you" Mira explained reaching to grab Davina's hand but her hand was shaking from how nervous she was so she didn't quite reach her hand so Davina gently grabbed her hand and Mira smiled slightly, feeling a bit calmer. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to hurt. I just need you to explain a bit more to help me understand" Davina said speaking in a soft tone. "Why don't I show you instead?" Mira suggested "maybe that would be best" Davina replied standing up along with Mira. Davina held Mira's other hand "what I'm about to show you are the flashbacks of after I was buried and when I was taken" Mira explained "okay, just take your time if you need too" Davina replied giving her a small smile. Mira took a deep breath before beginning to chant and the room around them soon began to change and soon they were outside surrounded by nothing but trees. Davina instantly recognised where they were, they were in the forest where she buried her baby girl.

(Italic-what Davina and Mira see in the flashback)
(Bold italic- Davina and Mira talking)

Davina heard the sound of a twig snapping making her look in the direction of the sound. She froze as she saw herself emerge from the trees holding a small bundle in her arms but it was obvious what she was holding. It was her baby girl Mira. Present day Mira felt her tense up so she squeezed her hand in order to try and comfort her knowing it must be hard for her mother to relive all this.

Past Davina wept as she walked through the forest protectively clutching her dead baby to her chest. She stopped to press little kisses on the lifeless baby's forehead "I'm so sorry" she cried as she continued walking.

Past Davina soon stopped as she came to a hole in the ground. A hole she had dug herself. She knelt down, her body shook as sobs racked through her body. She kissed baby Mira's forehead "I'm so sorry my angel. I'm so sorry, I love you so much" she cried hugging the baby before adjusting the blanket around her as if to prevent her from getting cold even though she was dead or at least she thought at the time.

Present Davina squeezed present Mira's hand as they watched her past self gently lower baby Mira into the ground. Present Mira tightened her grip on Davina's hand as past Davina let out a loud cry making the earth shake and a blast of magic wooshed through the forest, a result of her broken heart. Past Davina ignored the blast of magic she let out as she cried "I love you Miracle. I love you with all my heart and soul and I swear I will be with you soon. Your mommy's coming sweetheart, I'm not leaving you alone baby girl" past Davina cried making present Mira tear up having to see her mother like that. Mira had known about the events leading up to her being taken but she never actually seen them. She never thought to look into the past and see it all for real. She knew her mother was heartbroken over her being dead but seeing how heartbroken she was really upset her and it made her hate her aunt and great aunt even more than she already did.

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