Chapter 14

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Here's a new chapter. I hope you like it

Two days later....In Mystic Falls

No one's pov

Klaus was sat at the bar in Mystic grill, downing a glass of bourbon as Rebekah walked over to him. "What's on your lethal mind brother?" she asked as she ordered herself a gin and tonic. "I haven't heard from Kol lately" he said making Rebekah frown. "When was the last time you heard from him?" she asked "two and a half weeks ago" he replied "where is he anyway? You told Elijah but not me" she said as the bartender placed her drink she ordered in front of her. "He's in Chicago. I sent him there to spy and befriend Jeremy so I have leverage against Elena and her little posse if they try anything. Rebekah grew slightly nervous at the thought of Kol being in Chicago for the sole purpose being that her adoptive daughter lived in Chicago and she knew her daughter was sort of friends with Jeremy and was looking out for him. She kind of expected that they already encountered each other but Davina hasn't told her anything. She had spoken to Davina over the phone yesterday and they told each other what they got up too and how was their day like they usually do but Davina didn't mention anything about Kol and she sensed she was perhaps holding back the information from her which Rebekah respected she didn't want to intrude in her adoptive daughters life yet she wanted to know if she was okay and she wanted Davina to be honest with her like she usually is. "Well you know what our brother is like. He's probably getting up to know good" Rebekah said "yeah well if I don't hear from him in the next few days. I'm going to compel one of my spies to go down there and see what he's getting himself up too" Klaus replied "don't push it with Kol. You can only push him so far before he snaps" Rebekah said before downing the rest of her drink before standing up and walking away leaving her brother alone with his thoughts.

Meanwhile in Chicago.....

At Kol's apartment

No one's pov

Kol was in the middle of making lunch for him and Davina as she was coming over for a little lunch date. For lunch Kol was making chicken wraps and he had bought some wine earlier that day for them to drink.

It had been two days since Davina kissed Kol, they hadn't properly discussed it but they were back together that much was clear but there's still a little bit of tension between them from Davina's end. Kol can sense she still doesn't quite trust him which is frustrating because he wants her to trust him yet he knows it will be some time before she fully trusts him again and he's willing to wait as long as possible and do anything in order to win her full trust. 

They had kissed a few times since they got back together but they never went too far as Davina always stopped it. She wanted to wait for the right moment before having sex with Kol. Not that she didn't want too because she did like really badly but she wanted to see how long he lasted before he burst, she liked to tease and she wanted to tease Kol and see what he would do. Would he told back his urges or would he pounce and take her like how she knows he wants too. Davina isn't blind, she knows how Kol looks at her, she knows how half the men who come to the club look at her and she knows he's desperate to bed her. She feels the same, since the moment she first saw him again, she just wanted to pounce on him but she held back her urges as she didn't want to give in after all they had only just reunited after 503 years and there was a lot to sort out between them.



It was now nearing 1 pm and Davina had just arrived at the apartment block as Kol was finishing up the chicken wraps and setting the table. 

Davina entered the apartment block where Kol lived and slowly made her way up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Davina was dressed very casual  for her lunch day with Kol. She didn't want to go over the top for the date since it was just lunch and it was taking place at Kol's apartment. Davina was wearing a simple white thin strap tank top, super skinny jeans and black sneakers. As for her hair she had it styled down but had braided one side of her hair on the left side of her head making her look really cool.

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