Chapter 30

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Here's a new chapter, sorry its been a while since I've updated but I've been busy and have kept getting distracted. Anyway I'm not going to ramble on so enjoy.

The next day..

No one's pov

Mira entered the kitchen and smiled as she saw her parents messing around. Kol wound up a tea towel before hitting Davina in the ass with it making her shriek in surprise. In return Davina dipped her hand in a bowl and wiped a bit of batter on Kol's nose making him laugh as he pulled her into his arms and give her a kiss on the lips making her smile which made Mira happy at seeing her parents so happy and in love.

Mira didn't want to intrude but she was hungry and she didn't feel like going back upstairs and waiting until they were done messing around.

"Good morning" Mira chirped making her parents pull apart. "Good morning sweetheart" Davina replied smiling at her daughter although her cheeks were bright red from being caught in such a tender moment even though it was hardly inappropriate. "What are you making?" Mira asked glancing between her parents. "We were making chocolate chip pancakes" Kol replied "dad you have batter on your nose" Mira said pointing to her nose to show where the batter was. Kol quickly wiped away the chocolate "that was your mothers fault. She got cheeky" he said earning a light punch to the arm from Davina who gave him a small glare which he found very cute.

Davina turned back to Mira as Kol started plating out some pancakes "so how did you sleep last night?" she asked "very well actually although I don't remember ever going to bed last night" Mira replied walking over and sitting at the counter table in the kitchen. "You fell asleep halfway through the movie last night so your dad carried you to bed" Davina explained as she placed a plate of pancakes down in front of her. "Thanks" Mira said glancing at her father who smiled "no problem, I wasn't going to let my daughter sleep on the couch. The couch isn't comfortable enough to sleep on all night" Kol replied before flipping a pancake in the pan. "Show off" Davina teased sticking her tongue out at him making him chuckle "this takes serious skill darling" he said giving her a wink. "Do you want cream with those pancakes?" Davina asked looking back at Mira "um yes please and can I have some chocolate hersey sauce on top if you have it that is?" Mira asked "aren't they chocolatey enough?" Kol asked amused "probably not to my desired taste. I have a serious sweet tooth, I love chocolate" Mira replied "noted, I'll make sure to add extra chocolate to the batter next time" he replied as Davina pulled a can of squirty cream out of the fridge "tell me when to stop" she said as she vamp sped back over to them and held the can over Mira's plate of pancakes "okay" Mira replied as she pressed down on the nozzle and squirty cream came out as Davina moved the can around in a circle so the cream would cover the pancakes "okay stop, now for the chocolate sauce" Mira said making her parents chuckle. Davina stopped released her finger from the nozzle and placed the can of squirty cream down on the counter as Kol pulled out a bottle of chocolate hersey sauce from one of the cabinets and placed it in front of Mira "you're lucky your mom has a deep liking for chocolate" he said sending a wink at Davina who giggled and bit her lip and turned away from him. "Who doesn't like chocolate? It's the best and it's the only human food I can get down me without it tasting like garbage" Davina spoke as Mira picked up the bottle of chocolate sauce and squirted some on top of her pancakes until she was satisfied with the amount. "You have a hankering for skittles too" Kol pointed out "oh yeah, that is true" she replied as she gently leaned against the counter. "What are skittles?" Mira asked "skittles are these little candy shell sweets. They're quite sweet" Davina explained "hmm I'll have to try some. There's actually a lot of things I'd like to try" Mira replied "well what is it you would like to try?" Kol asked as he passed Davina a plate of pancakes. "Hmm let's see... Hot chocolate" Mira said as she popped a bit of pancake in her mouth and chewed before swallowing "you've never tried hot chocolate?" Kol asked "no, I was with two bitches from hell who deprived me of having nice things. They never let me try anything that would me make just a little bit happy. They only let me eat rice, beans, bread and potatoes which after eating for five hundred and so years I've lost my appetite for those things. I can't eat them without wanting to vomit" Mira explained making her parents go silent and they looked very upset and angry at this. "Was that all they fed you?" Davina asked "yes although every now and then they'd let me have a bit of chicken but that was very rare. Dahlia only let me eat after she and Freya ate" Mira revealed making Kol turn away to hide his anger as he clenched his jaw and fists. "Freya use to share her food with me and give me extras but Dahlia caught on. Dahlia said I wasn't allowed to eat more than she allowed unless I proved myself to her. I even had to make the food" Mira confessed Davina closed her eyes as tears began to well up in her eyes and she clenched her fists as rage rushed through her. "They made you make food for them and didn't even let you eat half of it?" Kol asked turning back around he had the urge to hunt down his so called aunt and sister and kill them for treating his daughter like a slave. "Yes, I must've been at least 12 when I first began cooking for them and Dahlia only let me eat little amounts to keep my strength down because she feared how powerful I was compared to her" Mira replied she hated telling them what Dahlia and Freya put her through but they were her parents and they deserved to know.

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