Chapter 6: Flashback 6

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Here's a new chapter and it's the last flashback chapter. The next chapter will be in the present day. I hope you like this new chapter.

Warning chapter contains sexual content......

A month later.....

Davina had started rebelling by sneaking out late at night. She kept going to see Annie and Shane despite her mother specifically telling her not too.

The Mikaelson's were a little frustrated with her behaviour but they understand it in a way. She was a teenager and teenagers always did have a tendency to go through a rebellious stage. They just hoped she would grow out of it soon.

Since Davina had been enduring her rebellious state, she had completely distanced herself from Kol. She hardly spoke to him, she took to practicing magic by herself and she just completely ignored him whenever Betsy was over. Davina hated Betsy, she couldn't stand her because she was getting to be with Kol even if it was just sex. It hurt Davina having to hear them going at it and it made it hard to make eye contact with him the next day.

Kol missed her, he didn't like how distant she had become. He missed their friendship and he blamed himself for them being distant. He was trying so hard to ignore his feelings for her which is why he still kept Betsy around but he found it even more difficult to ignore them when she wouldn't even look his way anymore. He loved her, he realized that but it still felt wrong. He couldn't love her like that nor could he lust after her. She was innocent and pure, he'd only ruin her and he didn't want to do that to her yet he still wanted her. He wanted her badly but he never did anything about it, he just buried his frustrations in Betsy because he couldn't have Davina, he couldn't love her, he couldn't be intimate with her, he couldn't be with her but he wanted too. If she hadn't been raised by his sister and brothers then he would be with her already. He would've made her his already.
"Ahhhh!" Davina screamed as she shot up in her bed, rubbing at her eyes as they started to throb before everything went pitch black but she was still awake and her head was throbbing in pain. Kol shot into her room the second he heard her scream and he rushed over to her. Climbing onto her bed and pulling her into his arms just as his siblings burst into the room. "It's alright I've got it" Kol said as he stroked her hair "is it your eyes love?" Rebekah asked "yes I can't see and my head hurts" Davina whimpered as she clutched her head in her hands while Kol tried to comfort her. "Sweetheart look up" Rebekah cooed walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. Davina slowly looked up at her at the sound of her voice as Rebekah bit into her wrist and held it to her wrist. Davina closed her eyes as she slowly drank the blood and felt it restoring her eyesight as it made the throbbing pain in her head go away. Rebekah pulled her wrist away as Davina opened her eyes which were now back to their normal colour "is that better?" she asked as Kol rubbed at her back trying to ignore how good it felt to touch her even if it was just because he was comforting her. "Yes" Davina replied leaning her head against Kol's chest which made his undead heart skip a beat at the feeling of her against him. "Good, I'll be in my room if you need me" Rebekah replied leaning forward and placing a kiss on her forehead before getting off the bed and heading to the door. "Come on Kol lets head back to your room and continue what we were in the middle of doing" Betsy suddenly said as she appeared in the doorway the second Rebekah had left the room. Davina suddenly became aware of the fact Kol was shirtless and while her heart sank at the thought he had been in the middle of getting intimate with Betsy, she also felt butterflies in her stomach and her cheeks flushed pink due to the fact she was in his arms and he felt surprisingly warm. "No don't go uncle Kol. Please stay" Davina pleaded as she felt him about to unwrap his arms from around her so he could get up and leave. Kol looked at her and saw sadness in her eyes at the thought of him leaving him. "Alright. Brothers you may go I'll make sure Davina gets back to sleep and Betsy you can escort yourself out of the castle" Kol said Elijah and Klaus nodded their heads before leaving while Betsy stayed in the doorway, pouting. "Come on baby. Don't you want to get inside my sweet pussy?" Betsy purred making Davina gag "you mean your ruined pussy?" Davina retorted making Betsy scoff "how dare you talk to me like that little girl!" she snapped "don't call me little girl, whore!" Davina spat not liking her being here and trying to take Kol away from her. "Kol are you going to say something?" Betsy asked with her hands on her hips "yeah Kol are you going to say anything?" Davina asked pulling herself away to look at him. Kol chuckled nervously "Betsy please leave, Davina needs me right now" Kol replied "I need you too you know. I need your cock inside me" Betsy whined making Davina scoff in disgust "go find someone else to fool around with. I'm sure the Taverns got plenty of men who will be willing to stick their cock in your ruined pussy" Davina retorted which made Kol chuckle because it was true, the Tavern always had men hanging out in there who liked to stick their cock in any woman that was willing to give them the time of day and Betsy was one of those sort of women who would give them the time of day. "Kol are you laughing?" Betsy asked in disbelief "yes because it's true. If you start heading there now, you'd probably get there just in time to pick someone up before closing time" Kol replied making Davina giggle. Perhaps it was mean to laugh but Betsy made it hard not to laugh and Davina simply hated her. Betsy scoffed and stormed away leaving Kol and Davina alone "thank you for staying" Davina whispered "you're welcome. You know I'll always be here for you" he said making her smile slightly "I hope that's true" she replied looking up at him with a sleepy smile. Their eyes locked for a moment and they both could've sworn that time stopped in that moment but Davina quickly faked a yawn when she realized she was staring too long. Kol gently laid her down but remained beside her, keeping his eyes on her as she slowly fell asleep. Once he knew she was asleep he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning forward and placing a kiss on her cheek before getting off the bed and quietly exiting the room.

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