Chapter 36

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Here's another chapter, I hope you like it.

Continues from previous chapter...

Kol's pov

I arrive at Mary's house and head straight up to the front door. The curtains are drawn and there isn't a sound coming from inside but I know she's at home as it's during the day and Mary doesn't have a day light ring since Elijah confiscated it from her as she was causing trouble for us and digging to deep into our business. It would've been easier to just kill her but Elijah decided to spare her and let her live.

I knock on the door, I hear shuffling coming from inside and from the corner of my eye, I see one of the curtains move and I feel eyes on me before they quickly disappear.

"You who Mary. Open up, it's your favourite original. We're in need of a little chat" I say out loud even though she can hear me. "I have your day light ring. I'll give it you back if you open up so we can talk" I say even though I'm lying but I know she is desperate to get her ring back as Elijah warned her he'd kill her if she got a new one.

I lean against the doorway as I hear footsteps approaching making me hold back my smirk as I hold my bat that I brought with me, behind my back.

The door opens ajar with the chain lock still attached so the door isn't quite unlocked. Mary peers through the gap "is it just you?" she asks "paranoid much?" I ask "not paranoid,  just cautious so is anyone with you?" she asks "no, I came alone. Nobody knows I'm even here" I respond even though that's a lie.

"Now may I come in for a chat and I'll give you your day light ring back" I say "just a sec" she replies shutting the door to unlock it before opening it wide. "Do come in" she says moving to stand aside "thank you. How kind of you" I respond as I enyer the house, crinkling my nose at the stacks of newspapers and other junk she has lying around in big stacks.

Mary is a vampire hoarder, she is or at least was obsessed with my siblings and I. She was just a human who was too curious and believed in the supernatural so she wanted to find out everything she could, including about original vampires. She eventually found her way to us and she fumbled around with Nik and Elijah. I didn't pay her any attention even though she tried desperately to get my attention.

Nik ended up turning her after she begged him too which he ended up regretting as she began to follow us and hang out with us as if we were all best friends. She annoyed Rebekah to no end who despised her.

"Still collecting information I see?" I ask motioning to the stacks and piles of papers and whatever else she has. "I like to be kept up to date" she replies "so can I interest you in a drink?" she asks "you know what, get me a bourbon" I respond "of course that is a favourite of the Mikaelson's after all" she replies "not all of us. My sister prefers chardonnay or whatever wine is to her liking" I respond "yes, of course. How could I forget?" she replies before heading to get me a drink of bourbon.

She soon returns "here" she says as she hands me the glass. I bring it up to my lip and give it a sniff to check she hasn't put anything in it like vervain or whatever. "I haven't poisoned it" Mary scoff "you can never be too sure" I respond as I take a sip.

"So what do you want to talk about?" she asks as she heads into a room so I follow her to find it's the living room. "My brothers and other stuff" I respond "I heard one of your brothers bit the dust" she says making me frown. "How'd you know about that?" I ask "a word from the vine. You know when a original vampire dies that tends to be something that gets around fast. So which brother was it?" she asks "Finn" I respond "I never met him. What a shame, may his soul rest in peace" she replies before turning to me.

"So is that why you're here? For comfort? A shoulder to cry on? You definitely came to the right place" she says with a seductive smile but it doesn't work on me. "I didn't come here for comfort. After Finn died it emerged that when a original dies so does every other vampire they sired and right now there are people trying to find out if they're sired to Klaus or not" I explain "ohh well we can't have that now can we?" she replies "glad we could agree" I respond gripping my bat tightly.

The one who got away (Kolvina) (slow Updates) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz