Chapter 4: Flashback 4

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Here's a new chapter. Hope you're liking the story so far.

Five years later

Davina was now a bright, beautiful five and a half year old little girl who was adored by her adopted family. Her adoptive mother Rebekah loved her little girl more than anything. She taught her to be a kind, polite, well behaved and happy little girl. Rebekah did everything with her adopted daughter. She made the fanciest and prettiest dresses for her, she taught her how to dance, she braided her hair and sang songs with her. Davina was the most precious thing in her life.

Elijah and Klaus adored Davina. Over the years she had lived with them, watching her grow into the bright, happy little girl she was, softened their hearts. The little girl had a way of making the most cruellest of people's hearts melt and feel whole. She brought life into everything everywhere she went. Elijah taught her how to read and write, he taught her how to have manners and be grateful for everything she has in her life while Klaus taught her how to paint, he also taught her how to be brave and he taught her how to ride a pony. Klaus had bought his adopted niece a pony for her 5th birthday which she named Sully.

Davina loves singing, dancing and painting. She loves wearing the pretty dresses her adopted mother makes her or gets for her. She likes having her hair braided. She loves animals and she has an odd obsession with flowers and water. Whenever she comes across a puddle or a lake, she always like to jump in the puddle or stick her hand in the water or splash one of her uncles. She loves the colours purple and white. She loves spending time with her family. Davina was a really sweet and pure little girl with a face that could make anyone's heart melt, everyone loved her eyes because they were so blue and full of light.

Davina was currently in the courtyard chasing butterflies. "Davina" Elijah called out to his niece as he appeared outside "I'm coming uncle Lijah" Davina squeaked in response. Davina had a soft, baby like voice, her voice was enough to make one bad man smile. Elijah smiled as the little brunette child ran over to him, her soft brunette curls bounced softly as she made her way over to him. Davina grinned up at Elijah as she reached him "yes uncle Lijah" she said clasping her hands behind her back "your mom is looking for you" Elijah responded "are you taking me to her?" she asked squinting her big blue eyes at him "why yes I am" Elijah responded taking as he held out his hand to the little girl who quickly took it and happily skipped beside her uncle as he led her inside.

Elijah led Davina to her mothers room "knock, knock" Elijah said as he knocked at the door before pushing it open. Rebekah turned at the sound of her brothers voice "mommy!" Davina squealed as she ran into the room and jumped up on the bed. "Hi baby girl" Rebekah said as she sat next to her on the bed "what did you need me for mommy?" Davina questioned looking up at the blonde. "You're meeting someone special today so I need to get you all ready" Rebekah explained Davina's eyes lit up "who am I meeting mommy?" she asked as Rebekah started untying her hair. "You're meeting your uncle Kol today" she said Davina frowned "I have another uncle?" she asked "yes you do" Rebekah replied as she started brushing her hair. "Why am I just meeting him?" Davina questioned "because he's been away" Rebekah lied Davina huffed and turned to face "don't lie mommy. You say lying is bad" she said making Rebekah sigh she could never get away with lying to Davina, she was too smart. "Your uncles had a falling out with each other, a disagreement so your uncle Kol was sent away. I can't tell you the exact truth because you're too young to understand but that is closer to the truth I can tell you" Rebekah explained which luckily Davina accepted. "Okay. So what is my uncle Kol like?" she asked "he's very charming, smart, he appears like he's all tough but he's really sensitive deep down well I think that at least, he makes us laugh and he has knowledge of magic" Rebekah explained "magic? Like the kind I can do?" Davina asked "yes exactly like the kind of magic you can do" Rebekah replied. About two years ago Davina developed magic and at first it was okay to handle but as she's gotten a little older, her magic has gotten stronger and she's been sensing and seeing things others can't and since Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus don't know much about magic, they're being forced to ask their brother Kol for help who is currently lying in a coffin daggered.

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