Chapter 33

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Here's another chapter, I hope you like it

In Denver....

With Damon, Elena and Jeremy

No one's pov

Damon, Elena and Jeremy arrived at a motel "I can't believe you've been around Kol!" Elena snaps tossing her jacket on the bed. "I didn't know Elena. I didn't even know he was a vampire" Jeremy replies rolling his eyes "give him a break Elena. It's not his fault he's not good at telling when a vampire is lying" Damon spoke "oh no" Jeremy suddenly muttered "what's wrong?" Elena asked concerned "my friend, Kol is dating my friend Roxie" Jeremy replied making Damon chuckle. "What's so funny Damon?" Elena asked sending him a glare "oh nothing it's just your friend Roxie isn't actually called Roxie. Her real name is Davina" Damon spoke "what? How do you know that?" Jeremy questioned "because she's an old friend of mine and I sent you to her. I asked her and her friends to keep an eye on you" Damon explained ignoring the glare Elena was sending his way. "An old friend you say? How do you know her?" Elena asked "we met in 1887. I mistook her for Katherine which she wasn't too pleased about but we somehow became friends" Damon explained "just friends?" Elena asked in question "yes, just friends. Although I do admit I did try to sleep with her once but she snapped my neck which was her way of saying no" Damon explained "if you met her in 1887. That means she's a vampire too? Am I correct?" Elena asked "yes, she's a vampire" Damon replied "you sent my brother to her knowing she's a vampire! You know I wanted Jeremy to be kept away from vampires!" Elena snapped completely ignoring Jeremy "hey, Davina's cool and I knew she'd keep Jeremy safe which is what you wanted. You wanted Jeremy to be safe so I made some arrangements to ensure he would remain safe" Damon responded "well clearly he wasn't safe because Kol ended up pretending to be his friend, clearly something Klaus set him up to do to have leverage against me and Davina your so called friend is dating him! Which clearly there must be something wrong with her if she's dating that pyhsco!" Elena snapped back. Jeremy sighed and dumped his bag on the desk rather loudly just to make them stop arguing and pay attention to him. "Would you quit it!? Yes Kol spied on me and lied but Davina is still a friend so don't go chatting shit about her when you don't know her!" he spoke clearing his throat "Elena I know you wanted me to be safe and I have been safe. Davina and her friends kept me safe, they also became friends of mine and it doesn't matter that they're vampires because they're kind of cool and I like hanging out with them" he added "but Jer they can't be trusted not now it's been exposed that Davina is involved with Kol. He's a Mikaelson and you know how much pain and trouble that family have caused us" Elena replied but Jeremy shook his head "you do realize it was mainly Klaus who has caused pain and trouble for our family and friends right? Yes Rebekah did have a part here and there. Elijah well, he didn't actually do much aside from kidnap you and Kol he hasn't done much aside from fight Damon, hit Damon with a baseball bat and obviously lie to me" Jeremy said "what are you getting at?" Elena asked "nothing, I'm just pointing out that Klaus is the cause of all of our problems. I know now Klaus must've sent Kol to spy on me in case he needed leverage against you but he's hardly done any spying really. All he's focused on is Davina" Jeremy replied "really?" Elena asked in a tone that suggested she didn't believe it. "Yes, all he's done since seeing Davina is be with her. She's all he ever talked about when I saw him although at first I didn't know it was her he was talking about until I caught them in the act" Jeremy said clearing his throat. "Caught them in the act?" Damon asked amused "yeah, I kind of walked in on them having sex" Jeremy replied awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "Tell me does Davina look good naked?" Damon asked with a smirk ignoring the burning gaze Elena was sending his way, clearly not happy by his question "yes, she looks very good naked but I really wouldn't say that around Kol. He really wasn't happy that I caught them. He was trying so hard to cover Davina's body so I wouldn't see and he looked as if he wanted to kill him but he didn't" Jeremy replied "I wouldn't chance it. Just because he hasn't done anything, doesn't mean he probably hasn't tried" Elena replied "I think he's got other things to think about than plot against me. Trust me, all he cares about is Davina" Jeremy replied making Damon frowned. "Whenever I spoke with Davina. She never mentioned Kol and she never once mentioned having a boyfriend" he said "that's because she doesn't talk much about anything plus Davina and Kol only recently got together a couple weeks back although they do apparently have history" Jeremy replied "history you say?" Damom asks "yes, they've dated before but broke up because Kol screwed up and they didn't see each other for a long while" Jeremy explained "yeah she definitely kept that quiet. I knew nothing about him. Aw man that's not fair Kol Mikaelson got her in bed and I didn't" Damon replied making Elena scoff. "Well I'm done talking about this. I'm going to get my own room" Jeremy replied picking up his bag and walking out the door without another word, leaving Damon alone with a very annoyed Elena.

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