Chapter 49

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Hey sorry it's been a while since I updated. I'm looking to end this story soon but not quite yet there's still a couple of chapters to go. Once this story is finished, I can focus more on my other stories. Anyway I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment, thank you xxx

One week later....

Davina's pov

It's been a week since my mom came here and she's still here, she helps out around the house and she takes Kaiden for an hour or so to give me and Kol some time to ourselves. Kaiden is great, he still screams the house down at 2 in the morning but it's normal he just gets very loud when he's hungry.

Besides waking up at 2 in the morning, crying and screaming, he is a pretty easy baby. He's not exactly fussy and he just sleeps most of the day which again is normal since he's just a week and two days old. He probably stays awake for like 4-5 hours during the day because apparently being a new baby who screams his lungs out at 2 am or whenever he wants a feed is very tiring for a little one.

He will start staying awake more during the day as he gets older but for now all he does is sleep and eat although he does love getting cuddles. He's perfectly content to just falling asleep in your arms sometimes and it's very cute but it can be a little difficult sometimes since if he falls asleep in your arms and you try to put him in his crib or bassinet he will wake up and start crying.

Right now Kaiden is currently awake, he's not long since had a feed and he's surprisingly wide awake "someone's wide awake and not making a ruckus" my mom coos as she enters the room, seeing Kaiden in his little baby bouncer chair, reaching up for the little plush sheep's that hang down.

Right now Kaiden is currently awake, he's not long since had a feed and he's surprisingly wide awake "someone's wide awake and not making a ruckus" my mom coos as she enters the room, seeing Kaiden in his little baby bouncer chair, reaching up for...

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"That's because he's had his fill of milk so he's in a chill mood isn't that right baby boy?" I say in a soothing voice which he always responds to and he looks at me, kicking his little feet making me giggle.

"Where's Kol and Mira?" Mom asks "Kol took Mira out, something about getting a new game that came out today" I explain making her shake her head. "Those two and their games" she says "yeah but it makes them happy and they bond over it so it's fine" I respond as I fold some clothes as I'm doing some laundry while keeping an eye on Kaiden.


Mira's pov

I was out with my dad we were getting a new game that came out today and I'm so excited to play it when we get back home. 

Right now my dad was just in line to pay for the game while I was just looking around at dvd's and other games when I feel a sudden shiver rush up my spine making me stop and look around but I see nothing suspicious so I just shake my head.

I feel another shiver rush up my spine and a sinking feeling in my stomach telling me something bad is near or about to happen so I start heading to the line where my dad is where I'll feel safer. 

Just as I'm about to round the corner, I feel a hand wrap around my wrist before I'm yanked back making me let out a small yelp of surprise.

"Found you" Aunt Freya says as she appears in front of me making me freeze "F-Freya" I stutter "you shouldn't have have left Maia, you're in so much trouble. You pissed off Dahlia" she says making me scowl and I hold my head up "I'm not scared of her anymore, you and her can't do anything to me so leave me alone" I say before stepping forward.

"Oh and my name isn't Maia, it's Mira which is short for Miracle but you already knew that because it's what my mom named me" I say making her eyes widen. "How do you know that?" she asks "I always knew, you and Dahlia lied to me you have done from the very start but you can't lie to me anymore!" I snap "Mira!" my dad calls out for me making Freya's eyes widen.

"Dad I'm rig...." I say but I'm cut off by Freya placing a hand over my mouth "be quiet" she hisses but I just bite her hand making her hiss as she pulls her hand away and I flick my wrist knocking her out before running from her to find my dad.

"Dad!" I yell running through the store and turning a corner only to bump into my dad "Mira there you are, I've been looking for you. Are you okay? I heard you yell" he asks looking concerned as he scans me over "s-she's here" I stutter making him frown. "Who is?" he asks "Freya, she grabbed me. She found me dad" I say making his face drop and his eyes darken.

"Where? Where is she?" he asks "somewhere in the store, I ran from her after biting her hand and knocking her out when she tried to shush me for calling out for you" I explain and he pulls me into his arms, pulling me in for a hug. "it's okay, I won't let her hurt you or take you" he assures me as he kisses me on the forehead "I want to go home" I say "okay princess let's go home" he says wrapping an arm around me to keep me close to him as we leave the store.

Kol's pov

The second Mira told me Freya was here and that she grabbed her, I wanted to hit the roof. I wanted to immediately go find her and rip her heart out for stealing my daughter and mistreating her. 

I want to make my so-called sister pay for everything she's done, she deserves nothing but hell for what she's done. 

We reach the car and I tell Mira to get in the car when I feel someone following us. Once she's inside I lock the door and turn "I know you're there, come out wherever you are sister" I say through gritted teeth.

However nobody comes out making me roll my eyes as I know she's there, I can hear her heartbeat and I can see blonde hair blowing out from the corner where I suspect she's hiding, too much of a coward yo face me. "Fine if you're not gonna come out then hear this. Stay the fuck away from my daughter, if you dare think to look for her or come after her I will rip you apart before you can even utter a word so go back to that cow Dahlia and if she so dares to come for my child! I will kill her too, you have no idea the wrath you have unleashed by stealing and harming my daughter!" I snap I narrow my eyes as I see a woman with dirty blonde hair poke her head out from the corner and I glare at her.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter Freya" I warn one last time before getting in the car and driving away "she won't follow us right" Mira says "I don't think she's stupid enough to follow us but if she does I will kill her don't worry. I won't let her harm our family" I assure her as I keep driving.


I pull up at the house and Mira instantly gets out and rushes inside. I follow after her after locking up the door "sweetheart shh it's okay" Davina says as she hugs Mira while looking at me as I enter. "Did you see Freya too?" she asks "I saw a glimpse of her when she tried to follow us, she was too much of a coward to come out and face me" I respond and she closes her eyes "what about Dahlia?" she asks "Dahlia wasn't around, Freya is most likely just carrying out her dirty work as usual" Mira replies as she pulls away "don't worry sweetheart me and your dad won't let anything happen to you. You were taken from me once, I will not let it happen again" Davina assures her giving her a kiss on the forehead before telling her to head upstairs and wash up for lunch.

Once Mira is upstairs Davina looks at me "should we move?" she asks making me shake my head "no, I don't want to run. I've done enough running in my life and I don't want to teach our kids to run. Freya will hopefully not be a problem if she knows what's good for her and while I don't know about Dahlia I know we will take her on if she decides to show her face" I say making her nod and she leans against me as I wrap my arms around her.

End of chapter

Rebekah's still in Chicago. Freya found Mira but she got away. Kol gave Freya a warning but will she listen? What will happen next?

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