Chapter 46

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3 weeks later....

Davina's pov

I huff as I go to stand up and I waddle into the kitchen, a hand on my large baby bump which has dropped in the last few days which makes me a little nervous as it lets me know it won't be long until the baby's near as when your baby bump drops it's usually a sign that your unborn child is engaged and nearly ready to come into the world.

Davina's baby bump

I have one week left until the baby arrives and I'm excited but nervous, I'm nervous that something's gonna go wrong but I have comfort knowing Kol will be right with me as I give birth to our child

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I have one week left until the baby arrives and I'm excited but nervous, I'm nervous that something's gonna go wrong but I have comfort knowing Kol will be right with me as I give birth to our child. Mira is ecstatic about the impending arrival of her baby sibling, she's been helping out Kol with the nursery which I haven't seen as they refuse to let me see it stating it's a surprise for when the baby's born.

Mira also likes to place her head on my baby bump and listen to her baby sibling thump around in my belly and she talks to the baby which the baby likes because he or she kicks me like crazy whenever she's talking to my belly. The baby also kicks me like crazy when Kol is around who like our daughter likes to place his head against my belly and talk to the baby but he mainly does that at night when we're in bed together which honestly melts my heart.

Kol is currently out at the hardware store buying more paint for the nursery which him and Mira are still working on but they're just working on the final touches of the nursery. Mira is in the living room playing on the xbox that Kol bought her, honestly those two with that console are two peas in a pod they play on the xbox together quite often having father and daughter bonding time as they shoot zombies or what not on whatever game they're playing, they're both hooked to the damn thing. 

I manage to get Mira off the console alright, Kol on the other hand is a different matter it's hard to get him away from it. I once tried to seduce him to get the hell off the damn thing but he didn't budge so I got not sex that night so I was annoyed and flustered. Kol acted like a little puppy the next day when I ignored him though which made up for it.

"Mom" Mira calls from the living room so I waddle my way to the room "yes sweetheart?" I ask with a hand on my baby bump, the baby hasn't kicked much today I felt a few kicks early this morning and before Kol left for the hardware stuff but that was it. "Do you know when dad will be back?" she asks not looking away from the tv, focusing on playing whatever game she's currently playing.

I frown as I look at my watch "he's been gone two hours, he should be back by now actually" I say making Mira quickly pause the game "I could go out and find him" she suggests "no sweetie you stay here, I'll call him" I say before waddling back to the kitchen to get my phone so I can call Kol. Just as I grab my phone however I feel a sudden pressure in my belly before a gush of water runs down between my legs making me drop my phone.

Kol's pov

I open my eyes and groan as I feel a kink in my neck before looking around at my surroundings and I find myself in a dark empty building. I'm sat tied to a chair, the ropes of which have which been soaked in vervain which doesn't have much of an effect on me as after a thousand years of being exposed to the stuff every now and then, I'm use to the burning sting sensation a vampire gets from coming in contact with vervain.

"Nice to see you're finally awake" a familiar voice says making me snap my head towards the source and I narrow my eyes as I see Jeremy standing there. How the fuck did this pipsqueak manage to jump me? "Jeremy what the fuck man?!" I hiss as I discretely work on the knots to untie myself. "Nice to see you again Kol" Damon says as he walks out from the shadows making me scoff "what the fuck do you want Salvatore?!" I snap "your brother is causing problems for us in Mystic Falls, he's lost his shit and well when we heard he was trying to find you and not to pleased we figured if we get you and hand him to you, he'll leave us alone" Damon says with a smug grin on his face.

"Keep smiling mate, I'll just smack your head off your shoulders once I'm out of here. You shouldn't have bothered me, I'm in no mood to be messed with!" I snarl baring my teeth "now, now brother let's not make such threats" Nik's voice calls out making me stiffen. I look to see him walk in through the door with a smirk on his face "at least I found you" he says walking over to me and stabbing me in the stomach with a dagger making me grunt.

"I didn't want to be found by you" I growl head butting him before yanking my hands apart tearing the rip and freeing myself. I could've easily done that upon waking up but where's the fun in that, just wait for the right moment to make your move. 

I pull out the dagger and thrust it into Nik's chest even though it can't do anything to him and I grip his head between my hands "you just can't take no for an answer, I didn't want to be found I'm happy and I will not let you ruin my happiness a second time! You should've stayed away from me brother" I snarl before snapping his neck and then looking to Jeremy and Damon.

"Oh shit" Damon curses with wide eyes "oh shit in deed" I snarl before vamp speeding over to Jeremy and gripping his throat. "I could've easily killed you but I didn't, Davina considered you a friend but you're no friend, you're a snake" I sneer "she doesn't talk to me anymore because of you. You shouldn't be with her, you're no good for her" he says gasping as I tighten my grip on his throat. Damon attempts to rip me from Jeremy but I just punch him in the face and kick him in the stomach.

"Well too bad I am with her, she's mine she always has been and always will be. Me and her belong together, she's my love and I am hers, I have her heart and you're just a jealous punk who is upset because he only got a brief taste of her during a threesome with her friend. She was never yours and I am good for her, I have her safety and best interests at heart so don't you come to me about how I'm no good for her when I'm the only one who worships the ground she walks on!" I yell before tossing him aside and leaving before my brother wakes up and decides to dagger me which he fully intends to do since he had the dagger on me.

Just as I'm a safe distance away from the warehouse I was held at, my phone starts ringing so I pull it out and see Davina's calling. "Hello love?" I answer "dad where are you?" Mira asks frantically making me frown "it's a long story but what's going on, are you okay?" I ask "Mom's water broke, the baby's coming" she says making me freeze "oh god, have you called anyone else?" I ask as I vamp speed to my car and get in. "I messaged Rebekah and I called Melanie who told Violet, they're on their way" she explains "okay, I'm on my way too I won't be long just keep your mother comfortable until I get there okay?" I say "okay dad, please hurry she needs you" she says "I will princess" I respond before hanging up as I start driving and speed down the road, I don't care if I'm speeding I'm not missing the birth of my child, I missed Mira's birth and I will not miss the birth of this child.

End of chapter

Kol was jumped by Jeremy and Damon. Klaus found Kol because of Jeremy and Damon. Kol managed to get away. Davina's gone into labour, will Kol get to her on time for the birth of their child.

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